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研究生(外文):Yu-yu Liao
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Grain Boundary and Triple Junction on Plastic Deformation
指導教授(外文):Jui-chao Kuo
外文關鍵詞:CPFEMtriple junctiongrain boundaryheterogeneity
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晶體材料於塑性變形後所產生之異向性(anisotropic)效應,該異向性效應對於材料的機械性質及在熱處理所發生的再結晶現象有相當重要的影響。因此,有許多學者針對塑性變形所產生之異向性效應進行實驗及理論研究。以往藉由有限元素法電腦模擬軟體之輔助將變形後材料的形變量及應變量視覺化,以達到預測結果以及節省成本之目的。但傳統的有限元素法並未考慮晶體結構固有的異向性特性,以及晶界(grain boundary)與三晶節點(triple junction)在塑性變形過程中所扮演的角色。

為了建立考慮晶體微組織的晶體塑性變形理論,本研究將針對晶體微組織的影響進行實驗及電腦模擬的探討。模擬以有限元素法為基礎,並將單晶晶體之塑性變形理論納入考量,以期望晶體塑性有限元素法(crystal plastic finite element method,CPFEM)之模擬結果能夠顯示出晶體材料於塑性變形後所產生之異向性效應,使晶體的塑性變形過程更符合其實際之情況;藉著電子背向散射衍射技術(Electron Back Scattering Diffraction,EBSD)分析變形前後晶體取向及OIM(Orientation Image Mapping)可觀察晶體變形前後之轉動;此外,搭配本實驗室自行開發之數位影像相關係數法(Digital Image Correlation Method,DIC)測量系統所顯示之微應變分佈,可顯示出顯微結構(晶界與三晶節點)在塑性變形中對各組成晶粒應變量之影響。
Deformation heterogeneity at the mesoscale plays a central role at understanding the Hall-Petch relationship, strain hardening, and recrystallization. This heterogeneity is not predicted by the classical theory of Taylor model in which the features of crystallographic texture are explained. In past, crystal plasticity finite-element (CPFEM) simulations were used in modeling polycrystalline plasticity by considering both compatibility of strain and stress at interfaces. However, the effects of the microstrcutre features, such as grain boundaries and triple junctions, are not still well established on plastic deformation. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation is to understand the interaction between microstructure and plane strain compression.

In this study, experimental and numerical approaches are investigated on the influence of grain boundary and the triple junction during plane strain compression. In the experimental approaches, electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD) and Digital Image Correlation method (DIC) were used to characterize the orientation image mapping and the strain distribution, respectively. With the help of the orientation and strain mappings, the effects of grain boundary and triple junction during deformation can be compared with the results predicted from CPFEM. The results of the systematic analysis are able to contribute the further development of crystal plasticity including the microstructure influence.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX

第一章、前言 ...........................................01
第二章、文獻回顧與基礎理論 .............................03
2.1 晶體塑性變形理論 ..................................03
2.2 背向散射電子繞射 ..................................03
2.3 有限元素法 ........................................11
2.3.1 平衡方程式 ......................................11
2.3.2 元素種類 ........................................12
2.3.3 位移矩陣 ........................................12
2.3.4 勁度矩陣 ........................................16
2.4 晶體塑性有限元素法 ................................19
2.4.1 彈性模數 ........................................20
2.4.2 Schmid Law ......................................23
2.4.3 變形梯度與速度梯度 ..............................23
2.4.4 流變法則 ........................................27
2.4.5 加工硬化定律 ....................................28
第三章、實驗材料與實驗方法 .............................36
3.1 晶體製備 ..........................................36
3.2 實驗材料 ..........................................38
3.3 實驗方法 ..........................................38
3.3.1 平面壓縮變形 ....................................38
3.3.2 微應變分析 ......................................39
3.3.3 Orientation Image Mapping .......................39
3.4 以CPFEM模擬塑性變形 ...............................40
3.5 實驗流程 ..........................................41
第四章、結果 ...........................................48
4.1 實驗結果 ..........................................48
4.1.1 微應變分析 ......................................48
4.1.2 EBSD分析 ........................................49
4.2 模擬結果 ..........................................53
4.2.1 單晶塑性變形 ....................................53
4.2.2 雙晶塑性變行 ....................................54
4.2.3 三晶塑性變形 ....................................55
第五章、討論 ...........................................72
5.1 雙晶晶界對塑性變形之影響 ..........................72
5.2 三晶節點對塑性變形之影響 ..........................74
第六章、結論 ...........................................78
參考文獻 ...............................................80

附錄I、金屬之固化 ......................................86
I.1 由液相中的晶體生長 ................................86
I.1 成核與成長 ........................................89
附錄II、數位影像相關係數法 .............................94
II.1 位移量之計算 .....................................94
II.2 應變場之計算 .....................................95
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