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研究生(外文):Bin-Hong Shen
論文名稱(外文):Chain-Scattering Description Approach to Control Synthesis and Its Application to Robust Design of Linear Servo Systems
指導教授(外文):Mi-ching Tsai
外文關鍵詞:H∞ controlchain-scattering descriptiondynamic stiffnesspole assignmentlinear servomotorinverted pendulum
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80年代以來,各種求解H∞控制問題之古典方法常牽涉複雜之高階數學工具,使得僅具工程背景之設計者難以理解H∞控制器合成之精神。本論文基於鏈散射式描述(chain-scattering description, CSD)求解標準H∞控制問題,所提出之方法以兩組耦合之鏈散射矩陣配合其J-lossless性質,求出所有滿足成本函數之控制器集合;由於所提之解題架構僅牽涉代數運算以及Riccati方程式,其解題流程相對簡單許多。爾後進一步將此解題架構延伸至求解所有穩定控制器問題以及H2控制問題,整合提出一可同時處理上述三種控制問題之統一解法。在所提出之解題架構下,上述三種控制問題均可以一致化的數學結構加以描述,並只需視問題種類加以限制各鏈散射矩陣之條件,即可合成出滿足不同目標之控制器集合。

在實務應用之設計考量上,本文提出以高等PDFF控制器完成線性伺服系統之動態剛性設計,並以一線性伺服馬達系統與一雙平行倒單擺同動系統為設計實例,說明高等PDFF控制器所具有之特性與其實務設計流程。本文並利用所提出之鏈散射描述解題方法,求解出高等PDFF控制器之解析式,進而證明利用H∞極點配置對於動態剛性以及閉迴路特性之影響。實驗結果顯示,所提出之高等PDFF控制器設計可有效提升線性伺服馬達之剛性,且可降低雙平行倒單擺系統中極限循環(limit cycle)之振盪效應,驗證了本高等PDFF控制器設計之可行性與實用性。
The classical approaches to solve H∞ problem that involve sophisticated mathematics are often too difficult to be understood by the control designers who have only engineering backgrounds. This research investigates the solution to a standard H∞ control problem based on a coupled chain-scattering description (CSD) framework, in that the H∞ controller generator can be obtained by constructing two CSD matrices and successive J-lossless coprime factorizations. Since the proposed method involves only algebraic operations and Riccati equations, its key concept is relatively simpler and easier to comprehend. Moreover, the proposed framework has been extended to solve the stabilization problem and H2 problem. The proposed procedure to find two successive coprime factorizations is unified for solving the stabilization, H2, and H∞ problem; however the constraint on the CSD matrices of each problem is different from each other. Such an approach is then said to be unified to the controller synthesis problems.

Concerning the practical designs, a dynamic stiffness design scheme based on an Advanced PDFF controller is proposed for linear servo systems. The presented Advanced PDFF control design is applied to a linear servomotor and a parallel dual inverted pendulum system to show the design procedure and benefits. Using the proposed CSD approach, the explicit form of the Advanced PDFF controller can be obtained; furthermore, the design property of the H∞ pole assignment can be investigated. Following that, how the design freedom affects the dynamic stiffness and the closed loop can be manifested. The experimental results show that the advanced PDFF controller effectively enhances the dynamic stiffness of the linear servomotor and reduces the limit cycle in the PDIPS.
1. Introduction ............................................. 1
1.1 Background review........................................... 4
1.1.1 Solution for H∞ control problem ......................... 5
1.1.2 Dynamic stiffness design.................................. 7
1.2 Contribution and organization of this dissertation.......... 8

2. Chain scattering description and its application to network analysis 11
2.1 Preliminaries................................................. 11
2.1.1 Coprime factorization....................................... 11
2.1.2 Normalized coprime factorization............................. 12
2.1.3 Algebraic Riccati equations and Hamiltonian matrix........... 14
2.2 Chain scattering description .................................. 15
2.2.1 Definitions and operations................................... 15
2.2.2 A coupled CSD framework...................................... 16
2.2.3 J-lossless systems........................................... 20
2.2.4 J-lossless coprime factorization............................. 21
2.2.5 Star connection.............................................. 23
2.3 The application to network analysis............................ 24

3. A unified approach to control synthesis.......................... 36
3.1 Stabilization problem.......................................... 36
3.1.1 Method I: using a right CSD coupled with a left CSD.......... 37
3.1.2 Method II: using a left CSD coupled with a right CSD......... 41
3.2 H2 control problem............................................. 44
3.3 General H∞ control problem..................................... 46
3.4 Specific H∞ design problems.................................... 50
3.4.1 Robust stabilization problem of left coprime factor plant description system............................................................. 50
3.4.2 Robust stabilization problem of right coprime factor plant description system............................................................. 57
3.4.3 Weighted mixed sensitivity problem (WMS)..................... 63
3.4.4 WMS problem with constant weights............................ 69
3.5 Summary........................................................ 71

4. Advanced PDFF controller design................................. 72
4.1 Advanced PDFF controller........................................ 72
4.2 Problem formulation of the Advanced PDFF control design......... 74
4.3 Properties of the Advanced PDFF control design.................. 79
4.4 Summary ........................................................ 86

5. Dynamic stiffness design of a linear servomotor system.......... 87
5.1 Problem statement.............................................. 87
5.2 Design procedure .............................................. 88
5.3 Performance evaluations........................................ 93
5.4 Summary....................................................... 97

6. Parallel dual inverted pendulum system.......................... 98
6.1 Motivation and problem statement .............................. 98
6.2 System configuration........................................... 100
6.2.1 Setup and implementation..................................... 100
6.2.2 Single axis modeling......................................... 102
6.3 Single-axis control design..................................... 104
6.3.1 Inner loop controller design................................. 105
6.3.2 Outer position control loop design........................... 108
6.3.3 Design procedure............................................. 109
6.4 Dual-axes synchronization control design....................... 110
6.4.1 Classical master-slave control............................... 110
6.4.2 Proposed synchronization control scheme...................... 111
6.4.3 Stability analysis of proposed compensator................... 113
6.5 Experimental results............................................ 114
6.5.1 Limit cycle reduction and single axis tracking................ 114
6.5.2 Dual axes synchronization control............................ 115
6.6 Summary......................................................... 119

7. Conclusions...................................................... 121
7.1 Summary......................................................... 121
7.2 Suggestions for further research................................ 122

Appendix A. State-space formulae of H2 optimal controller........... 124
Appendix B. State-space formulae of H∞ sub-optimal controller...... 128
Reference ........................................................... 136
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