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研究生(外文):Tsung-Ting Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Novel Voltage Driving Methods Compensating for Threshold Voltage Variations Using 3-TFT Pixel Circuits for AMOLED
指導教授(外文):Chih-Lung Lin
外文關鍵詞:AMOLEDpixel circuitVTH variationdegradation
  • 被引用被引用:2
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主動矩陣有機發光二極體(Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Display)必須採用薄膜電晶體(Thin-Film Transistor)作為驅動與開關元件,而半導體製程中常因環境與人為因素造成元件特性穩定性不足或者因長時間的使用造成元件衰減,如薄膜電晶體元件的臨界電壓(Threshold Voltage),當畫素電路中薄膜電晶體特性產生漂移,整體面板的亮度均勻性就受到相當大的影響。此外有機發光二極體本身的材料變異也會直接影響到面板的顯像品質。
An active matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED) uses thin film transistor (TFT) as driving and switching component. However, a non-negligible VTH variation of the driving TFT due to process variation or prolonged operation directly influences the quality of the AMOLED display.
This thesis proposes two novel pixel circuits and experimentally verifies the results of previous research. The first proposed 3T1C circuit is associated with a novel driving scheme to compensate for the threshold voltage shift in driving TFT with the simplest control signals. The second proposed 3T1C circuit operates in the triode region and improves upon the high-power consumption of the first circuit. Moreover, the second circuit keeps the simplest control signals and the fewer TFTs structure. The proposed circuits are associated with entirely new driving schemes for an AMOLED pixel circuit and will contribute markedly to AMOLED applications in the future.
The previously proposed 5T1C circuit is fabricated and its performance is measured in this thesis. The experimental results reveal that the circuit can improve the uniformity of the display and extended the lifetime of the AMOLED display.
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
Table Captions vi
Figure Captions vii
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 6
1.3 Thesis organization 10
Chapter 2 A Novel Voltage Driving Method Using 3-TFT Pixel Circuit for AMOLED
2.1 Introduction 11
2.2 Proposed Pixel Circuit Operation 12
2.3 Stability Analysis 13
2.4 Simulation Results 15
2.3 Conclusions 17
Chapter 3 Novel Pixel Circuit Based Simple and Effective Driving Schemes for AMOLED
3.1 Introduction 21
3.2 Proposed Pixel Circuit Operation 22
3.3 Simulation Results 24
3.3 Conclusions 26
Chapter 4 A Novel Voltage-Feedback Pixel Circuit for AMOLED Displays
4.1 Introduction 30
4.2 Proposed Pixel Circuit Operation 33
4.3 Simulation and Experimental Results 36
4.4 Conclusions 38

Chapter 5 Conclusions 44
References 45
Vita 50
Publication Lists 51
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