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研究生(外文):Bieng-Zih Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Study of Pressure Propagation in a Reservoir from a Producing Well
指導教授(外文):Zsay-Shing Lin
外文關鍵詞:Radius of investigationBounded reservoirBoundary effect timePressure frontPressure propagation
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The purposes of this study are: (1) to estimate the propagation of the radius of investigation from a producing well in an infinite reservoir by using both analytical and numerical methods; and (2) to estimate the starting time of transient pressure affected by reservoir boundary, i.e., the boundary effect time in a bounded reservoir, and concurrently determine the radius coefficient in the linear relationship between the square of dimensionless radius of investigation and dimensionless time.
In an infinite reservoir, the square of the dimensionless radius of investigation is linearly proportional to the dimensionless time. The radius coefficient in the equation is the linear proportional constant, and varies with different criteria of pressure front defined, i.e., the amount of pressure change from the initial formation pressure at the pressure front of the pressure disturbance area. As the dimensionless pressure defined at the pressure front changed from 0.1095 to 1.0E-9, the radius coefficient varied from 4 to 71.15. The radius coefficient was independent of the level of the flow rate for a well producing at a constant flow rate. For a well producing with variable flow rates, the radius coefficient is not a constant for the case of larger pressure drops defined at the pressure front. The skin factor does not affect the result of the calculated radius of investigation. The wellbore storage volume will affect the propagation of the radius of investigation only at an early time, depending on the wellbore storage volume.
In a bounded reservoir, the dimensionless boundary effect time, i.e., the starting time of transient pressure affected by bounded reservoir, is a function of radius coefficient and geometry factor. The geometry factor is defined to consider the geometry shape of reservoir boundary and the location of the producing well. The values of geometry factor for various reservoir geometry shapes and well locations are derived. For a bounded circular reservoir with a well located at the center, the dimensionless boundary effect time is only a function of radius coefficient and independent on geometry factor. The results of this study show that the radius coefficient is 17.82 which is derived on the fact that the dimensionless boundary effect time estimated from the radius of investigation equation with radius coefficient of 17.82 is consistent with that from the deviated point of pressure type curves of infinite and finite reservoirs.
Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------- i
中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------- iii
Acknowledgements ----------------------------------------------------------- v
Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------- vii
List of Tables ------------------------------------------------------------ ix
List of Figures ----------------------------------------------------------- xi
Nomenclature ------------------------------------------------------------- xvi
Chapter 1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 Research background ------------------------------------------------ 1
1.2 Study purposes ----------------------------------------------------- 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review ------------------------------------------------ 5
2.1 Radius of investigation and radius of drainage --------------------- 5
2.2 Literature review -------------------------------------------------- 6
Chapter 3 Basic theory ---------------------------------------------------- 15
3.1 Analytical solution of the diffusivity equation ------------------- 15
3.2 The radius of investigation equation ------------------------------ 17
3.3 The boundary effect time equation --------------------------------- 18
3.4 Numerical solution for estimating the radius of investigation and
boundary effect time ---------------------------------------------- 22
Chapter 4 Results --------------------------------------------------------- 27
4.1 Radius of investigation equation using an analytical solution with
a constant flow rate ---------------------------------------------- 29
4.2 Radius of investigation equation using an analytical solution with
variable flow rates ----------------------------------------------- 32
4.3 Radius of investigation equation using a numerical solution ------- 40
4.4 Effect of skin factor on radius of investigation ------------------ 48
4.5 Effect of wellbore storage on radius of investigation ------------- 49
4.6 Boundary effect time of a bounded circular reservoir -------------- 52
4.7 Boundary effect time of a bounded square and rectangular reservoir - 62
Chapter 5 Discussions ----------------------------------------------------- 71
5.1 The radius of investigation equation ------------------------------ 71
5.2 The boundary effect time equation --------------------------------- 76
Chapter 6 Conclusions ----------------------------------------------------- 83
6.1 Conclusions ------------------------------------------------------- 83
6.2 Suggestions of future work ---------------------------------------- 85
References ---------------------------------------------------------------- 87
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