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研究生(外文):Jung-Chou Weng
論文名稱(外文):Stress Analysis of Box Type Expansion Joints
指導教授(外文):Tei-Chen Chen
外文關鍵詞:axial stiffnessannular platesouter shellinner shellExpansion joints
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Expansion joints used as a kind of flexible elastic compensating element, which are the most important component in the piping system. This paper is based on linear elastic thin-shell theory to conduct simplified equation to obtain different parameter of box type expansion joint. The structure of expansion joint has inner shell, outer shell and annular plates, each part has some special mechanism characters.
We investigated the various stress and axial stiffness of the box type expansion joint by means of analysis methods under various conditions. This is based on these analytical and studies the dimension rational evaluation. These are very useful for design rules and manufacture by adopting proper coefficients.
The stress results show that the bending stress are dominant factor, The maximum stress generally appear in the inner or outer of annular plat for both internal pressure and axial displacement. Therefore the stress distribution of the annular plates are very important for evaluating the stress of expansion joint.
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
符號說明 XI

第一章 緒論
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 3
1.4 本文架構 4
第二章 膨脹接頭之構造與使用場合 5
2.1 膨脹接頭的構件名稱 5
2.2 膨脹接頭的種類型式與適用之場合 6
2.2.1 單式膨脹接頭(single expansion joint) 6
2.2.2 複式膨脹接頭(double expansion joint) 6
2.2.3 萬向式膨脹接頭(universal expansion joint) 7
2.2.4 鏈式膨脹鉸接頭(hinged expansion joint) 8
2.2.5 平衡環式膨脹接頭(gimbal expansion joint) 9
2.2.6 同軸壓力平衡式膨脹接頭 10
(inline pressure balanced expansion joint)
2.2.7 萬向式壓力平衡膨脹接頭 11
(universal pressure balanced expansion joint)
第三章 盒形膨脹接頭的數學解析法 12
3.1盒形膨脹接頭之分析模型 12
3.2 簡化盒形膨脹接頭之分析 13
3.3 膨脹接頭在內壓及軸向力作用下之分析 13
3.3.1 內側圓筒解析 13
3.3.2 環狀圓板解析 17
3.3.3 外側圓筒解析 21
3.3.4 力矩M1、M2及剛性係數K之解析 23
第四章 分析結果與討論
4.1不同內壓與軸向負荷之應力分析 27
4.1.1 設計條件為僅施加內壓800 mmAq 27
4.1.2 設計條件為僅受軸向壓縮10.22mm 29
4.1.3 設計條件為在內壓800 mmAq及軸向壓縮10.22mm 31
4.2 外形參數改變之分析 32
4.2.1 改變環狀圓板的厚度 32
4.2.2 改變膨脹接頭的高度 32
4.2.3 改變內側圓筒的半徑 34
4.2.4 改變內側圓筒的半徑 34
第五章 結論與未來展望 60
5.1結論 60
5.2未來展望 60
參考文獻 62
附錄 A
A.1 圓筒殼之軸對稱負荷 64
A.1.1圓筒殼之軸對稱負荷的應力合成 64
A.1.2圓筒殼之軸對稱負荷的統御位移條件 66
A.2 圓管受邊角剪力與力矩作用 66
A.2.1長管圓筒殼受邊角剪力與力矩 67
A.2.2短管圓筒殼受邊角剪力與力矩 69
附錄 B
B.1各項應力及應力合成 71
與應變之關係式 71
B.1.2薄板的應力及應變關係式 71
B.1.3曲率薄板的應力及應變關係式 72
B.1.4厚板受應力作用所產生之彎矩、扭矩及垂直剪應力 73
B.1.5彎矩( , )、扭矩 與剪力Q,在直角座標系中以橈
度w表示 73
B.2. 圓板之極座標系 74
B.2.1 圓板在極座標系中基本關係式 74
B.2.2 圓板的切線方向力矩Mr、徑向力矩 、扭矩 與剪力
Q在極座標系中以撓度w之表示 75
B.2.3 圓板在極座標系的撓度統御方程式 76
B.2.4 圓板在軸對稱彎曲下各項方程式 76
B.2.5 環狀圓板外緣簡支撐之情形 77
B.2.6 環狀圓板受平均荷重p的撓度 79
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