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研究生(外文):Chi-ming Huang
論文名稱(外文):A study on Relationship Strength and Customer Loyalty-A Case Study for a Securities Firm
指導教授(外文):Jung-Pao, KangChin-Chen, Chien
外文關鍵詞:relationship qualityrelationship strengthpersonal loyaltycompany loyaltyrelationship marketing
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近年來,隨著台灣加入世界貿易組織(WTO) 及金融控股公司紛紛的成立,國內證券業已面臨強大的同業競爭與生存壓力,而紛紛調整其經營型態,將傳統行銷方式逐漸朝向注重與顧客建立、維持關係的關係行銷,以提昇顧客的忠誠度、擴大市場佔有率及維持企業的生存與發展。
In recent years, with Taiwan’s entrance into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the constant establishment of financial holdings companies, the domestic securities industry is facing strong competition and stress of survival, and has begun to adjust their management styles. Traditional marketing methods are gradually changing to relationship marketing, which is concerned with establishing and maintaining relationship s with customers, in order to elevate customer loyalty, expand the market share, and maintain the existence and development of the corporation.
Customers of the securities industry generally have their personal securities brokers to serve them. Due to the characteristics of stock transactions, the customers have more interaction with the brokers than with the securities company; their loyalty may be more broker-oriented because of their frequent contact with the broker, trust for the broker, or due to personal characteristics of the broker. However, customers are assets of the company and not owned by the brokers personally. If it is possible to effectively convert the trust or loyalty of customers to their brokers to the company, when brokers leave the company, it would decrease the number of customers lost, and also decrease the harm done to the securities company. Therefore, the orientation of customer loyalty is a field worth studying.
This study uses relationship marketing theory as a basis to explore the factors of relationship strength between the customer and broker from the angle of customer perception, and the correlation of relationship strength to loyalty to the broker and to the security company. The results of path analysis show that “professional knowledge,” “extent of contact frequency,” “customer’s view of broker,” and “ethical behavior” have positive effects on relationship strength. Of which, “customer’s view of broker” has the greatest effect on relationship strength. Additionally, relationship strength has a positive effect on personal loyalty to the broker and the broker’s company, and has the greatest effect on personal loyalty to the broker. In terms of overall loyalty to the company, even though the indirect effect of personal loyalty on relationship strength to the company is not as strong as that of direct relationship strength on the company, customers’ personal loyalty to specific brokers can also be used to have positive transference and promote loyalty to the securities company. This shows that personal loyalty is a key to creating customer loyalty toward a company. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide the securities industry with a reference in making decisions to promote customer loyalty toward the company.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的2
第三節 研究範圍與限制3
第四節 研究流程3
第二章 文獻探討6
第一節 關係行銷6
第二節 關係品質18
第三節 關係強度20
第四節 顧客忠誠度28
第五節 關係強度與忠誠度的關係33
第三章 研究方法37
第一節 初步研究架構37
第二節 研究對象38
第三節 統計與分析方法38
第四節 變數之操作化定義40
第四章 研究結果分析42
第一節 樣本基本資料分析42
第二節 因素分析與信度分析44
第三節 研究模型與假說46
第四節 研究模型之路徑分析53
第五節 研究假說結果彙整57
第五章 結論與建議59
第一節 研究結論與發現59
第二節 實務管理涵義61
第三節 後續研究與建議64
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5.吳嘉慧(2001),顧客關係利益與忠誠度之探討— 從資訊不對稱屬性分析,私立東吳大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
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