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研究生(外文):Zhi-Cheng Lee
論文名稱(外文):Novel Two-Mode-Interference Wavelength-Division Multiplexers Using Highly Dispersive Property of Photonic Band Gap
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Yow Tsai
外文關鍵詞:two-mode interferencefinite difference time domainwavelength-division multiplexerphotonic band gap
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本論文發明了一種新微型高效率雙模干涉分波多工(Two-mode-interference wavelength division multiplexing, TMI WDM)的方法並成功建立其理論模型。其工作原理是利用光子晶體能隙(Photonic band gap, PBG)邊緣的高色散特性,將 PBG 邊緣的波長在很短的距離內分開。元件的設計、模擬與效能分析是使用二維的有限差分時域法(Finite difference time domain, FDTD)。經過設計,具有高色散性光柵結構的雙模波導管會產生一個中心波長落在1550nm並與模態相依的光子能隙。位於光子能隙邊緣的兩個波長,具有最低的反射損耗和最高的色散性,故被選擇以進行分波驗證。結果顯示此二波長的耦合長度(分波距離)因光子能隙的高色散性影響可明顯縮短。能量強度對比差異可達20dB 以上,嵌入損耗只有0.8 dB。
In this dissertation, a novel technique of two-mode-interference wavelength-division multiplexing (TMI WDM) for 1.55-μm operation using highly dispersive photonic band gap was first proposed. The WDM devices were verified using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. A two-moded waveguide assisted with a dispersive grating provided a mode-dependent reflection band of central wavelength at 1.55μm. The wavelengths at the PBG edges were selected for wavelength multiplexing for their low reflection losses and high dispersive properties. The results showed that the wavelengths can be separated in much shorter coupler lengths than those using regular waveguide coupling. The insertion loss of 0.8 dB and the isolation contrast above 20dB could be achieved.
Chinese abstract i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements (Chinese) iii
Acknowledgements iv
Contents v
Table Captions viii
Figure Captions ix

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.1.1 Wavelength Division Multiplexing in optical fiber communication 1
1.1.2 Two-Mode-Interference WDM 2
1.2 Contents of Chapters 5

Chapter 2 Theories of Grating-Assisted TMI WDM 11
2.1 Theory of Multimode Interference 11
2.2 Grating-Assisted TMI WDM 18
2.2.1 Grating effects on group velocity and phase velocity 18
2.2.2 Symmetric tooth-shaped grating -Assisted TMI WDM 21

Chapter 3 Grating-assisted Two-Mode-Interference Wavelength Division Multiplexers 27
3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 Schematic design of toothed-grating TMI multiplexers 29
3.3 Theory of grating-assisted TMI multiplexing 34
3.4 Simulation and analysis 39
3.5 Conclusion 46

Chapter 4 Wavelength-Division-Multiplexers Using Highly Dispersive Waveguide-to-Waveguide Coupling 48
4.1 Introduction 48
4.2 Device design and theory 49
4.3 Simulation and analysis 55
4.4 Conclusion 59

Chapter 5 Wavelength Filters Using Photonic band gap Mode-Related Dispersion in Dual-mode waveguides 62
5.1 Introduction 62
5.2 Design and simulation 62
5. 3 Conclusion 70

Chapter 6 Apodized Wavelength Filters Using Gaussian-Distributed Sidewall Grating 72
6.1 Introduction 72
6.2 Design and simulation 74
6.3 Conclusion 78

Chapter 7 Conclusions and future works 81
7.1 Conclusions 81
7.2 Considerations of 3D SOI rib waveguides and future works 83

Appendix A Simulation program of the multilayer structure 93
Appendix B Modes of a Planar Waveguide 101
B.1 The Symmetric Planar Waveguide 104
B.2 The Asymmetric Planar Waveguide 106
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