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研究生(外文):Jene-Fong Huang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of silicon carbide /titanium silicon carbide /titanium carbide ceramic composites fabricated by two step sintering
指導教授(外文):Jow-Lay Huang
中文關鍵詞:SiC / Ti3SiC2 / TiC複合陶瓷兩階段燒結
外文關鍵詞:two step sinteringSiC/Ti3SiC2/TiC ceramic comp
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本研究利用不同莫耳比TiC : Si =3 : 1與TiC : Si =3 : 2原始粉末,以熱壓燒結方式製備SiC / Ti3SiC2 / TiC陶瓷複合材料。於本系統中,由於起始粉末含有Si (熔點=1414℃),為避免Si的熔融,本實驗採用兩階段燒結方式,於第一段燒結選用1350℃持溫,之後再升至較高溫度1500℃持溫以達緻密化。

實驗結果發現,在TiC : Si =3 : 2莫耳比參數下會導致生成TiSi2雜相。為降低TiSi2雜相減少Si含量,而在3 TiC /1 Si莫耳比,於1350℃持溫2小時再升至1500℃持溫1小時之升溫參數下,發現可有效去除TiSi2雜相,而製備SiC / Ti3SiC2 / TiC複合陶瓷。

以3 TiC /1 Si莫耳比,兩階段燒結之燒結體進行機械性質(韌性、四點抗彎)的分析,在韌性方面利用SENB方式量測,結果顯示破壞韌性值可達7.1 ± 0.3 MPa•m1/2,觀察其破斷面可發現,第二相Ti3SiC2以裂縫轉折、晶粒脫層翹曲、糾結帶形成等能量吸收機制達到韌化效果。在強度方面,藉由四點彎曲試驗得知,該陶瓷複合材料之平均強度值為625 ± 27.7 MPa,相較於TiC陶瓷材料(四點抗彎值為420 MPa),強度有明顯提升,在強度方面可能為強化相SiC所致。

SiC/Ti3SiC2/TiC ceramic composites were fabricated by hot-pressed sintering method with different TiC/Si molar ratio. Two step sintering was adopted to avoid Si melting and chosen 1350℃to soak then heated to 1500℃ for densification in this experiment.

The XRD analysis of sintered specimen with 3TiC/2Si (molar ratio) mixture by two-step sintering shows the existence of TiC, Ti3SiC2, SiC and TiSi2 phases. The decrease of Si content in raw powder mixture has successfully eliminated the TiSi2 second phase. The XRD analysis of two-step sintered specimen with 3TiC/1Si (molar ratio) mixture reveals that the primary phases are TiC, Ti3SiC2 and SiC phases.

The value of fracture toughness is 7.1 ± 0.3 MPa•m1/2 and the SEM fractographs show TiC matrix is toughened by Ti3SiC2 phase addition due to crack deflection, buckling, delamination within individual grain, and kink band formation mechanism. The four-point bending strength of SiC/Ti3SiC2/TiC composite is 625 ± 27.7 MPa higher than pure TiC ceramics (420MPa) due to the strengthening effect of SiC second phase.
中文摘要 ................................................Ⅰ
英文摘要 ................................................Ⅱ
誌謝 ....................................................Ⅲ
總目錄 ..................................................Ⅳ
圖目錄 ..................................................Ⅵ
表目錄 ..................................................Ⅸ
第一章 緒論 ..............................................1
1-1 前言 ...............................................1
1-2 實驗目的及重點 .....................................2
第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧 ................................4
2-1 碳化鈦簡介 .........................................4
2-2 碳化鈦矽簡介 .......................................8
2-3 碳化矽簡介 ........................................11
2-4 兩階段燒結法 ......................................16
2-5 陶瓷基複合材料 ....................................16
2-5-1 陶瓷基複合材料強化機制 .........................16
2-5-2 複合陶瓷之韌化機制 .............................18
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 ...................................20
3-1 燒結體的合成及微結構分析與觀察 ....................20
3-1-1 原料粉末的規格.................................20
3-1-2 試片製備.......................................20
3-1-3 晶相分析.......................................25
3-1-4 相含量的計算...................................25
3-1-5 SEM的觀察......................................25
3-1-6 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)試樣之製作及觀察........26
3-2 燒結體性質的測定..................................26
3-2-1 密度的量測.....................................26
3-2-2 彎曲強度.......................................27
3-2-3 破壞韌性.......................................28
第四章 結果與討論........................................30
4-1 製備SiC/Ti3SiC2/TiC複合陶瓷材料...................30
4-1-1 第一階段不同加熱持溫時間對相成份、微結構、
4-1-2 二階段燒結對相成份、微結構、孔隙率的影響.......37
4-1-3 Si含量對TiC/Si系統之影響.......................43
4-2 SiC/Ti3SiC2/TiC複合陶瓷材料之反應機制.............50
4-2-1 Ti3SiC2之反應機制..............................50
4-2-2 SiC之反應機制..................................51
4-3 SiC/Ti3SiC2/TiC複合陶瓷材料之機械性質.............53
4-3-1 破壞韌性.......................................53
4-3-2 四點抗彎.......................................57
第五章 結論..............................................59
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