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研究生(外文):Chun-Yu Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Nanocrystalline Silicon Thin Films Prepared by PECVD and Hot-Wire CVD Technologies for Optic-Electronic Applications
指導教授(外文):Yean-Kuen Fang
外文關鍵詞:hot-wire chemical vapor depositionplasma enhacement chemical vapor depositionnanocrystalline silicon
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本論文分別研究以熱絲化學氣相沉積(hot-wire chemical vapor deposition, HWCVD)及電漿輔助化學氣相沉積(plasma enhacement chemical vapor deposition, PECVD)運用層疊(layer-by-layer, LBL)兩種方法製備奈米矽晶薄膜(nanocrystalline silicon, nc-Si);分析奈米矽晶之結構與光電特性,將其分別應用於矽基發光材料、快速光檢測器及可見光光觸媒之研製。
在此研究中,nc-Si分別以HWCVD及PECVD運用LBL技術製備,再以微拉曼光譜儀(micro-Raman spectroscopy)、光致發光(photoluminescence, PL)及X射線繞射(X-ray diffraction, XED)作特性分析。此外,nc-Si以HWCVD成長的機制研究中發現,H2的稀釋、熱絲(filament)與基板的溫度對nc-Si的結構及特性有非常大的影響;熱絲與基板的溫度愈高及大量的H2稀釋,都造成較佳的nc-Si結晶性與薄膜特性。另一方面,研究報告指出PECVD運用LBL技術,為一能有效製備高結晶的nc-Si的方法;於此方法中,將先沉積出的非晶矽(a-Si), 運用H電漿(plasma)予以再結晶(re-crystallizing)而成為nc-Si;因此,其相關的成長機制是很重要的,於論文中將詳加探討。
其次,吾人研究利用HWCVD在事先沉積不同薄膜的矽基板與玻璃基板上沉積奈米矽晶薄膜,探討在不同緩衝層(buffer layer)所沉積的奈米矽晶薄膜在結晶、結構及電子傳輸特性上的差異;結果顯示緩衝層的粗糙度愈高與結晶特性愈佳有助奈米矽晶薄膜的結晶性及電特性,因此吾人可藉由選擇適當的緩衝層於低溫的狀態沉積高結晶與電特性的薄膜。
再者,矽基發光材料在光電方面亦是深具潛力;雖然,矽為一間接半導體(indirect),其發光效率不佳,但研究顯示半導體材料當其體相逐漸減小到一定臨界尺寸以下後,材料中載子(電子、電洞)的運動受到限制,導致動能增加,相對地電子結構也由體相連續的擴展能帶變成準分裂的能階,且由於動能增加使能隙增大,粒徑愈小能隙愈大,此為半導體奈米顆粒的量子尺寸效應(quqntum size effect) 。由於量子尺寸效應(quantum size effect)影響,能帶結構發生的變化會引起半導體奈米材料光學性質、電子傳導特性產生與塊體(bulk)材料不同的現象。例如,光吸收向短波長方向移動,而電子傳導出現quantum fluctuation現象,材料的發光peak 出現藍移(blue shift)等。在本論文中,吾人嘗試以低溫氧電漿氧化法(oxygen plasma oxidation)氧化奈米矽晶薄膜,探討氧化過程奈米矽晶的晶粒大小變及其對應的PL強度關係,並驗證此一方法的有效性。
接著,吾人研究電漿輔助化學氣相沉積運用層疊方法製備奈米矽晶薄膜,探討層疊層數對薄膜結晶特性、遷移率及光吸收係數的影響;由結果中取一最佳層數,作為在可見光與近紅外線(near-IR)快速光偵測器之應用。另外,應用奈米矽晶薄膜,吾人製備具TiO2/nc-Si/a-Si結構的可見光觸媒(visible light photocatalyst),此結構中nc-Si係作為電荷提供(charge donor)及促成其上的TiO2薄膜形成顆粒狀(grain-like)的表面型態,而a-Si是用以提升nc-Si顆粒的聚集(aggregation)並增加TiO2/nc-Si結構在玻璃的黏著性。由結果可知此一可見光觸媒的確在TiO2的光觸媒及親水特性有明顯提升,文中對其機制亦詳加探討。
In this dissertation, we report the investigations of nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) thin films deposited by both hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD) and plasma enhancement chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) with layer-by-layer (LBL) technique in detail. Additionally, the applications of nc-Si films in optic-electronics are discussed.
In this work, the nc-Si films were grown by HWCVD and PECVD with LBL technique and characterized with micro-Raman spectroscopy, Photoluminescence (PL) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Additionally, the deposition mechanism of nc-Si film by HWCVD was studied and found that the hydrogen dilution, temperature of filament and substrate influence on the structure and properties of nc-Si film profoundly. The higher temperature of filament or substrate and higher hydrogen dilution result in a better crystallinity and the property of nc-Si film. On the other hand, PECVD with LBL technique has been reported as an effective method to obtain high crystallinity thin nc-Si film. In the technique, the participation of hydrogen plasma exposure is a key factor in re-crystallizing the pre-deposited a-Si to form nc-Si film. Therefore, the mechanism of hydrogen plasma exposure in LBL is important and was studied more.
