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研究生(外文):Ru-Yuan Yang
論文名稱(外文):Thin film preparation and microwave measurement of the High k dielectric materials and its application on microwave filters
指導教授(外文):YAN-KUIN SU
外文關鍵詞:high k thin filmfiltermicrowave measurement
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此外,使用有限接地面之共面波導結構(FG-CPW)作為量測微波特性的新穎方法亦於本論文中提出。本論文利用此方法量測未披覆二氧化矽緩衝層之鈮酸鋰基板及不同阻值之矽基板。基板之介電常數與特性阻抗值可藉由使用該有限接地面之共面波導法計算得到,而損失正切(loss tangent)則可經由萃取之介電常數與特性阻抗配合保角映射法精確得到。
又,一種緊密結構濾波器被實作於玻璃纖維基板上,該濾波器係使用開路樁之類指叉式超寬頻濾波器。此濾波器具有寬廣之止帶及較佳之選擇性。該濾波器之優良特性包含一寬頻(3-5.1 GHz),低插入損(-0.6±0.4 dB),快速衰減,及止帶衰減超過15dB。此外,一種具有緊密結構及較佳特性之指叉式共面波導低通濾波器亦被實作於高阻值基板上。該濾波器之截止頻率為31GHz,該濾波器之良好特性包含:低插入損,快速衰減,及較低的相速度延遲。
This dissertation divides into three parts: (a) High k thin film preparation; (b) microwave measurements of the dielectric materials and (c) design of the integrated passive filter.
A microwave High k dielectric thin film was firstly fabricated. Zirconium tin titanate (Zr0.8Sn0.2TiO4, ZST) thin films were deposited along the (100) index on a p-type Si substrate by a modified sol-gel method. The effects of firing temperatures, film thickness and annealing temperatures on the crystalline structure and electrical property of the ZST films were investigated. Microstructure analyses were including X-ray diffraction (XRD), secondary electronic microscopy (SEM), conductive atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The relationship between the leakage current densities and different crystalline structures was discussed.
In addition, a novel finite ground coplanar waveguide (FG-CPW) was developed to measure the microwave properties of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) substrates, without a thin SiO2 buffer layer, and the silicon substrate. The dielectric constant and the characteristic impedance were extracted from calibrated measurements made up to 20 GHz using the FG-CPW method. The loss tangent was then obtained by the conformal mapping approach after the dielectric constant and characteristic impedance had been accurately extracted.
Furthermore, a compact pseudo-interdigital UWB filter with open stubs having wide stopband and high selectivity was fabricated on FR4 substrate. This designed filter was showing good characteristics including the bandwidth of 3-5.1 GHz (3-dB fractional bandwidth of 52%), low insertion loss of -0.6±0.4, sharp rejection, and wide stopband rejection greater than 15 dB from 5.3-9 GHz. Then, a compact and high performance integrated coplanar waveguide low-pass filter (CPW-LPF) was fabricated on high resistivity silicon (HRS) substrate at millimeter wave. This filter at cutoff frequency fc of 31 GHz has presented very good measured characteristics including the low insertion loss, sharp rejection and low group delay, due to the reducing substrate loss of HRS.
Finally, some suggestions are made in the future work on technology for system on chip (SOC).
Chinese abstract I
English Abstract III
Contents V
Table Captions VII
Figure Captions VIII
Figure Captions VIII
Chapter 1 General Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 General review of microwave dielectric materials 2
1.3 Dielectric theory 3
1.4 Microwave dielectric measurement 4
1.5 Basic theory of microwave filters 4
1.6 Organization of this dissertation 5
References 8
Chapter 2 The Structural and Electrical Properties of Sol-Gel-Derived Microwave (Zr,Sn)TiO4 Thin Films 19
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Experimental procedures 20
2.3 Results and discussions 21
2.3.1 Effect of firing temperatures 22
2.3.2 Effect of thickness 24
2.4 Summary 28
References 29
Chapter 3 Effect of Annealing Temperatures on Microstructure and Electrical of (Zr0.8Sn0.2)TiO4 Microwave Thin Films Grown by Modified Sol-Gel Technology 45
3.1. Introduction 45
3.2. Experiment details 46
3.3. Results and disscussion 47
3.4 Summary 51
References 53
Chapter 4 Microwave Characteristics of Coplanar Waveguide on Lithium Niobate Crystals as a Microwave Substrate 66
4.1 Introduction 66
4.2 Experiment details 68
4.3 Results and discussion 71
4.4 Summary 74
References 75
Chapter 5 Microwave Properties of Silicon Substrate with Different Resistivities 83
5.1 Introduction 83
5.2 Attenuation mechanisms of coplanar waveguides 84
5.3 Experiment details 85
5.4 Results and discussion 86
5.5 Summary 89
References 91
Chapter 6 Design of Microwave Filter on the Microwave Dielectric Materials 102
6.1 Introduction 102
6.2 Analysis of UWB filter 103
6.3 Experimental results and discussion 104
6.4 Summary 105
References 106
Chapter 7 Fabrication of a Compact Coplanar Waveguide Low-Pass Filter on High Resistivity Silicon Substrate 112
7.1 Introduction 112
7.2 Analysis of coplanar-waveguide low-pass filter 113
7.3 Experimental results and discussion 115
7.4 Summary 117
References 118
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Future Work 125
8.1 Conclusions 125
8.2 Future work 127
Publication List 128
Vita 132
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