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研究生(外文):Hsin-Ju Feng
論文名稱(外文):Frame-Based Error Concealment in H.264/AVC by Refined Motion Prediction
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Kuo
外文關鍵詞:whole frameFBECH.264error concealment
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本篇論文中,我們根據H.264/AVC編解碼系統,提出以整個畫面遺失為基準的錯誤隱藏(Frame Based Error concealment),除了使用前一個畫面相同位置和周圍四個的移動向量來預測外,我們還在原本沒有移動向量的intra macro-block(I-MB)預測出適當的移動向量來做更佳化的錯誤隱藏。除此之外,在低於我們所設臨界值的低移動向量預測我們還使用H-S光流法來加強畫面品質!
Nowadays, real-time video transmission by wireless protocol usually transmits data in low bit-rate environment. So the data loss is inevitable in
this process with relatively high bit error rate and packet loss rate. Since we transmit data at a low-bit rate, a packet loss often results in a frame loss.
Therefore, frame based error concealment (FBEC) of video decoder systems is increasingly important and worthy of research.
In this thesis, we propose a new method to resist whole frame loss. The main idea is to predict suitable motion vectors (MVs) in zero motion inter-macro blocks (PMBs) and intra-macro blocks (IMBs). For low motion MBs, we apply optical flow method to predict suitable motion vector. Other MBs are predicted by neighbor macro-blocks of the previous frames. By applying the proposed algorithm to H.264 decoder, the objective performance measured in PSNR is around 2dB higher than that of reference software
JM10.0. The subjective quality also improves significantly. This method requires only a few extra computing components, and may be easily implemented in hardware.
摘要 .......... IV
Abstract ............... V
Contents ........... VII
List of Tables .......... IX
List of Figures ........ X
Chapter 1 Introduction ........ 1
1.1 Motivation .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Organization of Thesis ....................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 H.264/AVC Standard and Error Resilience Techniques ............................... 6
2.1 Background of H.264/AVC ................................................................................ 6
2.2 Error resilience tools in H.264/AVC ................................................................ 10
Chapter 3 Frame Based Error Concealment in H.264/AVC ........................................ 18
3. 1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Macro Block Level Error Concealments ......................................................... 19
3.2.1 Spatial Error Concealment Algorithm ................................................. 19
3.2.2 Temporal Error Concealment Algorithm ............................................. 20
3.3 Frame Level Error Concealments ................................................................. 21
3.3.1 Frame Copy Algorithm ......................................................................... 22
3.3.2 Motion Vector Copy Algorithm ............................................................. 22
3.4 FBEC by Refined Motion Vector Prediction ................................................ 23
3.4.1 Medium5 + DC + ZMMed8 Method ..................................................... 24
3.4.2 Medium5 + DC Method ........................................................................ 24
3.4.3 ZMMed8 Method .................................................................................. 27
3.5 Experiment Results and Discussion ................................................................ 29
3.5.1 Experiments of Proposed Error Concealment Schemes ...................... 29
3.5.2 Comparisons of JM and Proposed Method result ................................ 32
Chapter 4 Refined Low Motion Vector Prediction using Optical Flow
Method .......................................................................................................... 36
4.1 Refined Low Motion Method (RLMM) .......................................................... 36
4.2 Introduction to Optical Flow Equation ........................................................... 37
4.3 Optical Flow Medthod in Block Domain (OFb).............................................. 41
4.4 Optical Flow Method in Pixel Domain (OFp) ................................................. 45
4.5 Experiment Results and Discussion ............................................................... 47
4.5.1 Experiments of Proposed Error Concealment Schemes ...................... 47
4.5.2 Comparisons of JM and Proposed Method result ................................ 51
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works ................................................................... 60
5.1 Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 60
5.2 Future Works ................................................................................................... 61
References ...................................................................................................................... 62
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