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研究生(外文):Han-Yun Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Spatial Weaving-Digital Design for Exploring the Form of Housing Generation and Tectonics
指導教授(外文):Mao-Lin Chiu
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「空間編織」以數位設計思考重新詮釋「窩巢」--住宅空間情境及建築皮層控制,應用空間編織之構築特性,改變室內情境。以編織手段,改變對住宅空間牆面的處理,過濾外部光線進入室內,也作為公共與私密空間之間的界面處理。設計聯想是以「案例 – 聯想 – 評估 – 回饋」的方式,作為設計進行的過程。從分析案例特性,引發設計聯想,最後由評估方式,作為設計完成後的比對分析。「聯想」,藉由聯結長期記憶的案例、關鍵詞或設計手法,透過案例空間特性及設計概念,進而對案例關聯性指認和比對,再由關聯性尋求更多可能性的想法產生,作為設計操作進行的策略。以ICF Schema包括議題(issue)、概念(concept)、形式(form),作為設計思考邏輯及聯想關聯的分析,首先對設計過程透過ICF Schema分類,分析案例在設計進行中如何被思考,思考順序如何影響設計思考的發展,不同設計者應對不同設計採取不同的思考模式,由基地特殊性或機能及其他條件,決定ICF三者在設計過程中的優先考量順序與相互影響關係。
“Spatial weaving” is a renewed digital interpretation of “Nest”. The atmosphere of housing space and building skin are controlled by applying the construction characteristic of spatial weaving. “Space weaving” updates the processing of housing wall, and filtering exterior light enters indoor. The weaving skin would be the interface between public and privacy space. Association is connected the imagination, case, keyword and method in long-term memory. “Design association” is been to the process of design, by the way “case, association, valuation and feedback”. “Association” induces the generation of design strategies by connecting the imaginations, cases, keywords and methods in long-term memory, by analyzing case spatial properties and design concepts. ICF schema (issue-concept-form) is used to be analysis of design logic and relation of association. At first, design process is classified according to the ICF Schema, and analyzing how the cases are thought in progress, how development of design thinking is affected by older of design, how different designer make ideas to processing project. ICF threes which was the Influential element in design process is decided by the special site or the function and others.
There were two design study in this research paper, including “Nest” and ”Box”. By construction of the association of thought diagram, looking for the keyword in the definition to be the basic direction structure of association. From the design concept of related cases, inducing characteristic by issue, concept and form to search the direction of the design development from it. In “Nest”, there were tree weaving method form three cases, and developed by the different weaving method, caused the dissimilarity thinking mode and expectations. For example, the concept of weaving_01 is “tree” with the top-down design thought, the partition and generation of architectural skin were developed with the different basic units and logic. The Space integrity will be better. But weaving_02 and weaving_03 limit in the partial frame, the integrity is weaker.
Review the tectonic problem of weaving method by “Plus, subtract, multiply and divide” four parts to discuss the difference between handmade weaving and digital weaving. With “spatial weaving”, to interpret the program of space, activities, scenario and atmosphere. Weaving the texture Of space to make changes of building skin. By the bottom-up thought, researching weaving conditions by anticipated spatial atmosphere, example to division density, isotropic and non-isotropic, material controls and so on. By the top-down thought, associates housing meaning from the bird nest, completes the overall housing space design, again plus the spatial weaving method to control the scenario of space.
In this research paper, take digital tools as the assistance, contains the generative software and the manufacture tool two parts. The software is assistant to generative design, component review and geometry division questions and so on; and the hardware is assistant to computer molding.
1-1 研究動機----------------3
1-2 研究方法與步驟----------------5
1-3 研究相關問題----------------6
1-3-1 聯想----------------6
1-3.2 衍生式設計----------------8
1-4 研究方法與目標----------------9
1-4.1 設計聯想----------------9
1-4.2 構築----------------10
1-4.3 ICF Schema----------------11
2-1 設計聯想----------------15
2-2 案例分析----------------16
2-2-2 案例一:愛知博覽會 瑞士館「山」----------------18
2-2-3 案例二:箱宅----------------19
2-2-4 案例三:金澤二十一世紀美術館----------------20
2-2-5 案例四:梅林之家----------------21
2-2-6 案例五:砥用町林業總和中心----------------22
2-2-7 案例六:瀨戶內海4×4 之家----------------23
2-2-8 案例七:北京奧運國家體育場----------------24
2-3 演作計畫----------------25
Chapter_03 空間編織 衍生式設計----------------27
3-1 空間編織----------------29
3-1.1 編織定義----------------29
3-1.2 手工編織原則與規則詮釋----------------30
3-1.3 數位編織----------------35
3-2 衍生式設計操作----------------36
3-2.1 衍生式設計輔助軟體----------------37
3-2.2 衍生式設計輔助軟體應用----------------37
3-2.3 衍生式設計演作----------------39
3-3 小結----------------43
Chapter_04 設計操作----------------45
4-1 Game_01 「巢」 編織----------------48
4-1-1 聯想----------------49
4-1-2 「編織」皮層----------------51
4-1-3 「編織」操作一----------------52
4-1.4 「編織」操作二----------------58
4-1-5 「編織」操作三----------------61
4-1-6 小結----------------64
4-2 Game_02「箱」的聯想---------------65
4-2-1 聯想----------------66
4-2-2 住宅設計----------------68
4-2.3 設計操作----------------72
4-2.4 編織 住宅空間情境----------------80
4-2.5 小結----------------100
4-3 Game討論小結----------------101
Chapter_05 討論----------------103
5-1 編織----------------104
5-2 構築----------------110
5-3 數位----------------110
Chapter_06 結論----------------115
6-1 結論----------------117
6-2 後續發展----------------120

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