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研究生(外文):Yih-Jian Chen
論文名稱(外文):Investigations on the Transition Mechanism and Its Influence Parameters of Low Reynolds Number Wings
指導教授(外文):Fei-Bin Hsiao
外文關鍵詞:separation bubblelow ReHesteresis
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The transition mechanism for the hysteresis phenomenon of 3-D wings at low Reynolds number range is experimentally studies in a low speed wind tunnel. The aerodynamic force measurements and oil flow visualization of the 3-D wings are carefully conducted at various Reynolds number between 4x104< Re <10x104 with the influence parameters of thickness and camber ratios of the wings. Results indicate that the hysteresis loop of the aerodynamic lift curve with AOA will be apparently arised and gradually enlarged as the thickness and camber ratio of the wings increase. In addition, this hysteresis loop also keeps increasing with the increase of the Reynolds number operated. However, until reaching a specific Reynolds number of shrinking, the loop will be shrunk, in stead, as the Reynolds number increases.
The result from the oil flow visualized has approved the existence of the hysteresis loop in the operatig Reynolds numbers. It further confirms that, during increasing and decreasing AOA of the wings, the hysteresis loop of the aerodynamic loop will be determined by the boundary layer status of the floe where the flow is either separated in the leading edge or already developed to surface vortex separation which is strongly affected by the trailing vortices
In order to realize the effects of boundary layer perturbation on hysteresis phenomenon, the mechanical trips are placed at different span and chordwise locations to measure the aerodynamics. If the trip is attached on the spanwise direction, the hysteresis loop will disappear. If the trip is on chordwise direction while the location is 5mm from leading edge, the laminar stall still exists, and the hysteresis phenomenon will disappear though.
ABSTRACT IN CHINESE......................................................... I
ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH......................................................... II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................. III
LIST OF TABLE................................................................VI
LIST OF FIGURE...............................................................VII

Chapter               page

I. INTRODUCTION............................................................1
1-1 Aerodynamic Characteristics at Low Re..................................2
1-1-1 General Concept....................................................................2
1-1-2 Laminar Separation Bubbles...........................................3
1-1-3 Hysteresis Phenomena.................................................4
1-2 Motivation and Objectives..............................................9

II. EXPERIMENT APPARATUS..................................................10
2-1 Wing Tunnel ..........................................................10
2-2 Experiment Apparatus .................................................10
2-3 Wing Model and Supporting Device......................................11
2-4 Components of Flow Visualization......................................12
2-5 Uncertainty Analysis................................................. 12

III. EXPERIMENT RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................... 14
3-1 Studies on Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamic Properties.................14
3-1-1 Thickness and Camber Effect.........................................14
3-1-2 Reynolds Number effect..............................................15
3-2 Characteristics of NACA0015...........................................16
3-3 Trip Effect on the Transition Behaviors of Airfoils...................17
3-3-1Changing Trip Locations in Spanwise Direction....................... 17
3-3-2Changing Trip Locations in chordwise Direction...................... 18
3-4 Qualitative Models for Hysteresis Phenomenon......................... 18

IV. CONCLUSION........................................................... 25

REFERENCE................................................................ 27

A-1: Experiment Results: pure wing........................................64
A-2: Experiment Results: Changing Trip Locations in
Chordwise Direction..................................................71
A-3: Experiment Results: Changing Trip Locations in
Spanwise Direction...................................................75
PUBLICATION LISTS.........................................................84
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