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研究生(外文):Fu-Chien Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Entrepreneurial Strategic Change and Firm Performance in a Hyper Competitive Environment: A Case Study of expanding LCD TV production
指導教授(外文):Hsueh-Liang Wu
外文關鍵詞:Entrepreneurial ActionLCD-TVTFT-LCD Strategy
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平面顯示器產業是台灣政府近年來所提出的兩兆雙星的科技產業,但也是亞洲各科技產品主要生產國所訂立的重點產業,所以平面顯示器產業一開始就受到日韓等國的強烈競爭,而台灣國內的平面顯示器產業也是五家爭鳴,如何在瞬息萬變的市場知道市場即將變化而做出符合當時的決策是本論文所要探討的重點。本論文利用深度訪談方式來收集資料進行個案研究,以Yin, R.K.所提資料分析的方式:1、Pattern-Matching(型態比對),2、Explanation-building(建立解釋)選擇以面板廠在2003年轉進LCD-TV市場的策略發展是否符合Gregory G. Dess所強調的興業動能EA(Entrepreneurial Action),區分成五方面特色,包括:創新性﹙Innovativeness﹚、自主性﹙Autonomy﹚、前瞻性﹙Proactiveness﹚、競爭積極性﹙Competitive aggressiveness﹚、冒險性﹙Risk-taking﹚。
研究所歸納出來三大因素,其中以「高階經營團隊」、「資源累積」、「集團網絡關係」等三大因素為重點,將資料予以整理後得到的驗證結果的型態與之比對,是否真正影響到興業動能(EA)而進行市場重定位的策略轉折,其中的內部效度(Internal Validity)分析因素對其興業動能的強弱影響,定出建立解釋所需的因果連結關係,說明此三大因素對這個產業市場策略轉折是否真的有影響。
TFT-LCD is the Two Trillion-Two Star Industry that the Taiwanese government advocates in recent years. It is also the essential focus in the other technology-industry countries in Asia. As a result, the plane monitor industry in Taiwan has been in keen competition not only with countries such as Japan and South Korea, but also among the five domestic companies. Therefore, how to discover change in advance and make appropriate decisions in the instance varying market then is the key point that this paper intends to discuss. This research interviews several top managers working in this case and analyzes the material according to Yin, R.K.(1944)methods of material analysis: 1. Pattern-Matching, 2. Explanation-Building. The author divides the analysis items into five aspects: Innovativeness, Autonomy, Proactiveness, Competitive aggressiveness, and Risk-taking, which are based on EA(Entrepreneurial Action)advocated by Gregory G. Dess. The research aims at probing if the strategies that the LCD company changed the target and worked on LCD-TV in 2003 fit in with the EA.
The research generalizes three factors: “Top Managers Team”, “The Accumulated Resources”, “Clustring and Network” as the key points. First, this study surveys the real business report. Then, the author examines the relation between these three factors and the EA through the result of the internal validity and figures out to what extent these factors influence the EA and its entrepreneurial strategy changing to firm the performance in a hyper competitive environment.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
致 謝 III
目 錄 IV
表目錄 V
圖目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 產業介紹 6
第二節 興業動能 10
第三節 高階管理團隊特質 14
第四節 資源基礎理論 16
第五節 集團網絡關係 18
第三章 研究方法 20
第二節 研究架構 22
第三節 資料來源 24
第四章 個案研究 26
第一節 過程與績效分析 26
第二節 高階管理團隊特色之驗證 30
第三節 資源累積之驗證 33
第四節 集團網絡關係之驗證 37
第五章 結論與建議 40
第一節 結論 40
第二節 建議事項 41
參考文獻 46
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1. AUO:http://www.auo.com.tw
2. Chi Mei:http://www.cmo.com.tw
3. 華映:http://www.cptt.com.tw
4. 翰宇彩晶:http://www.hannstar.com
5. 廣輝:http://www.qdi.com.tw
6. Panasonic:http://www.panasonic.com
7. Samsung 's Digital World:http://www.samsungusa.com
8. Sharp:http://sharp-world.com/
9. Sony:http://www.sony.com/
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