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研究生(外文):Yuan-Ching Chen
論文名稱(外文):Design of a VLSI Architecture for H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoding
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Giun Lee
外文關鍵詞:compressioncontext-based adaptivedecoder
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H.264 is a brand new compression standard for multimedia communication and storage. The compression performance is much better than other conventional standards. Context-based variable length coding is used in H.264 for the encoding of residual coefficients. CAVLC selects different VLC tables adaptively according to the video contents. Better compression ratio is achieved by removing statistical redundancy with the aid of spatial correlation. CAVLC performs almost as well as the arithmetic coding but possesses less computational complexity.
In this thesis, we propose a VLSI architecture for H.264 CAVLC decoder. We have designed a highly efficient multi-symbol decoder with high decoding throughput by ultilizing the properties of CAVLC. On the other hand, the arithmetic operations were used to reduce the hardware cost of decoding. The design proposed in the thesis can meet the real time requirement for HD video decoding.
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1 Introduction..................................1
1.1. Background....................................1
1.2. Motivation....................................2
1.3. Organization of This Thesis...................3
Chapter 2 H.264/AVC Coding Overview.....................4
2.1. H.264/AVC Overview ............................5
2.2. Entropy Coding................................7
Chapter 3 CAVLC in H.264/AVC Standard...................8
3.1. Context-Based Adaptive Variable Length Coding.8
3.1.1. CoeffToken....................................11
3.1.2. TrailingOnes..................................12
3.1.3. Level.........................................13
3.1.4. TotalZeros....................................15
3.1.5. RunBefore .....................................15
3.2. Hardware Architecture of Conventional Variable Length Decoders..16
3.2.1. Constant Input Rate Decoders..................16
3.2.2. Constant Output Rate Decoders.................19
3.2.3. Variable I/O Rate Architecture................21
3.3. Hardware Architecture of Conventional CAVLC Decoders............22
3.3.1. Group-based CAVLC Decoder.....................22
3.3.2. Low Power Design of CAVLC Decoder.............25
Chapter 4 Proposed Architecture of Context-Based Adaptive Variable Length Decoder................................................29
4.1. System Overview...............................29
4.2. Architecture Design of CAVLC Decoder..........32
4.2.1. Coeff_Token...................................32
4.2.2. TrailingOnes..................................36
4.2.3. Level.........................................38
4.2.4. TotalZeros....................................41
4.2.5. RunBefore.....................................42
4.2.6. InputControl..................................51
4.2.7. Controller....................................53
Chapter 5 Experimental Result and Performance Analysis..56
5.1. Design Flow...................................56
5.2. Verification Process..........................57
5.2.1. Sub-Block Verification........................57
5.2.2. Macro Verification ............................58
5.2.3. Software-Hardware Co-Verification.............60
5.3. Experimental Result...........................63
5.4. Comparison....................................63
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work....................68
6.1. Conclusion....................................68
6.2. Future Work...................................69
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