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研究生(外文):Su-Fan Lui
論文名稱(外文):Learning-Based Super-Resolution Using One Single Facial Image with Multi-Resolution Wavelet Synthesis
指導教授(外文):Jenn-Jier James Lien
外文關鍵詞:maximum a posteriorwaveletsSuper-resolutionlearning-basedreconstructionmulti-resolutionMarkov network
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我們發展了一個基於學習理論之合成超解度影像系統,讓我們可以由單張低解析影像合成出較高解析度的影像。整個系統分成兩個部分,分別是事先的訓練程序以及合成程序。為了合成出同時包含整體影像架構及細部高頻細節的人臉影像,我們引入了多重解析度之小波合成。在訓練程序中,每一層解析度下的低解析度影像都會被切成許多小區塊,進而由這些小區塊形成的集合建立出相對應的特徵空間(eigenspace),以減少在相似度比對所需花費的時間。而在合成程序中,我們視這些區塊為一馬可夫網路(Markov network),並利用最大後驗概率(maximum a posteriori (MAP) )從已建立好的資料庫裡找出最合適的區塊。實驗結果顯示,我們能合成出比由雙立方內插法(bi-cubic interpolation)得到的影像更好的結果。
A learning-based super-resolution system consisting of training and synthesis processes is presented. In the proposed system, a multi-resolution wavelet approach is applied to carry out the robust synthesis of both the global geometric structure and the local high-frequency detailed features of a facial image. In the training process, the input image is transformed into a series of images of increasingly lower resolution using the Haar discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The images at each resolution level are divided into patches, which are then projected onto an eigenspace to derive the corresponding projection weight vectors. In the synthesis process, a low-resolution input image is divided into patches, which are then projected onto the same eigenspace as that used in the training process. Modeling the resulting projection weight vectors as a Markov network, the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation approach is then applied to identity the best-matching patches with which to reconstruct the image at a higher level of resolution. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed reconstruction system yields better results than the bi-cubic spline interpolation method.
Chapter 1. Introduction....................10
1.1. Motivation............................10
1.2. Related Works .........................10
Chapter 2. System Description.............13
Chapter 3. Training Process...............17
3.1. Feature Extraction Using Multi-Resolution Wavelet Analysis ..................................19
3.2. Patch-Based Eigenspace Construction...20
Chapter 4. Synthesis Process..............22
4.1. Wavelets Synthesis and Patch-Based Weight Vector Creation...................................24
4.2. Markov Network: Best Matching Using Maximum a Posterior Approach .........................25
Chapter 5. Experimental Results 29
Chapter 6. Conclusions 34
References 36
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