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研究生(外文):Kuo-Yi Chung
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Electrical Current Stressing on the Deterioration of Tensile Properties of High Strength Al-Cu 2017 Alloy
指導教授(外文):Truan-Sheng LuiChi-Yen Huang
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The study of relationship between mechanical properties and thermal behavior of the heat treatable aluminum alloy was well known. However, there were few discussions between electrical current stressing and mechanical properties. In this study, mechanical properties and microstructure of the high strength 2017-T351 Al-Cu alloy were discussed by using direct current flow at current density up to 2000A/cm2 .
The results showed the decreasing on the tensile properties of 2017-T351 was notable by electrical current stressing. It related to electrical current effect. There were obviously deterioration in hardness of cathode end , the tensile strength and elongation , the mechanical properties difference between the cathode end and anode end of the 2017 bulk specimens was not only effect of temperature, but also electrical current stressing .
The similar serration phenomenon observed in tensile stress-strain curve after electrical current stressing and solution treatment ( 768K holding 1h and then quenched in water , i.e., T4). The solution-treated samples were tested within 20 min in tension. The serration curve is called “dynamic strain aging” (DSA). If the solution-treated samples were tested in tension after natural aging 3day (T4NA), there was no serration curve. At this time if we tested T4NA samples with electrical current stressing in tension, the curve was serrulated again, so we demonstrated the serration phenomenon was related to electrical current stressing. The electrical current stressing will dissolve precipitates. The dissolved precipitates will cause the strength of 2017-T351 decreasing. It makes solute atoms solve back to matrix , when solute concentration is enough , it would interact with dislocation to cause DSA.

第一章 前言………………………………………………………….1
第二章 文獻回顧…………………………………….………………2
2-2 Al-Cu系合金與2017鋁合金之介紹…………….…….....……2
2-3 Al-Cu系合金析出行為………………………....……….....……9
第三章 實驗步驟與方法…………………..………………………..25
3-1 試片製作………………………………….…………...……25
3-2 直流通電實驗與比對熱處理實驗…………………….…...25
3-2-1 直流通電實驗設備……………………………….……..25
3-2-2 直流通電實驗條件…………………………….………..25
3-2-3 比對熱處理實驗……………………………….………..26
3-3 機械性質分析………………………………….…………...26
3-3-1 硬度試驗……………………………………..………......26
3-3-2 拉伸試驗…………………………………………..……..26
3-4 微組織分析……………………………….………………...27
3-4-1 掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察(SEM)……….………………...27
3-4-2 電子微探儀元素分析(EPMA)……..………….………..27
第四章 實驗結果與討論..................................................................32
4-1 通電過程試片溫度之變化...................................................32
4-2 硬度測試結果.......................................................................32
4-3 拉伸試驗...............................................................................32
4-4 微觀組織分析觀察...............................................................33
4-4-1 拉伸破斷試片巨觀觀察..................................................33
4-4-2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察.......................................33
4-4-3 電子微探儀(EPMA)元素分析結果................................34
4-5 高強度鋁合金塊材中電遷移現象.....................................34
4-6 銅原子電遷移與析出物分解….........................................34
4-7 電流效應與動態應變時效………...………......................35
第五章 結論與建議............................................................................52


表2-3 2017鋁合金之化學組成(ASM)...............………………………14
表2-4 2017-T4 機械性質.....…………………...………………………15
表2-5 2017-T4 電性質.....…………………………...……………........16
表2-6 2017-T4 熱性質.....………………………………………...........16
表2-7 2017-T4 加工性質.....…………………………………………...16
表3-1 2017鋁合金化學組成................................................................ .28
表3-2試片代號對應通電及熱處理條件.............................................. .28


圖2-1 Al-Cu系統相圖………………………………………………….17
圖2-4 鋁導線於500°C通電0.5 hr的條件下,不同電流密度與其飄
圖2-5 EPMA分析失效後的接點………………………………………21
圖2-6 θ相析出物受電流作用之分解與成核…………...……………..22
圖2-7 鋁合金2014-T4的等溫時效曲線………………………………23
圖2-8 FCC置換型面心立方固溶合金三種常見鋸齒狀流變型態
圖3-1 (a)2017鋁合金試片取樣方向、(b)2017鋁合金之通電及拉伸試片外觀尺寸 29
圖3-2 直流通電試驗裝置示意圖 30
圖3-3 (a) SEM觀察位置及方向; (b) EPMA 取樣位置微觀組織分析取樣位置示意圖 31
圖4-1 180分鐘直流通電過程實驗試片溫度變化圖 37
圖4-2 2017- T351通電180分鐘、30分鐘與通電180分鐘、30分鐘後靜置3天之硬度分布圖..........................................................38
圖4-3 2017-T4自然時效硬度分布圖 39
圖4-4 2017-T4室溫自然時效後通電0、2.5、5分鐘之拉伸應力應變曲線 40
圖4-5 2017-T4室溫自然時效後通電0、2.5、5分鐘之拉伸性質應力圖……..……………………………..…………………………..41
圖4-6 2017-T4 室溫自然時效後通電0、2.5、5分鐘之拉伸性質應變圖..................................................................................................42
圖4-7 2017-T351通直流電0、2.5、5、30、180分鐘之拉伸應力應變曲線 43
圖4-8 2017-T351拉伸試片通電時間與應力變化圖 44
圖4-9 2017-T351拉伸試片通電時間與延性變化圖 45
圖4-10 2017-T351母材、2017-T351通直流電30分鐘、180分鐘及通電30分鐘、180分鐘後自然時效之拉伸應力應變曲線 46
圖4-11 2017-T351母材、T351通電30分鐘、180分鐘、及通電30分鐘、180分鐘後自然時效之拉伸應力圖 47
圖4-12 2017-T351母材、T351通電30分鐘、180分鐘、及通電30分鐘、180分鐘後自然時效之拉伸應變圖………………….48
圖4-13 2017拉伸試片之巨觀觀察:(a)T351通電180分鐘、(b)T351通電30分鐘……………………………………………………..49
圖4-14 2017-T351之拉伸破斷面觀察(a)通直流電2.5分鐘、(b)通直流電5分鐘、(c)通直流電30分鐘、(d)通直流電180分鐘….50
圖4-15 2017-T351 180分鐘直流通電後試片元素分佈………………51
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