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研究生(外文):Xun-Jing Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Comparative Analysis of Local Tourism Industry Growth in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ko-Wan Tsou
外文關鍵詞:Determinants of Local Tourism Growth CompetitiveShift-Share AnalysisGrowth of Local Tourism Industry
  • 被引用被引用:36
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Tourism industry is paid attention by countries all over the world, and considered as the major growth industry in the 21st century. To Taiwan, no matter push Taiwan to the international arena, promote the ecosystem conservation, shorten the disparity in urban and rural areas or improve the social problems, tourism development will a very important role .
This research regards growth changes situation of Taiwan sightseeing industry as the research object, in order to understand the difference among towns, we use urban, villages and towns as and analyse unit, and try to get more exquisite analysis result by this, by there can be deeper understanding to the origin cause which influences the difference of industry's development among towns.
This research structure divides into three parts altogether: The first stage is to use shift-share analysis to measure the local tourism industry of Taiwan and calculate the “Competitive Effect per Production(CEP)” to represent the local tourism growth competivieness. The second stage utilizes the Local Indicators of Spatial Association to know the space distribution situation of local tourism industry growth competitiveness of Taiwan, and make use of the space structure to infer its influence factor. The third stage combines the achievements of the first two stages; utilize multiple-regression analysis to find out the apparent factors influencing the local tourism growth competitiveness.
The major findings of this study were as following. First, Shift-Share Analysis is a useful tool to analyzing industry's growing up amount of the tourism industry and CEP is a suitable variable for the measurement of local tourism growth competitiveness. Secondly, by the analysis result of the multiple-regression analysis, the variables under local resource appeal, local environmental condition and local management are significant to explain local tourism growth competitiveness, and the result are differ from types of towns.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機、背景與目的 1
第二節 研究範疇 3
第三節 研究內容與流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 8
第一節 地方觀光產業之定義 8
第二節 台灣觀光產業發展沿革 10
第三節 移轉份額模式之應用 13
第四節 區域型空間自我相關分析(LISA) 14
第五節 觀光產業發展影響因素 16
第三章 研究設計 22
第一節 研究架構 22
第二節 地方觀光成長情形之量測 28
第三節 迴歸分析模型之建立 31
第四章 地方觀光產業成長變遷分析 37
第一節 台灣地方觀光產業結構及成長情形分析 37
第二節 成長效果綜合比較分析 56
第三節 地方觀光成長競爭力空間結構比較分析 71
第五章 地方觀光產業成長變遷影響因素分析 79
第一節 多元迴歸模型分析結果 79
第二節 各時期觀光產業成長競爭力影響因素綜合比較 95
第三節 各分類地區觀光產業成長競爭力影響因素綜合比較 103
第六章 結論與建議 109
第一節 結論 109
第二節 建議 114
參考文獻 116
附錄 附-1
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