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研究生(外文):Liang-Chen Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Study of EM Interaction of Handset Antennas with Human Head Models and Planar WLAN Antenna Design by Using FDTD Method
指導教授(外文):Yao-Chiang KanHuey-Ru Chung
外文關鍵詞:handset antennaelectromagnetic interaction
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行動通訊手機天線與人體頭部的電磁耦合作用,對研究人體吸收電磁輻射能量安全標準是重要的議題。本論文使用有限時域差分法(finite difference time domain; FDTD) 電磁數值計算方法來模擬探討手機天線和人體頭部間的電磁耦合及吸收能量特性。首先,使用三維多層超橢圓體之人體頭部組織模型來描述不同厚度之脂肪組織層,探討頭部靠近900及1800 MHz 偶極天線時之電磁能量特定吸收率(SAR)分布。使用三維多層超橢圓體之人體頭部模型靠近偶極天線,並以改變超橢圓體數學方程之技巧來描述不同厚度之脂肪組織層,探討不同厚度脂肪層情況下頭部組織之SAR分布,並與使用二種核磁共振造影(MRI)之實際人頭模型之數值計算結果比較分析。然後,論文中設計一900/1800 MHz 雙頻矩形金屬線狀手機天線,並且以FDTD 計算當被手握持貼近在人體頭部時之天線輻射特性變化及頭部SAR 分布。 最後,論文中設計一運用於無線區域網路之2.4-GHz極化分集選擇電路平面式偶極天線,以FDTD 模擬設計包括極化分集選擇電路pin-diode 及R/L/C 元件之整體天線結構 ,其整體輻射特性可有效增進接收極化分集之性能。
The electromagnetic (EM) interaction of handset antennas with the human head becomes an important issue due to the increasing concern about the EM exposure safety. The EM absorption characteristics for two scenarios are studied in this thesis: (1) a multilayered head model proximate to a dipole antenna, and (2) two MRI-based head models proximate to a proposed dual-band rectangular loop antenna mounted on a handset at 900/1800 MHz. The three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (3-D FDTD) method is employed to compute this antenna-head coupling problem. The multilayered superquadric ellipsoid head is composed of 9 different tissues of skin, cartilage, fat, muscle, bone, blood, nerve, brain, and eye-lens. The distributions of different specific absorption (SAR) characteristics and the fat layer effects of the head model with different fat-layer thickness are investigated and presented. Furthermore, two realistic MRI-based head models are also used in this study to perform a comparison with the results from the proposed head model. Then, a dual-band rectangular loop antenna on a mobile handset is proposed to study the EM interaction with the above two MRI-based tissue-classified head models. In this study, a hand model with 3 tissues of skin, muscle and bone is included to simulate a hand holding the handset. The characteristics on EM energy absorption of these head models are discussed. Several interesting phenomena are observed and explained. This study provides some important guidelines for the investigation of the exposure assessment and antenna design of the wireless handset. Finally, the 3-D FDTD with Berenger PML-ABC computational method is employed to design and analyze the entire structure of a planar 2.4-GHz polarization-diversity printed dipole antenna for WLAN communication applications.
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................1
1.1 General introduction .....................................................................................1
1.2 Background information ....................................................................................3
1.3 Motivation for research.......................................................................................4
1.4 Outline of thesis .................................................................................................5
Chapter 2 EM Interaction of A Multilayered Superquadric-Ellipsoidal and
MRI-Based Head Models with A Proximate Dipole Antenna ..............................7
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................7
2.2 Computational models .......................................................................................9
2.2.1 Human head model .........................................................................................9
2.2.2 Antenna model ..............................................................................................11
2.3 Numerical results and discussions ...................................................................12
2.3.1 Multi-layered superquadric ellipsoidal head model......................................15
2.3.2 MRI-based head models................................................................................21
2.3.3 Antenna patterns affected by human heads ..................................................25
2.4 Summary and conclusion ................................................................................28
Chapter 3 A 900/1800 MHz Dual-Band Gap Loop Antenna on a Handset with a
Proximate Head and Hand..................................................................................31
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................31
3.2 Computational analysis ...................................................................................33
3.2.1 Antenna structure design..............................................................................33
3.2.2 Head and hand models ................................................................................37
3.3 Numerical simulation and experimental measurement...................................41
3.3.1 Dual-band antenna ......................................................................................41
3.3.2 Effects of cellphone with dual-band gap loop antenna on Brooks and NIT
heads with hand model.........................................................................................49
3.4 Discussion and conclusion.............................................................................57
Chapter 4 FDTD Design Analysis of Printed Planar Dipole Antennas for
WLAN and Wireless Communication Applications ..........................................59
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................59
4.2 Printed dipole antenna with integrated via-hole balun .................................61
4.3 Polarization-diversity printed dipole antenna with polarization- switching
Circuit .................................................................................................................69
4.4 Conclusion .............................................................................................79
Chapter 5 Conclusion .......................................................................................81
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