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研究生(外文):Nien-tsu Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Natural Ventilation Efficacy of Wind Deflector
指導教授(外文):Che-ming Chiang
外文關鍵詞:DRwind deflectornatural ventilationCFDACH
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1. 單側開口裝設水平導風板模式
2. 相對側開口裝設垂直導風板模式
The energy shortage is a major crisis we face today, thus, improving natural ventilation to reduce the energy load caused by the use of air conditioning system is very important. However, the high-density distribution of buildings in urban areas, or the poor design for openings of buildings both have greatly reduced the efficacy of natural ventilation. Also, the indoor air quality in Taiwan has significantly worsened, and the problems of poor ventilation and efficiency are yet to be solved.
This study focused on the individual problems for natural ventilation of two modes of a single residential space, which one is with a single-sided opening and the other is with corresponding-sided openings, to probe into the effect of installing horizontal and vertical wind deflectors. The experimental method used CFD numerical method to compute the indoor steady-state air flow, temperature field simulation, and accompanies full-scale experiments results to verify the validity of the simulation, which results were also used as references for simulating boundary conditions. Different external environmental conditions (wind speed or direction) were set in this study, and the Air Change per Hour (ACH), concentration of carbon dioxide, vertical distribution of temperature, and DR (draft rating) for different horizontal wind deflector depths and vertical wind deflector angles were computed. Based on the results, optimal structural scale ranges and usage of wind deflectors were recommended.
The results showed that:
1. Installing horizontal deflector at single-sided opening mode
For horizontal wind deflector over 9cm can effectively improve the ACH on single-sided ventilation, and the efficiency increases as the wind deflector depth increases. The result is significant when the external wind speed is low (0.3m/s). When the wind deflector depth is 144cm, the ACH (Qnormalize) is the largest, achieving 166~230%, however, DR is very high as well. When the external wind speed is below 2m/s, the wind deflector depth needs to be below 36cm, to meet the DR standard of ASHRAE (DR≦20%) completely. When the wind deflector depth is 4cm, it not only is unable to improve the ACH, but under high wind speed (1~2m/s), ACH would be decreased by 5~13%. Based on the all variables, the optimal wind deflector depth is 18~48cm.
2. Installing vertical wind deflector at corresponding-sided opening mode
Under external wind speed of (0.5~2m/s), when the wind direction is parallel to the window, installing vertical wind deflector can averagely improve ACH by 260%. The more efficient wind deflector angle is at 45° (with average increase of 289%), while angle of 67.5° has poorer result (with average increase of 235%). When the wind direction 45° from the building wall, the wind deflector angle of (P=0°~22.5°) is conducive to an even indoor air flow speed, and wind deflector angle of (P=67.5°) can reduce DR. Based on the all variables, a table of the optimal wind deflector angle was recommended according to the wind direction.

中英文摘要 i
誌謝 iv
圖表目錄 vii
用語及符號說明 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 5
1-2-1 自然通風之研究與設計 5
1-2-2 開口部與導風板之研究 6
1-2-3 數值模擬之研究與應用 6
1-2-4 室內空氣環境相關評估指標 7
1-3 研究範圍 10
1-4 研究流程 11
第二章 研究方法 13
2-1 國內室內空氣環境問題與分析 13
2-2 自然通風理論與導風板之應用條件 15
2-2-1 外部風環境 15
2-2-2 室內外的空氣流動 17
2-2-3 導風板應用條件 18
2-3 居室單元與變因設定 20
2-3-1 單側開口裝設水平導風板模式 21
2-3-2 相對側開口裝設垂直導風板模式 23
2-4 數值模擬與實驗方法 25
2-5 自然通風效益評估 27
2-5-1 換氣率評估 27
2-5-2 二氧化碳評估 28
2-5-3 舒適性評估 31
第三章 開口部裝設導風板之自然通風數值模擬 33
3-1 數值模擬之基本假設 33
3-2 紊流模型 34
3-2-1 不可壓縮牛頓流體之微分方程式 34
3-2-2 k-ε紊流模型之比較 36
3-2-3 k-ε紊流模型之統御方程式 37
3-3 數值模型之邊界設定與網格系統 39
3-3-1 模型及物件邊界設定 39
3-3-2 網格系統 41
3-4 鬆弛係數、疊代次數與收斂標準 44
3-4-1 鬆弛係數與疊代次數 44
3-4-2 收斂標準 45
3-5 數值模擬與實驗比對 46
3-6 室內環境數值模擬結果 50
3-6-1 單側開口裝設水平導風板模式 50
3-6-2 相對側開口裝設垂直導風板模式 55
第四章 自然通風效益評估 59
4-1 單側開口裝設水平導風板模式 59
4-1-1 換氣率之評估 59
4-1-2 二氧化碳濃度之評估 60
4-1-3 外部風速及導風板深度與換氣率之關係 61
4-1-4 風擊不滿意度之評估 62
4-1-5 外部風速及導風板深度與風擊不滿意度之關係 64
4-1-6 最佳化水平導風板深度之綜合判定 65
4-2 相對側開口裝設垂直導風板模式 66
4-2-1 換氣率之評估 66
4-2-2 二氧化碳濃度之評估 67
4-2-3 外部風速、風向及導風板角度與換氣率之關係 67
4-2-4 風擊不滿意度之評估 70
4-2-5 外部風速、風向及導風板角度與風擊不滿意度之關係 72
4-2-6 最佳化垂直導風板深度之綜合判定 73
4-3 整合水平與垂直導風板之開口部立面設計 75
第五章 結論與建議 81
5-1 結論 81
5-2 後續研究建議 83
參考文獻 85
附錄一 數值模擬Q1設定檔範例 93
附錄二 數值模擬結果 109
附錄三 風擊不滿意度分佈圖 115
簡歷RESUME 125
著作權聲明 126
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