Next, we investigate the effect of various film substrates on the morphology and structure of HWCVD deposited nc-Si film. In the past, the nc-Si thin films were usually deposited on glass or silicon substrate, but very few studies focused on the properties of nc-Si films deposited on other layers, such as Si3N4, SiO2, a-Si and nc-Si. However, we found the structure and properties of nc-Si film can be improved significantly on these layers which has been used as buffer layer on yhe Si substrate. In other words, the columnar grain size (CG), mobility (μ), volume fraction of crystalline (Xc) of the deposited nc-Si films are strongly dependent on the buffer layer’s surface morphology.
Additionally, in order to enhance the photoluminescence (PL) property of nc-Si film, we use oxygen plasma to oxidize the nc-Si films. After oxidation, the size of Si crystallites embedded in SiO2 is reduced thus enhancing the quantum confinement to increase the luminescent intensity. In comparison with the conventionally high temperature thermal oxidation, the new method has the advantages of oxidizing nc-Si effectively under low temperature and is available on glass or plastic substrate. Furthermore, the impact of layers numbers on the properties of nc-Si films deposited by PECVD with LBL technique was studied, including crystallinity, absorption coefficient within wavelength range of 500-2000 nm (visible ~ near IR) and Hall mobility. We found increasing the layer number enhances the grain size, Xc and µ of LBL nc-Si , but degrades the absorption coefficient (α).
Based on the investigation on nc-Si films, we develop a structure of TiO2/nc-Si/a-Si composite visible light photocatalyst. In which, the nc-Si is used as charge donor and to assist TiO2 film deposited on its top the forming a grain-like surface morphology; while the a-Si is employed to enhance the adhesion of TiO2/nc-Si on glass substrate and promote the aggregation of nc-Si grains thus in turn more rugged surface TiO2 film’s morphology. Experiment results show the developed composite photocatalyst has an obvious improvement in photocatalytic and super-hydrophilic ability under visible light irradiation as compared to the conventional one.
中文摘要 i
誌謝 xv
Table Captions xvi
Figure Captions xvii
Abstract xxi
Chapter 1 Introduction
1-1 Background 1
1-2 Preface of this Dissertation 3
Chapter 2 Preparation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline
Silicon Thin Films
2-1 introduction 5
2-2 Preparation of nc-Si films 6
2-2-1 Hot-wire Chemical vapor deposition system 6
2-2-1-1 The effect of substrate temperature on the
property of nc-Si film 7
2-2-1-2 The effect of filament temperature on the
property of nc-Si film 7
2-2-1-3 The effect of hydrogen dilution on the
property of nc-Si film 8
2-2-2 plasma Enhancement Chemical vapor deposition
system 8
2-2-2-1 The effect of layers number on the properties
of nc-Si films 9
2-3 Characterization of nc-Si films 10
2-3-1 Micro-Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopy 10
2-3-2 Measurement for transmittance and absorption
coefficient of films 11
2-2-3 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) 12
Chapter 3 The Growth Mechanism of Nanocrystalline Silicon
Thin Films Deposited by HWCVD and PECVD with
LBL technique
3-1 Introduction 27
3-2 Growth mechanism of nanocrystalline silicon thin films
deposited by HWCVD 28
3-3 Growth mechanism of nanocrystalline silicon thin films
deposited by PECVD with LBL technique 31
3-3-1 The procedure and mechanism of Layer-By-Layer technique 31
3-3-2 Surface diffusion model 32
3-3-3 Etching model 33
3-3-4 Chemical annealing model 33
3-4 Conclusions 34
Chapter 4 Investigation of Structures and Properties of
nanocrystalline Silicon Thin Films on various
Buffer layers
4-1 Introduction 40
4-2 Experiments 41
4-3 Results and Discussions 42
4-4 Conclusions 45
Chapter 5 The Applications of Nanocrystalline Silicon Thin
Films For Optic-Electronics
5-1 Introduction 53
5-2 The photoluminescence study of oxygen plasma oxidized nanocrystalline silicon thin film 56
5-2-1 Experiments 56
5-2-2 Results and Discussions 56
5-2-3 Conclusions 59
5-3 Growth of nanocrystalline silicon thin film with
layer-by-layer technique for fast photo-detecting
applications 59
5-3-1 Experiments 59
5-3-2 Results and Discussions 60
5-3-3 Conclusions 62
5-4 The fabrication of a TiO2/nano-silicon composite
visible-light photocatalyst 63
5-4-1 Design considerations and Operation mechanism 63
5-4-2 Experiments 65
5-4-3 Results and Discussions 66
5-4-4 Conclusions 68
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Prospects
6-1 Conclusions 87
6-2 Prospects 89
References 91
Appendix A Author’s Resume
Appendix B Author’s Related Publications
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