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研究生(外文):Feng-Yuan Su
論文名稱(外文):On the Mechanism Design of A Sofa Bed
指導教授(外文):Hong-Sen Yan
外文關鍵詞:conceptual designdimension synthesisoptimal designsofa bedmechanism design
  • 被引用被引用:8
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The purpose of this work is to design a sofa bed mechanism by a systematic approach. Firstly, the definitions of sofa beds are studied, and the origination of sofa beds are introduced. Based on the way that they are converted between sofas and beds, sofa bed mechanisms are classified into three types. Then, the development of each type of sofa bed mechanisms is addressed. By comparing the advantages of the three types sofa bed mechanisms, pull-out sofa bed mechanism is chosen for further design. The QFD method is applied to define design specifications of pull-out sofa bed mechanisms. Based on Yan’s creative mechanism design methodology, 15 feasible mechanisms are synthesized. One of the feasible mechanisms is further selected by using decision-matrix method. After that, vector loop approach is used to obtain the positions of the links. In addition, an optimization method is performed to obtain the dimensions of the links. Furthermore, springs and locking means are added, and force analysis and mechanical advantage analysis are performed. Finally, based on the developed computer animation and the built prototype, the proposed design of this work is proven to be practical and feasible.
中文摘要 (Chinese Abstract) I
英文摘要 (English Abstract) II
致謝 (Abstract) III
目錄 (Contents) IV
表目錄 (List of Tables) VII
圖目錄 (List of Figures) VIII
第一章 前言 (Introduction) 1
1-1 沙發床的定義 (Definitions of Sofa Beds) 1
1-2 沙發床的起源 (Origination of Sofa Beds) 1
1-3 動機與目的 (Motivations and Objectives) 2
1-4 論文組織架構 (Thesis Organization) 3
第二章 沙發床的分類與演進 (Classification and Development) 6
2-1 分類 (Classification) 6
2-2 演進過程 (Development) 7
2-2-1 延展式沙發床 (Studio couch) 8
2-2-2 拉出式沙發床 (Pull-out sofa bed) 12
2-2-3 靠背向下壓式沙發床 (Convertible sofa bed) 22
2-3 沙發床機構的比較 (Comparison) 29
第三章 工程需求規格訂定 (Engineering Specifications Development) 32
3-1 使用對象的區分 (Identify who the Customers are) 33
3-2 使用對象的需求 (Generate Customers’ Requirements) 33
3-3 設定需求權重 (Evaluate Competition) 34
3-4 工程需求 (Generate Engineering Specifications) 37
3-5 設定工程目標 (Set Engineering Targets) 38
第四章 概念設計 (Conceptual Design) 43
4-1 現有機構 (Existing Mechanisms) 44
4-2 一般化 (Generalization) 45
4-3 一般化運動鏈目錄 (Atlas of Kinematic Chains) 45
4-4 設計需求與限制 (Design Requirements and Constraints) 47
4-5 特殊化 (Specialization) 48
4-6 具體化 (Paricularization) 58
4-7 構想評估 (Concept Evaluation) 60
第五章 尺寸設計 (Dimension Design) 64
5-1 位移分析 (Position Analysis) 65
5-2 尺寸需求與限制 (Requirements and Constraints) 68
5-3 最佳化設計 (Optimal Design) 69
5-4 小結 (Summary) 72
第六章 力量分析 (Force Analysis) 75
6-1 彈簧配置 (Springs Disposing) 75
6-2 力量分析 (Force Analysis) 77
6-2-1 質量中心 (Mass center) 78
6-2-2 第一類彈簧配置 (First type spring disposing) 80
6-2-3 第二類彈簧配置 (Second type spring disposing) 84
6-3 機械利益 (Mechanical Advantage) 87
6-4 小結 (Summary) 89
第七章 模型實作 (Ptototyping) 92
7-1 層排列設計 (Layer Arrangement for Links) 92
7-2 桿件設計 (Link Design) 97
7-3 電腦動畫模擬 (Computer Simulation) 97
7-4 成品模型 (Prototype) 99
第八章 結論與建議 (Conclusions and Suggestions) 102
參考文獻 (References) 104
自述 (Vita) 107
著作權聲明 (Copyright Statement) 108
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