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研究生(外文):Sou Pheng
論文名稱(外文):Customer Service Quality and Financial Performance of Financial Institutions in Cambodia
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Hong Kang
外文關鍵詞:Cambodiacustomer service qualityfinancial performanceSERVQUAL
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The studies on service quality have gained considerable attention and become a critical research in different kind of organization. Recently, in banking industry, they found that service quality has become a critical competitive weapon for survival and success in developed and developing countries. Further more, service quality has been linked with profitability and provided important competitive advantage leading to be successful for organization. The purposes of this study are to know the evaluation of service quality of financial institutions in Cambodia based on the five dimensions of SERVQUAL and then by seeking to explore empirically the relationship between and customer service quality and financial performance of financial institutions in Cambodia.
The result has shown significant influence of the five dimensions on overall service quality of financial institutions in Cambodia which is the less developed country. Hence, the hypotheses as developed and tested in this study are to confirm all the five dimensions of SERVQUAL have positive correlation with customer service quality of financial institutions in Cambodia. This study shows that the commercial banks strongly out-perform the microfinance institutions in customer service quality. Furthermore, the research study has proved that customer service quality has positive correlation with financial performance of financial institutions in Cambodia. Moreover, the study has shown that the microfinance institutions’ profitability is better than the commercial banks. Additionally, the research found that equity also as the factor that has positive influence on financial performance. However, the research did not find the influence of operating expense, number of employees and total asset on financial performance.
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Contributions 6
1.3 Research flow 7
1.4 Research structure 8
2.1 Cambodia Background and the Development of Financial Institutions 9
2.2 Customer Service Quality Concept and Measurement 14
2.3 Measure of Service Quality in Banking 22
2.4 Measure of Financial Performance 28
3.1 Research Methodology 36
3.1.1 Customer Service Quality 36
3.1.2 Financial performance 39
3.2 Hypotheses Test 40
3.3 Questionnaire Design 41
3.4 Sampling Plan and Data Collection Procedure 41
3.5 Data Analysis Procedures 42
3.6 Regression Model 46
4.1 Data Collection 49
4.2 Data Tests 50
4.2.1 Data Tests of Regression Model 3.1………………….…………...…...…53
4.2.2 Data Tests of Regression Model 3.2 60
5.1 Research Conclusions and Discussions 67
5.2 Limitation 70
5.3 Suggestions for Future Research 71


Table 3-1 Variable Symbol and Data Source of Regression Model 3.1 47
Table 3-2 Variable Symbol and Data Source of Regression Model 3.2 48
Table 4.1 Results of Reliability Tests on Overall Service Quality and Five dimensions
Table 4.2 Regression Result of the Test of Multicollinearity of Model 3.1 54
Table 4.3 The Regression Result of Test of Significance of Regression Model 3.1 55
Table 4.4 The Result of White’s General Test of Model 3.1 56
Table 4.5 The Result of Durbin-Watson Test of Model 3.1 57
Table 4.6 The Result of Ordinary Least Squared of Model 3.1 58
Table 4.7 Regression Result of the Test of Multicollinearity of Model 3.2 61
Table 4.8 The Regression Result of Test of Significance of Model 3.2 62
Table 4.9 The Result of White’s General Test of Model 3.2 63
Table 4.10 The Result of Durbin-Watson Test of Model 3.2 64
Table 4.11 The result of Ordinary Least Squared of Model 3.2 65
Table 5.1 The Result of the Testing Hypotheses 68


Figure 1-1. Flow chart of the study process 7
Figure 3-1. The process of test for determining suitability of data 43
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