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研究生(外文):Hsuan-Hung Su
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of RF Mixers and Power Divider for Harmonics Suppression
指導教授(外文):Yeong-Her Wang
外文關鍵詞:FoldedLow VoltageSub-harmonicPower DividerWidebandMixerHarmonic Suppression
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其次設計可操作在Ku~K頻段之低電壓超寬頻CMOS摺疊式混頻器。以Gilbert混頻器為出發點,針對傳統摺疊式架構為窄頻應用的缺點進行改良,使用高通型的寬頻摺疊式架構,並整合兩個螺旋狀巴倫電路在晶片中以提升頻寬響應。藉由寬頻摺疊式的架構使得汲極偏壓為1V時,操作在10~25GHz範圍內可提供9 4dB的轉換增益,各埠際間的隔離度皆大於47dB。
A 2.4GHz planar power divider for harmonics suppression is investigated. The microstrip electromagnetic-bandgap (EBG) cell is used to suppress the nth harmonics and to reduce the length of a quarter-wave line over 30% as compared to the conventional power dividers. The planar structure enables an easy circuit design and implementation in printed circuit boards. From the measured results, a 32.5 dB suppression for the 3rd harmonic and a 12 dB suppression for the 5th harmonic can be achieved. While maintaining the characteristics of a conventional Wilkinson power divider, the two equivalent insertion losses are 3.4dB.
A low voltage, ultra wide band CMOS folded mixer for Ku~K-band applications is proposed. The concept of this design is based on the Gilbert mixer structure, using high pass wideband folded architecture to overcome the disadvantage of narrow band application in traditional folded structure, and increasing the bandwidth by integrating two spiral baluns into the chip. For the reason of using wideband folded structure, the conversion gain of 9 4dB from 10 to 25 GHz is derived, and port-to-port isolations are all better than 47dB.
With suitable diode arrangements and the use of spiral balun, a doubly balanced sub-harmonic diode ring mixer bandwidth enhancement has been achieved. The conversion loss is less than 13dB from 21 to 30GHz, and the isolations are larger than 34dB between LO-RF, RF-IF, and LO-IF ports. The chip size is reduced to 1×1mm2 as a result of IF signal can be extracted directly from RF balun circuit.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 章節概述 2
第二章 接收機架構與混頻器簡介 3
2.1 接收機系統簡介 3
2.1.1 外差式接收機 3
2.1.2 直接降頻式接收機 5
2.1.3 低中頻接收機 8
2.2 混頻器簡介 10
2.2.1 主動式混頻器 10
2.2.2 被動式混頻器 12
2.2.3 混頻器架構 13
2.2.4 混頻器基本規格參數 16
第三章 可抑制諧波的Wilkinson功率分配器設計 22
3.1 功率分配器簡介 22
3.2 設計原理與電路架構 25
3.3 模擬與量測結果 29
3.4 結果討論 32
第四章 整合螺旋巴倫之低電壓超寬頻混頻器 33
4.1 Gilbert-cell混頻器架構簡介 33
4.2 設計原理 36
4.2.1 研究動機 36
4.2.2 電路架構 37
4.2.3 設計流程圖 43
4.3 模擬結果 44
4.4 電路佈局 48
4.5 晶片測試 49
4.6 結果討論 49
第五章 雙平衡式次諧波混頻器設計 50
5.1 架構簡介 50
5.2 設計原理 53
5.2.1 研究動機 53
5.2.2 電路架構 54
5.2.3 設計流程圖 58
5.3 模擬結果 59
5.4 電路佈局 63
5.5 結果討論 64
第六章 結論 65
參考文獻 67
作者簡介 71
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