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研究生(外文):Chin-Tzu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Free vibration analyses of uniform or non-uniform beams carrying various concentrated elements with various supporting conditions using transfer matrix methods
指導教授(外文):Jong-Shyong Wu
外文關鍵詞:transfer matrix methodbeam elementstationfieldsectionnode
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多種集中元素(包括具有偏心距ei 及轉動慣量a i J , 的集結質量a i m , 、線性彈簧t i k , 及螺旋彈簧r i k , )的多階梯樑,在多種支撐情況(包括F-F、P-P、C-C、C-F 及C-P 支撐,其中縮寫字母F、P 及C 分別表示free、pinned 及clamped)下的自然頻率及振態。其中,第一種方法本文稱為集結質量轉移矩陣法(LTMM),而第二種方法本文稱為分佈質量轉移矩陣法(CTMM)。在集結質量轉移矩陣法(LTMM)中,主要變數是每根段樑的橫向位移i Y、斜率i
ψ、彎矩i M 及剪力i V,利用各個站(station)及場(field)的轉移矩陣,吾人便可求得樑右端的狀態變數與其左端的狀態變數(即起始狀態變數, 0 Y 、0 ψ 、0 M 及0 V )的關係式,集結質量轉移矩陣法(LTMM)的頻率方程式,便是令上述起始狀態變數,滿足實際的邊界條件而得。而在分佈質量轉移矩陣法(CTMM)中,主要變數是每根段樑的四個積分常數( i A 、i B 、i C 及i D ),利用各個節點(node)的轉移矩陣,吾人便可求得右端段樑的積分常數與其左端段樑
的積分常數(即起始積分常數, 1 A 、1 B 、1 C 及1 D )之關係式,顯然地,分佈質量轉移矩陣法(CTMM)的頻率方程式,亦是令上述起始積分常數,滿足實際的邊界條件而得。
上述兩種改善的轉移矩陣法(TMM)之重點,在於考慮各個集中元素(包括a i m , , i e , a i J , , t i k , 及r i k , )的效應下,來推導一根F-F 樑之各個節點(或站)及各個段樑(或場)的轉移矩陣。因此,吾人只須令= = ∞ t,1 t,n+1 k k 便可獲得一P-P 樑,令= = ∞ t,1 r,1 k k 及= = ∞ t,n+1 r,n+1 k k 便可
獲得一C-C 樑,令= = ∞ t,1 r,1 k k 便可獲得一C-F 樑,…等等。根據以上的理論,在改善的集結質量轉移矩陣法(LTMM)裡,吾人便不必像傳統的集結質量轉移矩陣法那麼樣,必須根據各種不同的支撐條件,分別推導頻率方程式,並使用不同的起始狀態變數值。此外,吾人只須改變各個段樑的直徑及長度,並調整其所攜帶的各個集中元素( a i m , ,i e , a i J , , t i k , 及r i k , )的大小(從0 到∞ ),便可獲得許多種不同載荷情況的階梯樑。當然, 本文所提改善的分佈質量轉移矩陣法(CTMM),亦具有類似的優點。在本研究中,吾人發現,本文所提出的兩種改善的轉移矩陣法(TMM),可以很容易地解決出現在現有文獻裡的許多問題。為了驗證本文所提理論及所研發電算程式的可靠性,吾人曾將部分本文數值分析的結果,與由現有文獻或傳統有限元素法(FEM)所得的結果相比較,由於一致性良好,故其可靠性應可被接受。
The purpose of this thesis is to present two modified transfer matrix methods(TMM) to determine the natural frequencies and the associated mode shapes of a multi-step beam carrying various multiple concentrated elements (including lumped masses a i m , with eccentricities i e and rotary inertias a i J , , the translational springs t i k , and rotational springs r i k , ) with various supporting conditions (including F-F ,
P-P, C-C, C-F and C-P beams, with the abbreviations of F, P and C denoting the free,pinned and clamped ends, respectively). The first method is called the lumped-mass transfer matrix method (LTMM) and the second method is called the continuous-mass transfer matrix method (CTMM). In the LTMM, the active variables are the transverse
displacement i Y , slope i ψ , bending moment i M and shearing force i V of each beam segment. Use of the lumped-mass transfer matrices of each station and each field, one may determine the active variables of the right end in terms of the corresponding ones of the left end of the beam (i.e., the four initial state variables, 0 Y , 0 ψ , 0 M and 0 V ). The frequency equation of the LTMM is then obtained by setting the last state variables to satisfy the actual boundary conditions. In the CTMM, the active variables are the four integration constants ( i A , i B , i C and i D ) of each beam segment. Use of the consistent-mass transfer matrix of each segment, one may determine the active variables of the right-end segment in terms of the corresponding ones of the left-end segment (i.e., the four active variables, 1 A , 1 B , 1 C and 1 D ). It is evident that the frequency equation of the CTMM is obtained by setting the values of the last four integration constants of the left-end segment ( 1 A , 1 B , 1 C and 1 D ) to satisfy the actual boundary conditions.
The key point of the two modified methods is to derive the transfer matrices of each node (or station) and each beam segment (or field) by considering the effects of various attachments (including a i m , , i e , a i J , , t i k , and r i k , ) for a “F-F beam”, so that one may easily obtain a P-P beam by setting = = ∞ t,1 t,n+1 k k , a C-C beam by setting = = ∞ t,1 r,1 k k together with = = ∞ t,n+1 r,n+1 k k , a C-F beam by setting = = ∞ t,1 r,1 k k , … etc. For this reason, the conventional LTMM of deriving the frequency and using the associated initial state variables according to each specified supporting conditions is not necessary. Besides, one may obtain various stepped beams carrying various concentrated elements by only changing the diameter and length of each beam segment and adjusting the magnitudes (from zero to infinity) of the attached concentrated elements, a i m , , i e , a i J , , t i k , and r i k , . The last advantages for the LTMM are also true for the CTMM. It has been found that the two presented modified TMM can easily solve many problems appearing in the existing literature. The reliability of the presented theories and the developed computer programs have been confirmed by the good agreements between the numerical results of this thesis and those of the exiting literature and/or the conventional finite element methods (FEM).
英文摘要.............................................................................................. III
誌謝....................................................................................................... V
目錄..................................................................................................... VI
第一章 緒論...........................................................................................1
1.3 研究方法..........................................................................................5
第二章 集結質量轉移矩陣法............................................................7
2.1 站的轉移矩陣.............................................................................8
2.2 場的轉移矩陣...........................................................................11
2.3 區段的轉移矩陣......................................................................13
2.4 集結質量模式的自然頻率與振態.......................................15
第三章 分佈質量轉移矩陣法........................................................20
3.1 運動方程式與位移函數.......................................................20
3.2 樑上任一節點變形的一致性及力與彎矩的平衡............23
3.3 整根樑兩端點的邊界條件...................................................23
3.4 積分常數的轉移矩陣............................................................24
3.5 邊界段樑的積分常數方程式...............................................27
3.6 求解整根樑的自然頻率與振態..........................................30
第四章 數值分析結果與討論........................................................33
4.2 不攜帶附著物的均勻樑.......................................................34
4.3 攜帶各種集中元素的均勻樑..............................................42
4.4 攜帶多個集中元素的外伸均勻樑.....................................48
4.5 攜帶多組集中元素的階梯樑..............................................51
第五章 結論....................................................................................56
附錄A 傳統轉移矩陣法(LTMM0)的頻率方程式與起始參數....62
附錄B影響係數( , )及( , )的推導...............................................64
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