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研究生(外文):Ming-hsiang Lo
論文名稱(外文):Development of an Adjustable Speed Drive System with PMSM for Treadmill
指導教授(外文):Ming-yang Cheng
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The conventional treadmill uses an adjustable speed motor drive system actuated by a DC motor. However, due to the fact that the DC motor is equipped with carbon brushes and commutator segments, the DC motor has inherent drawbacks such as sparks during commutation, loud noise and maintenance problems. In addition, the low power density of the DC motor causes many restrictions for application. In contrast, the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is highly efficient. Since the PMSM does not have brushes and commutators, it can operate quietly at high speeds and is maintenance free. In order to prevent from the drawback of the conventional treadmill system, the PMSM is employed to replace the DC motor as the adjustable speed drive system for the treadmill in this thesis.
The aim of this thesis is to implement a sinusoidal current drive system for the PMSM. The kernel of the whole system is implemented by a 16-bit Digital Signal Controller (dsPIC30F4011). One of the major features of the fully digital speed tuning system developed in this thesis is to use the information obtained from the low resolution Hall effect sensor and numerical differentiation to estimate rotor positions needed in implementing sinusoidal current drives. In addition, compared with the SPWM, the SVPWM has attractive features such as smaller harmonic distortions, higher voltage utilization rate, and is suitable for digital implementation. The control signal of power switches is generated using SVPWM. In addition, the SVPWM yield higher inverter efficiency. The results of dynamometer testing show that the proposed approach presents satisfactory performance.
目 錄

第一章 緒論...................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機....................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的與方法....................................................................................3
1.3 章節概述..................................................................................................7

第二章 永磁同步馬達................................................................................8
2.1 永磁同步馬達簡介...............................................................................8
2.1.1 電動機簡介.........................................................................................8
2.1.2 電動機分類.........................................................................................9
2.2 永磁同步馬達數學模型的建立與推導.......................................12
2.2.1 參考座標軸之定義.........................................................................12
2.2.2 內藏式永磁同步馬達之數學模型.............................................14
2.3 永磁同步馬達之控制方法................................................................20

第三章 永磁同步馬達驅動原理............................................................23
3.1 永磁同步馬達驅動..............................................................................23
3.1.1 方波電流驅動...................................................................................24
3.1.2 弦波電流驅動...................................................................................28
3.1.3 方波與弦波電流驅動之比較.......................................................30
3.2 變頻器基本原理...................................................................................31
3.2.1 弦波脈波寬度調變原理................................................................32
3.2.2 空間向量脈波寬度調變原理.......................................................37
3.2.3 弦波與空間向量脈波寬度調變原理之比較...........................43

第四章 永磁同步馬達調速驅動系統實現..........................................45
4.1 dsPIC30F4011數位訊號控制器之簡介...........................................45
4.2 基於霍爾感測訊號之弦波電流驅動..............................................47
4.2.1 轉速估測策略....................................................................................47
4.2.2 轉子位置插值法................................................................................49
4.3 以dsPIC為基礎之SVPWM實現........................................................51
4.4 速度迴路控制器...................................................................................56

第五章 實驗架構與實驗結果.................................................................58
5.1 實驗硬體架構........................................................................................59
5.1.1 動力量測平台與永磁同步馬達..................................................59
5.1.2 電源模組..............................................................................................60
5.1.3 驅動控制單元...................................................................................60
5.2 軟體程式架構........................................................................................61
5.3 跑步機平台............................................................................................67
5.4 實驗結果.................................................................................................69

第六章 結論與未來研究方向.................................................................81
6.1 結論...........................................................................................................81
6.2 未來研究建議........................................................................................82
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