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研究生(外文):Keng-yu Chang
論文名稱(外文):An 8-bit 500MS/s Flash ADC Using Capacitor Averaging with a Single-Phase Clock
指導教授(外文):Tai-haur Kuo
外文關鍵詞:single phase clockflash ADC
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Averaging networks suppress the random offset efficiently between the comparators in flash ADCs, but it causes limitations at the averaging network boundaries. Although the effect can be resolved by additional terminal circuits, it costs larger power consumption and input headroom. Auto-zeroing technique is another effective way to reduce the error, but it is difficult to implement auto-zeroing without idle time in a high speed low latency flash for continuous data conversion. In this thesis, capacitor averaging with single-phase clock technique is proposed to achieve the target. Capacitor averaging technique without boundary limitation can alleviate random offset, and thus, reduce the area of first preamplifier stage. Since the technique is based on auto-zeroing technique, a switching preamplifier is provided to avoid non-overlap control signals requirement by conventional auto-zeroing ADCs and eliminate the interference caused by the high speed auto-zeroing operation at input nodes. Besides, the proposed technique has the merit of a single clock phase control to avoid synchronous issues since mutli-clock phase are necessary for recent published flash ADCs with auto-zeroing technique. Interpolation technique is also used in this design to reduce input loading, preamplifier number and differential nonlinearity (DNL) error in the ADC.
The ADC is fabricated in 0.18�慆 1P6M CMOS technology and occupies an area of 1.18mm2. The measurement results show that this design can achieve an operating rate of 500MHz with SNDR>30dB when input frequency < 100MHz. The total Chip draws 198mW non-including output buffer and the property runs off 1.8V analog and 2.3V digital supplies.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction...1
1.1 Motivation...1
1.2 Organization...2

2 Error Analysis of Flash ADC ...4
2.1 Quantization Error...4
2.2 Noise...7
2.3 Offset Mismatch...9
2.4 Clock Skew Effect...13
2.5 Signal Dependent Comparator Delay Error...16
2.6 Kickback Noise...20
2.7 Metastability and Hysteresis...21
2.8 Bubble Error...23

3 Proposed Technique of the Flash ADC...25
3.1 Interpolation Technique...25
3.1.1 Interpolation Typ...27
3.1.2 Interpolation Analysis...29
3.2 Auto-zeroing Technique...31
3.2.1 Auto-zeroing Principle...31
3.2.2 Auto-zeroing Topology...32
3.2.3 Modified Auto-zeroing...34
3.3 Averaging Technique...37
3.3.1 Resister Averaging Network...38
3.3.2 Offset Reduction with Averaging Network...40
3.3.3 Mathematic Derivation of Averaging Network...42
3.4 Reinterpolation Technique...45
3.5 Proposed Capacitor Averaging with Single-Phase Clock...47

4 Circuit Design of the Flash ADC...52
4.1 The Architecture of Proposed ADC...52
4.2 Reference Ladder Consideration...54
4.2.1 Effect to the Accuracy of Resistor Ladder...54
4.2.2 Matching Behavior of the Resistor Ladder...55
4.3 Front-End Track and Hold Circuit...57
4.4 Comparator Circuit Design...59
4.4.1 Circuit Topology and Consideration...60
4.4.2 Switching Preamplifier...61
4.4.3 Preamplifier2 Circuit...62
4.4.4 Latch Circuit...63
4.5 Digital Encoder Design...65
4.5.1 Consideration of Digital Encoder...66
4.5.2 Implementation of Digital Encoder...67
4.6 Timing Generator Circuit....68

5 Layout and Results...72
5.1 Power Supply Partition...72
5.2 Floor Plan and Layout...73
5.3 Measurement Considerations...74
5.3.1 Measure Step...75
5.4 PCB Design Consideration...76
5.4.1 Transmission Line Effect...76
5.4.2 Crosstalk...76
5.4.3 Decoupling...76
5.4.4 PCB Fabrication...77
5.5 Experimental Result...77

6 Conclusion and Future Work...82

Reference ...84
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