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研究生(外文):Shun-Tsung Huang
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication and Characteristics of Conical Silicon Field Emitters employing Dry etching
指導教授(外文):Shoou-Jinn Chang
外文關鍵詞:Silicon Field EmittersDry etching
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在真空微電子中,大多數新的技術需要使用圓錐型且尖銳的尖端作為一個電子的發射體。在本論文中,我們將改善發射體的曲率半徑和高度及圓錐角度以有效達到增強場增強因子(field enhancement factor β)。再本實驗中,我們開發一種製造程序是利用一個純的SF6和一個混合的SF6和O2作為等向性乾式蝕刻氣體,然後再經由熱氧化的技術去改善發射體的幾何形狀。我們也成功地製作出曲率半徑為5nm,高度為4.4um,圓錐角度為30°的發射體。而在10uA時,啟動電場為4.8 V/um,而在最大電場時(電壓為1100V),相對的最大電流密度為60.4 uA/cm2。
A number of new technologies require the use of conical and sharp tips to serve as electron emitters in the vacuum microelectronics. In this paper, we improved radius of curvature, height and cone angle of emitters, in order to reach the enhancement result of field enhancement factor (β). In this experiment, we developed a fabrication process to improve geometry of emitter by employing isotropic dry etching in pure SF6 and a mixture of SF6 and O2 followed by thermal oxidation technique. In the end, we successfully achieved excellent conical emitters with 5-10 nm radius of curvature, 4.4 um height, 60° cone angle. The conical silicon emitters current-voltage characteristics shows that Eto = 4.8 V/um (turn-on electrics field) compare with 10 uA/cm2, maximum current density J = 60.4 uA/cm2 at E = 8.14V/um (Voltage:1100v).
Abstract (in Chinese)------------------------------------I
Abstract (in English) ----------------------------------II
Figure Captions----------------------------------------VII
Table Captions------------------------------------------IX

Chapter 1 Introduction
1-1. History of Vacuum Microelectronics------------------ 1
1-2. The theory of field emission ----------------------- 3
Chapter 2 Experimental System Setup
2-1. Introduction---------------------------------------- 7
2-2. Photo-lithography----------------------------------- 8
2-3. Inductively Coupled Plasma etching and Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition systems
2.3.1 Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition---------- 9
2.3.2 Inductively Coupled Plasma etching systems ---------9
2.3.3 Etch Mechanism------------------------------------ 11
2-4. Thermal Oxidation-----------------------------------11
2-5. Scanning electron microscope----------------------- 12
2-6. Field Emission Measurement------------------------- 14
Chapter 3 Fabrication of Conical Silicon Field Emitters
3-1. Introduction--------------------------------------- 23
3-2. Fabrication Process-------------------------------- 24
3-3. Dry Etching --------------------------------------- 25
3-3.1 Effect of RF-Power ------------------------------- 25
3-3.2 Effect of SF6 Flow Rate--------------------------- 26
3-3.3 Effect of O2 Flow Rate---------------------------- 26
3-4. Forming of Conical Silicon Field Emitters---------- 27
3-5. Characterization of Field Emission----------------- 28
Chapter 4 Conclusion-------------------------------------49
Chapter 5 Future Work----------------------------------- 50
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