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研究生(外文):Mei-Hsuan Lai
論文名稱(外文):Motivational Regulation Strategy Teaching and Learning in English Classroom
指導教授(外文):Biing-Lin Cherng
外文關鍵詞:action-state orientated groupsmotivational beliefmotivational regulation strategyeffectmotivational engagement
  • 被引用被引用:35
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為完成前述目的,本研究設計「動機調整策略融入英語科教學課程」,採「不等組前測-後測-延後測實驗設計」進行教學實驗,受試者抽選自台南市、縣地區之國中一年級學生。本研究之自變項為教學組別、行動/狀態導向組及測量階段,依變項為動機調整策略、動機信念、動機涉入及學業成就,所蒐集的資料以2 × 2 × 3三因子混合設計變異數分析及2 × 2二因子獨立樣本共變數分析考驗各項假設。





The main objects of this study were: A. To present the effects and impacts of Motivational Regulation Strategy Teaching and Learning in English classroom” program. B. To analyze the interactive effects between “Motivational Regulation Strategy Teaching and Learning in English classroom” program and the roles of action-state orientation on learning motivation. C. To examine the interactive effects between “Motivational Regulation Strategy Teaching and Learning in English classroom” program and the roles of action-state orientation on learning motivation at different measurement occasions.

In order to achieve desirable results,
Motivational Regulation Strategy Teaching and Learning in English classroom” program has been designed. A nonequivalent pretest-posttest experimental design was employed. Participants for the study were 7th graders in Tainan. The independent variables were experimental and control groups, action-state oriented groups, and measurement occasion, while the dependent variables were motivational regulation strategy, motivational belief, motivational engagement, and achievement. Three-way mixed design ANOVA and two-way ANCOVA were conducted.

The results of this study can be summarized as follows:

A. In terms of motivational regulation strategy: (a) the three-way interactions among experimental and control groups, action-state orientated groups, and measurement occasion on emotion regulation strategy, test anxiety alleviation strategy, and aversive stimulation strategy were found. (b) the two-way interactions between experimental and control groups and action-state orientated groups on nine motivational regulation strategies (intrinsic goal-oriented strategy, interest enhancement strategy, importance enhancement strategy, utility enhancement strategy, control belief strategy, efficacy self-talk strategy, emotion regulation strategy, test anxiety alleviation strategy, and aversive stimulation strategy) were found; the two-way interactions between experimental and control groups and measurement occasion on nine motivational regulation strategies were found as well. (c) the main effects of three independent variables on nine motivational regulation strategies were found.

B. In terms of motivational belief: (a) the three-way interaction among experimental and control groups, action-state orientated groups, and measurement occasion on test anxiety was found. (b) the two-way interactions between experimental and control groups and measurement occasion on intrinsic goal-oriented, interest, importance, utility, control belief, self-efficacy, and positive affect were found. (c) the main effects of experimental and control groups on interest, importance, utility, control belief, self-efficacy, positive affect, negative affect, and test anxiety were found; the main effects of action-state orientated groups on intrinsic goal-oriented and test anxiety were found; the main effects of measurement occasion on interest, positive affect, and negative affect were found as well.

C. In terms of motivational engagement: (a) the two-way interactions between experimental and control groups and measurement occasion on persistence, task choice, and instrumental help seeking were found; the two-way interaction between action-state oriented groups and measurement occasion on instrumental help seeking was found as well. (b) the main effects of experimental and control groups on persistence, effort, task choice, and instrumental help seeking were found; the main effect of measurement occasion on task choice was found as well.

D. In terms of achievement: (a) the main effect of experimental and control groups on mid-term was found. (b) the two-way interaction between experimental and control groups and action-state oriented groups on final exam was found. (c) the main effect of experimental and control groups on final exam was found.

Based on the findings of this study, applications and suggestions for teaching, educational guidance, and further research were proposed.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
目次 Ⅲ
表目次 Ⅴ
圖目次 Ⅹ

第一章 緒論 01
第一節 研究動機與目的 01
第二節 研究問題 06
第三節 名詞定義 08

第二章 文獻探討 18
第一節 動機理論與研究 18
第二節 動機調整策略的義涵與類別 30
第三節 動機調整策略的教學 39
第四節 行動/狀態導向特質與動機調整策略之關係 45

第三章 研究方法 56
第一節 研究假設與對象 56
第二節 研究工具 67
第三節 研究程序 83
第四節 教學實驗程序 86
第五節 資料分析 89

第四章 研究結果 91
第一節 基本統計分析 91
第二節 教學組別、行動/狀態導向組及測量階段對動機調整策略之效果 98
第三節 教學組別、行動/狀態導向組及測量階段對動機信念之效果 147
第四節 教學組別、行動/狀態導向組及測量階段對動機涉入之效果 175
第五節 教學組別、行動/狀態導向組對學業成就之效果 188

第五章 討論、結論與建議 193
第一節 討論 193
第二節 結論 207
第三節 建議 219

參考書目 224
中文部份 224
西文部份 226

附錄一 行動導向量表 234
附錄二 動機調整策略量表 238
附錄三 動機信念量表 242
附錄四 動機涉入量表 245
附錄五 教師手冊 247
附錄六 動機調整策略融入英語科教學課程設計 254


























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