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研究生(外文):Ying-Hao Chen
論文名稱(外文):Theory and Basic Experiment of Novel Long Period Grating Assisted Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor
指導教授(外文):Yu-Lung Lo
外文關鍵詞:surface plasmon resonance (SPR)long period grating (LPG)
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As for the application on optical fiber sensor, we combine the advantages of traditional LPG sensor and present prism coupler surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor. Now we further propose a novel type of optical fiber SPR sensor. It simply employs a long-period fiber grating with proper period to couple a core mode to the co-propagating cladding mode that can excite surface plasmon wave (SPW) and monitors the change of the transmitted core mode power, which is operating at a fixed wavelength, to determine the variation of the refractive index of analyte.
As far as the excitation of SPW, the model of numerical simulation, and the complexity of measurement equipment are concerned. In this dissertation, we derive the dispersion relation of guiding modes in this four-layer optical-fiber SPR sensor, and the unconjugated form of coupled-mode equations. In order to increase greatly the efficiency on analyzing this new SPR sensor, further simplifications on the integration form of coupling constants are proposed. In addition, we also do some basic experiment to confirm its application.
In order to understanding more about our specific period, we also discuss about the relationship between mode order and period of LPG by simulating. We calculate from two aspects which are period fixed and cladding mode order fixed to inspect the affect between each other. From the results of simulation, we can plot diagrams of the cladding mode order against grating period and effective refractive index in cladding mode against the period of grating for resonant wavelength at 1550 nm. In aspects of mathematics and physics, all cladding modes exist possibly by solving the structure of fiber through arithmetic equations. But to be concerned with practicality, it is impossible to control the cladding modes independently and accurately.
Abstract I
中文摘要 III
Acknowledgement V
Table of Contents VI
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables XII

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Reviews of Long-Period Fiber Grating Application 2
1.2 Review of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors 4
1.3 Destination and Motive of This Research 6
1.4 Dissertation Preview 7

Chapter 2 Theory and Simulation of Novel Optical Fiber Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor 9
2.1 Fields and Dispersion Relations of the Guiding modes 9
2.2 Unconjugated Form of Coupled-mode Equations 20
2.3 Analysis of Index Variation of Analyte 24
2.4 Analysis of Major Parameters of SPR Structure 28
2.5 Summary 31

Chapter 3 Experimental Setup and Simulation Results of Mode Analysis 48
3.1 Experimental Setup 48
3.2 Manufacture of Long Period Grating 49
3.3 Examination and Simulation of Amplitude Mask 50
3.4 Simulation and Mode Analysis of Long Period Grating 52
3.5 Study of our specific period with 15.92 micrometer 54
Chapter 4 Conclusion 96

References 99

Appendix A 104

Appendix B 111

Autobiography 112
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