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研究生(外文):Ja-Ming Huang
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Relatioship among Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty for the Institutions of ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
指導教授(外文):Wann-Yih Wu
外文關鍵詞:Service QualityTrustElectroMagnetic CompatibilityCustomer LoyaltyCustomer Satisfaction
  • 被引用被引用:16
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本研究旨在探討電磁相容(EMC)驗證機構之服務品質、顧客滿意度、信任與顧客忠誠度關係之研究,並進一步探討在不同的職位、所屬服務的部門的人員及不同規模大小、主要生產產品類別的企業,對各構面的差異程度。本研究以國內從事電子電機相關產業之企業及廠商作為研究探討對象,共寄發100家公司及問卷450份,回收74家公司及有效問卷328份,有效回收率為72.9 %。經SPSS與AMOS等軟體資料分析工具進行實證分析,實證結果發現如下:





The purposes of this study were to identify the influences of service quality on customer satisfaction, trust and customer loyalty for the certification institutes of electromagnetic compatibility, the differences of the above constructs in terms of position, service department, size and production categories were also evaluated. This study selected samples from the electrical and electronic industries in Taiwan. Out of the 100 firms, 450 questionnaires were sent, 328 valid questionnaires were returned from 74 firms, resulting in a valid response rate of 72.9%. The statistic software SPSS and AMOS were applied for the data analysis and major findings of this study were as follows:

The levels of service quality in terms of “tangibles”, “reliability”, “responsiveness”, “assurance” and “empathy” had significant and positive effects on customer satisfaction and trust. The effects of the “assurance” and “empathy” were more significant others. Customer satisfaction of the certification institutes of electromagnetic compatibility had significant and positive effects on the trust. Both customer satisfaction and trust had significant and positive effects on the customer loyalty.

Furthermore, significant differences of research variables had been found among different personnel of service department, including service quality, customer satisfaction, trust and customer loyalty. The results indicated that employees from engineering/technical department had the highest mean scores on all of the above variables and those of R&D department had the lowest. Significant differences had also found on assurance of service quality and customer satisfaction with different positions of respondents in the firm. The results indicated that employees in management position had highest mean scores on these variables, and those with engineer position had the lowest.

Significant differences had also found among different size categories of firms the service quality in terms of reliability, assurance and empathy, and trust. Employees of the small-scale size firms tend to have higher mean scores on the above variables.

Therefore, it is suggested that certification institutes of electromagnetic compatibility should exert more effort on service quality for engineer position of R&D department in order to promote customer satisfaction, trust, and customer loyalty.
第壹章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………………2
第三節 研究對象及範圍……………………………………………………3
第四節 研究流程……………………………………………………………4
第貳章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………5
第一節 電磁相容……………………………………………………………5
第二節 服務品質……………………………………………………………11
第三節 顧客滿意度…………………………………………………………22
第四節 信任…………………………………………………………………24
第五節 顧客忠誠度…………………………………………………………25
第六節 服務品質與顧客滿意度之關係……………………………………31
第七節 服務品質與信任之關係……………………………………………33
第八節 顧客滿意度與信任之關係…………………………………………34
第九節 信任與顧客忠誠度之關係…………………………………………34
第十節 顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係…………………………………35

第參章 研究方法……………………………………………………………37
第一節 變數操作型定義與衡量……………………………………………37
第二節 研究架構……………………………………………………………43
第三節 研究主題及研究假設………………………………………………44
第四節 問卷設計與抽樣……………………………………………………45
第五節 資料分析與統計方法………………………………………………46
第肆章 實證分析……………………………………………………………52
第一節 敘述性統計分析……………………………………………………52
第二節 因素分析與信度檢定………………………………………………54
第三節 相關分析之迴歸模式分析…………………………………………60
第四節 LISREL線性結構分析………………………………………………67
第五節 差異性檢定分析……………………………………………………75
第伍章 結論與建議…………………………………………………………82
第一節 研究結論……………………………………………………………82
第二節 管理意涵與建議……………………………………………………87
第三節 研究限制及未來研究方向…………………………………………90

附錄 研究問卷…………………………………………………………………103

表2.1 服務品質的定義…………………………………………………………14
表2.2 PZB服務品質之衡量構面與變項意義…………………………………21
表2.3 顧客滿意度的定義………………………………………………………23
表2.4 顧客忠誠度的定義………………………………………………………26
表2.5 顧客忠誠度衡量方式……………………………………………………30
表3.1 電磁相容(EMC)驗證機構顧客滿意度之衡量變項…………………40
表3.2 電磁相容(EMC)驗證機構信任之衡量變項…………………………41
表3.3 電磁相容(EMC)驗證機構顧客忠誠度之衡量變項…………………42
表4.1 回收問卷基本資料表…………………………………………………54
表4.2.a 服務品質構面因素分析及信度檢定彙整表………………………58
表4.2.b 顧客滿意度構面因素分析及信度檢定彙整表……………………59
表4.2.c 信任構面因素分析及信度檢定彙整表……………………………59
表4.2.d 顧客忠誠度構面因素分析及信度檢定彙整表……………………60
表4.3 服務品質與顧客滿意度構面之迴歸分析表…………………………62
表4.4 服務品質與信任構面之迴歸分析表…………………………………64
表4.5 顧客滿意度、信任與顧客忠誠度構面之迴歸分析表………………66
表4.6 服務品質構面之構念估計模型變數與問卷題項對照表……………67
表4.7 服務品質構面各研究變數CFA之結果………………………………69
表4.8 服務品質構面CFA模型契合度指標表………………………………68
表4.9 構念間的相關係數矩陣………………………………………………71
表4.10 服務品質、滿意度、信任與忠誠度線性結構模式之適合度檢定表……73
表4.11 服務品質、滿意度、信任與忠誠度構面之線性結構模式………………73
表4.12 不同職位的人員在各研究構面因素之差異性分析表……………………76
表4.13 不同所屬服務部門的人員在各研究構面因素之差異性分析表…………77
表4.14 生產不同產品類別的企業在各研究構面因素之差異性分析表…………78
表4.15.a 不同規模大小的企業在各研究構面因素之平均數與標準差表………79
表4.15.b 不同規模大小的企業在各研究構面因素之差異性分析表……………80

圖1.1 研究流程圖……………………………………………………………4
圖2.1 PZB服務品質概念模式………………………………………………19
圖2.2 顧客知覺品質與顧客滿意度關係圖…………………………………32
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