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研究生(外文):Jia-Ren ChangChien
論文名稱(外文):An Electrocardiogram Measurement Instrument Built on a SOC Embedded System Using a Peak Quantification Algorithm and an ECG Generator for Calibration
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Chi Tai
外文關鍵詞:Heart rateEmbedded systemElectrocardiogram
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本論文主要提出以SOC嵌入式系統建構一套可攜式心電圖量測儀. 文中將介紹一個新峰值定量演算法應用在心率檢測上。傳統心電圖量測往往需要藉由電腦或大型醫療儀器才能量測,然而這些醫療設備往往體積過大,攜帶不易。因此本文以嵌入式系統(Embedded System)為基礎架構下,提出一種新款式心電圖量測儀之設計概念。此系統以SOC及ECG檢測電路來完成一套即時、低成本與輕巧的心電圖量測儀。在心率檢測方面,實驗結果顯示誤差小於1 BPM。在心率小於 153 BPM以下,量測值與實際心跳值兩者之間的相關係數可達0.94。因此由實驗結果證明,新峰值量化演算法是可行的且具有高度準確性。
此外,本文同時發展一套可規劃之心電圖產生器來模擬各種疾病之心電圖波形,並提供給心電圖儀做測試及校正使用。在數學演算法方面,本文主要改良由McSharry等人所提出的3組常微分程式,它可以藉由修正參數來決定一個心電圖波形的輪廓及產生的時間。本心電圖產生器,同時提供具ECG波形振幅、心率、QRS合成波的斜率等之可調性。心率可調範圍由20至176 BPM 之間,且振福在0.1-mV解析度下,可調整範圍由 0.1至400 mV之間。經試驗後,其實驗結果證明本文所提之系統是可行的。
This paper reports on the new design and development of a handheld electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement instrument built on a system-on-chip (SOC) embedded system. A new approach using the peak quantification method (PQM) for measuring the human heart rate is also described. A computer, some medical equipment and other facilities are often required for conducting the traditional ECG measurements. However, the monitors of such instruments have some disadvantages, e.g., bulky, not very easy to transport, expensive, and so forth. Hence, we propose a new design for ECG measurement which is built on an embedded system. Our system adopts a SOC and ECG detection circuits to carry out a real-time, low-cost and compact ECG measurement system. Regarding heart rate computation, the experimental results show that the new PQM algorithm, when applied to heart rate measurements, yields error smaller than 1 BPM (beat per minute). The correlation coefficient between the measured and actual heartbeat can reach 0.94 when the heart rate is less than 153 BPM. It shows that the use of the new PQM algorithm gives an extremely high degree of accuracy.
In addition, we report on the development of an accurate and programmable ECG generator that will provide ECG waveforms of different kinds of heart disease for the testing and calibration of electrocardiograph equipment. A modified mathematical model, developed from the three coupled ordinary differential equations of McSharry et al., was used to locate precisely the positions of the onset, termination, angle and duration of individual components in an ECG. Generator facilities are provided so the user can adjust the signal amplitude, heart rate, QRS-complex slopes, and P- and T-waves settings. The heart rate can be adjusted in increments of 1 BPM, from 20 to 176 BPM, while the amplitude of the ECG signal can be set from 0.1 to 400 mV with a 0.1-mV resolution. Experimental results show that the proposed concept and the resulting system are feasible.
Abstract in Chinese................................................................................... I
Abstract in English................................................................................... II
Acknowledgement................................................................................... IV
Contents................................................................................................... V
List of Tables......................................................................................... VII
List of Figures........................................................................................ VII

1 Introduction......................................................................................... 1
2 Physiological Signal Measurement Techniques................................. 4
2.1 Physiological Signal Measuring System.............................................. 4
2.1.1 PCG Detection and Measuring Circuit........................................ 6
2.1.2 ECG Detection and Measuring Circuit........................................ 7
2.1.3 Temperature Detection and Measuring Circuit............................. 8
2.1.4 PDA Measuring System Implementation................................... 12
2.1.5 Bluetooth Communication Flow Process.................................. 14
2.1.6 The GUI Design...................................................................... 16
2.1.7 The PDA Measuring Circuit..................................................... 18
2.1.8 The System Limits................................................................... 21
3 A New PQM Algorithm Built on a SOC Embedded System............ 23
3.1 The PQM Algorithm........................................................................ 23
3.2 SOC Embedded System Implementation.......................................... 28
3.2.1 The ARM SOC Processor....................................................... 30
3.2.2 The CPLD Chipset Design....................................................... 32
3.2.3 The System I/O Address Map.................................................. 36
3.3 Software Implementation and System Calibration.............................. 38
4 The ECG Generator Using a Dynamical Model Implemented on a Microcontroller 41
4.1 Normal ECG Complexes................................................................. 41
4.2 Dynamical ECG Algorithm............................................................... 43
4.3 ECG Generator Implementation....................................................... 47
4.4 Software Implementation................................................................. 56
5 Results and Discussion...................................................................... 57
5.1 SOC Embedded System.................................................................. 57
5.1.1 Clinical Testing........................................................................ 58
5.2 ECG Generator............................................................................... 62
6 Conclusion......................................................................................... 69
References............................................................................................... 71
VITA........................................................................................................ 80
List of Publications.................................................................................. 81
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