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研究生(外文):Chun-Ta Dai
論文名稱(外文):Mining changes of patterns from multi-period datasets
指導教授(外文):I-Lin Wang
外文關鍵詞:pattern discoveryalgorithmcandidate-pattern foresttemporal data miningchange miningdata structure
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Pattern discovery is a common task in data mining. Given the transaction datasets of multi periods, we are concerned with a temporal data mining problem that detects any pattern of interested changes that have been consistent from some period to the last period. Discovering such changes from the transaction database of multi periods will help the managers to detect the tendency of customer needs so that potential customers may be identified. To the best of our knowledge, previous studies in change mining only focus on datasets of two datasets, although the tendency of changes are more meaningful for datasets of multi periods in real-world applications. Conventional data mining techniques that seek frequent patterns could be modified for mining changes from datasets of multi periods, but such
approaches would require many pairwise comparisons between datasets of consecutive periods and thus not so efficient.

In this thesis, we propose an algorithm called MCP for mining changes from multi-period datasets. MCP is based on a novel data structure modified from the popular frequent-pattern tree(FP-tree), and seeks the target patterns in a very efficient way. In particular, starting from the last two periods, our algorithm first constructs a candidate-pattern forest (CP-forest) to store those patterns of qualified changes, and then iteratively updates the CP-forest using the dataset of each period. The CP-forest is
carefully designed such that useless information will not be stored and qualified patterns can be easily identified by tree traversals.

Computational experiments have been conducted to compare MCP and another algorithm called modiFP which is modified from the popular FP-growth algorithm for mining the changes of patterns from multi-period datasets. Several parameters have be used to evaluate the performance of MCP and modiFP, and the results show that MCP is much more efficient than modiFP, especially when the number of periods increases or when the datasets of consecutive periods share more similarities.
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章緒論 1
11 研究動機 2
12 研究目的 3
13 論文架構 3
第二章文獻探討 5
21 探勘頻繁樣式與關聯法則 5
211 探勘頻繁樣式與關聯法則相關符號表示 5
212 探勘頻繁樣式與關聯法則演算法 6
22 時間性資料探勘 8
23 變化探勘 9
231 Change detection 9
232 Emerging pattern 11
233 Exception rules 13
234 Same attribute and same cut 3
24 小結 16
第三章探勘樣式的變化 18
31 問題定義 18
32 相關議題 21
33 MCP演算法 23
331 建立原始搜尋樹架構 24
332 挑選候選樣式及建立樣式森林 28
333 探勘多期變化樣式 32
34 時間容忍 34
35 範例說明 36
36 小結 44
第四章資料測試與分析 45
41 資料產生器說明 45
42 modiFP 演算法 46
43 測試結果 47
431 驗證期數的影響 47
432 驗證相似度的影響 49
433 驗證支持度的影響 51
434 驗證變化率的影響 53
435 驗證大資料檔 56
44 小結 59
第五章結論與建議 60
51 結論 60
52 後續研究建議 61
參考文獻 63
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