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研究生(外文):Hsiao-Ju Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Strategic Asset Allocation with Option to Expand and Abandon
指導教授(外文):M. L. Wang
外文關鍵詞:Depreciation rateAbandonment optionSalvage valueExpansion option
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Capital budgeting should consider the value of real options, such as the option to delay, grow, expand, suspend, and abandon, because managerial flexibility can add to the value of the project, and the managers can change their strategy as the business environment changes to gain profit or to avoid loss. The traditional NPV method measures the investment cost as irreversible, but actually many facilities have the salvage value, and the firm can sell them in the secondary market. Once the expected cash flow that the project can gather is smaller than the salvage value of the capital, the firm will exercise the abandonment option and exit the market; conversely, if the business excels the firm’s original expectation, the firm will exercise the expansion option to increase the investment. This study comprehensively considers the option to expand and the option to abandon to value the project and discusses the difference between the real options approach and the traditional capital budgeting.
I. Introduction ……………………………………………1
II. Literature Review …………………………………… 6
( i ) Financial option ………………………………………6
( ii ) Real option ……………………………………………8
( iii ) Option to expand ………………………………………10
( iv ) Option to abandon ……………………………………12
III. Methodology ……………………………………………16
( i ) Basic assumptions ……………………………………17
1. Inverse demand function ……………………………17
2. Variable cost of production ………………………18
3. Capital of the firm……………………………………19
4. The salvage value of the capital …………………19
5. Full capacity……………………………………………20
( ii ) The evaluation of the project ……………………20
IV. Numerical Solutions …………………………………43
V. Conclusions………………………………………………48
Appendix ……………………………………………………………49
Reference ……………………………………………………………51
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