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研究生(外文):Kuang-Tai Tian
論文名稱(外文):Super-Lattice Thin Film LED Modeling and Efficiency Enhancement Study
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Yi Lai
外文關鍵詞:superlattice thin filmluminescence efficiency
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首先,本研究以微觀的角度探討奈米微粒在液體中所受到的作用勢能,接著利用布朗動力之Langevin方程建構自組裝超晶格薄膜結構模擬系統,配合缺陷係數( )分析超晶格薄膜結構之聚集缺陷特性,並使用實驗設計方法進行模擬實驗,找出顯著參數因子及建構顯著參數因子之理論模型。同時利用發光效率估算模型,將奈米微粒視為點光源並計算超晶格薄膜內光波的耦合疊加效應,進而推估發光效率,並將本文模擬結果與文獻資料比對,證實本研究所建構之理論模型的正確性與可行性。隨即將模型電腦化,以系統化的方法執行顯著參數因子之調控模擬與估算發光效率,接著根據本文所建構之設計流程應用於提升發光二極體之發光效率,以驗證本研究之實用性。
In the past, the luminescence efficiency of light emitted devices (LEDs) doesn’t work as expected. By using superlattices can be enhanced the luminescence efficiency of LEDs. The principle thing while producing the superlattices film of active layer of LEDs was molecular beam epitaxy. The disadvantages include high manufacturing cost and targets have to be kept modifying. Furthermore, by using self-assembly technology to produce superlattices thin film it can lower the production costs effectively. This is the way through controlling the potential energy between particles to obtain the superlattices thin film. However, by controlling the defect property of superlattice thin film it can be expected to improve around 25%. This study intends to construct an intact theory and computer simulation method in an attempt to probe into the subject of enhancing the luminescence efficiency based on the development of a self-assembly nanoparticles superlattices film formation theory and a luminescence efficiency estimative model.

First, this research uses microcosmic way to confer the potential while nanoparticles are under the fluid. Then, we use the Langevin equation from Brownian dynamics approach to construct the simulation system to analyze crystal aggregation characteristics of superlattices film via defect factor reduction. Moreover, the simulations were executed through experimental design method. Then, the theoretical model was developed by significant factors. At the same time, by using the luminescence efficiency estimation model, the luminescence efficiency was estimated via calculating the light coupling effect on the superlattice thin film. The results obtained by using the present model were found agree well with experimental data in literature. After that, we can computerize the model using the systematized approach to execute the simulation and to estimate the luminescence efficiency. Finally, we can apply the design procedure which was designed meet the research goal of active layer properties of LEDs to prove the practicability of this research.

The model parameters include the surface charge, Hamaker number, dipole moment and particle concentration. It is found via an experimental design method that system parameters and their interaction are significantly affecting the defect property of superlattice thin film. The average estimation error of the luminescence efficiency is decreased from 27.54% to 7.42% in the same material system, and the average estimation error of the luminescence efficiency is decreased from 34.16% to 5.36% in different systems. Also, through the proposed model of superlattices film luminescence efficiency, plan for improving luminescence efficiency can be obtained as soon as possible under the condition of several different limitary combination of parameters. Through practical examples of the superlattices film, active layer on the electroluminescence devices show that the proposed approach can find the best range of composition and parameter accurately for enhancing luminescence efficiency. It improves the luminescence efficiency from 12.33% to 21.4% at the range setting of system parameters.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
符號說明 XIII

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究方法 5
1.4 章節瀏覽 6
第二章 文獻回顧與基本假設 8
2.1 本研究之相關文獻回顧 8
2.1.1 奈米微粒超晶格薄膜成形理論文獻回顧 8
2.1.2 奈米微粒超晶格薄膜結構光學性能變化之文獻回顧 10
2.2 本研究之基本假設 12
2.3 本研究之研究流程 13
第三章 超晶格薄膜成形理論與發光效率估算模型建構 17
3.1 奈米微粒在液體中所受之作用勢能與作用力探討 18
3.1.1 奈米微粒受液體分子作用之隨機布朗力 20
3.1.2 在液體中奈米微粒間交互影響之DLVO作用勢能 21
3.1.3 在液體中奈米微粒間偶極矩作用勢能 28
3.2 由作用勢能建構超晶格薄膜成形理論模型 33
3.2.1 由作用勢能建構系統動態方程 33
3.2.2 由系統動態方程建立布朗動力模型 35
3.2.3 由布朗動力模型建立超晶格薄膜成形理論之模擬估算流程 38
3.3 由超晶格薄膜成形理論推算超晶格薄膜結構與缺陷係數 41
3.3.1 由超晶格薄膜成形理論推算不同超晶格薄膜結構形態 41
3.3.2 由超晶格薄膜結構型態推算缺陷係數 45
3.4 以缺陷係數探討超晶格薄膜發光效率與估算模型建立 47
3.4.1 缺陷係數對超晶格薄膜發光性能之探討 47
3.4.2 超晶格薄膜發光效率估算模型之建立 51
第四章 超晶格薄膜成形理論與發光效率之印證與應用例 57
4.1 調控製程參數對同質超晶格薄膜結構與缺陷特性之影響 57
4.1.1 偶極矩對同質薄膜缺陷係數之影響與文獻比對 58
4.1.2 以實驗設計方法決定同質超晶格薄膜之重要製程參數 64
4.1.3 以顯著因子探討同質超晶格薄膜結構缺陷特性與印證 73
4.1.4 交互作用因子對同質超晶格薄膜結構缺陷特性之影響 79
4.2 調控製程參數對異質超晶格薄膜結構與缺陷特性之影響 82
4.2.1 偶極矩對異質薄膜缺陷係數之影響與文獻比對 83
4.2.2 以實驗設計方法決定異質超晶格薄膜影響顯著之製程參數 89
4.2.3 主效用參數因子對異質超晶格薄膜結構與缺陷特性之影響 97
4.2.4 因子交互作用對異質超晶格薄膜結構與缺陷特性之影響 101
4.2.5 因子交互作用對超晶格薄膜結構形態相變化之影響 111
4.3 由超晶格薄膜結構形態與缺陷係數探討發光效率之提升 117
4.3.1 自組裝超晶格薄膜發光效率模擬估算與文獻比對 117
4.3.2 以不同超晶格薄膜結構形態對發光效率之探討 124
4.3.3 由缺陷係數探討對超晶格薄膜發光效率之影響 126
4.3.4 各重要因素變化率對發光效率提升之分析 128
4.4 超晶格薄膜成形理論與發光效率估算模型之應用實例 131
4.4.1 應用流程之規劃設計 131
4.4.2 光通訊光源之發光效率提升設計 134
第五章 總結與建議 144
5.1 總結 145
5.2 建議 148
參考文獻 149
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附錄 B 實驗設計方法之原理與分析步驟說明 156
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