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研究生(外文):Hua-Shan Lee
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Electrical Characteristics of KF Low-k Dielectric Material
指導教授(外文):Yan-Kuin Su
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本文將探討銅金屬電極與低介電常數碳摻雜矽氧化物( Carbon-Doped silicon Oxide, CDO )絕緣薄膜間之交互影響。由實驗結果發現,以銅電極製做之Metal
金屬-絕緣層-半導體( MIS )結構,在偏壓、溫度老化(Bias Temperature Stress, BTS ) 的嚴苛條件下時( 1MV/cm, 170C, 1000sec ),其崩潰電場仍可維持在8.3 MV/cm。在本研究中,利用探討漏電流及電場變化之闗係,分析推論出主導的傳輸機制。
In this thesis, interaction between copper electrode and low dielectric constant KF ( Carbon-Doped silicon Oxide, CDO ) film was demonstrated.
The Metal-Insulation-Semiconductor (MIS) capacitors were fabricated with a copper electrode. The breakdown electrical field was as high as 8.3 MV/cm under strict Bias Temperature Stress ( BTS ) conditions ( at 1 MV/cm and 170oC for 1000 sec ).
In this work, we have investigated the relationship between leakage current and electrical field. We also have analyzed which transport mechanism is dominated.
Finally, the resistant capability of Cu diffusion in KF film was verified with Cu diffusion rate measured by C-V characteristics.
1.1 General Background -1-
1.2 Cu Metallization -3-
1.3 Low Dielectric Constant Materials -4-
1.4 Low-k Developed Method -5-
1.4.1 Spin-on Deposition of Low Dielectric Constant Materials -5-
1.4.2 Chemical Vapor Deposition of Low Dielectric Constant Materials -6-
1.5 Motivation and Organization of this Thesis -7-
Chapter 2 Fabrication of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor(MIS) with Copper -11-
2.1 Current-Voltage(I-V) Measurement -11-
2.1.1 Tunneling -11-
2.1.2 Space-Charge-Limited Currents(SCLC) -11-
2.1.3 Thermionic or Schottky-Richardson Emission -12-
2.1.4 Pool-Frenkel Effect -12-
2.1.5 Distinction between Pool-Frenkel and Schottkey -13-
2.2 Capacitance-Voltage(C-V) Measurement -15-
2.3 Experimental Procedure and Analyses -16-
Chapter 3 Experimental Results and Discussion - 29-
3.1 Experimental Results -29-
3.2 Copper Drift Rates in Low-k CDO Film -31-
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Prospects -51-
4.1 Conclusion -51-
4.2 Prospects -51-
Bibliography -53-
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