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研究生(外文):Chun-Jen Chen
論文名稱(外文):The developments of multi-degree-of-freedom optoelectronic measuring systems by using the skew-ray tracing method
指導教授(外文):Psang Dain Lin
外文關鍵詞:skew-ray tracingmeasurement systemangle measurement systemoptoelectronic inclinometermulti-degree-of-freedom
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本研究之高精度角度量測系統利用一個雷射二極體、一個二維位置感測器及兩面平面反射鏡之間的連續反射達成高精度角度量測。本文已完成系統校正及穩定度測試已完成,系統的精度及量測範圍分別為0.05 arc sec及±250 arc sec。
本研究之六自由度量測系統由一個錐形多面反射鏡、三個雷射二極體及三個二維位置感測器所組成。為驗證系統建模結果,本文實際建構此系統,並完成系統驗證及穩定度測試等實驗。穩定度測試結果顯示本系統之位移量測穩定度約為±1 μm,旋轉量測穩定度約為±1.5 arc sec。
High-accuracy laser-based optoelectronic motion and position measuring systems typically utilize light rays that travel from one optical assembly to another to perform motion and/or position measurements. It is not a simple task to accurately determine the equations of these sensor readings in terms of positional/angular motions. This problem is addressed in this paper by application of the analytic skew-ray tracing methodology as computed by finite difference methodology. An illustrative example of a motion measurement system and comparison of the Position Sensing Detector (PSD) readings are given to validate the proposed methodology. It is shown that the proposed methodology can provide accurate expressions of PSD readings. Based on the proposed methodology, the following three optoelectronic multi-degree-of-freedom measurement systems are established: an optoelectronic inclinometer, a high angular accuracy measurement system and a six Degree-Of-Freedom (DOF) motion measurement system.
The optoelectronic inclinometer which can measure inclination angles along two orthogonal directions simultaneously by using a simple pendulum, two mirrors, a 2-axis PSD, and a laser diode. To validate the proposed methodology, an actual prototype system is built, and its calibration and stability experiments are performed.
The high accuracy angle measurement system performs angle measurement by use of laser-diodes, 2-axis PSDs and a series of reflections between two first-surface-mirrors. Calibration and stability experiments are performed. Experimental results show the accuracy and measurement range are, respectively, 0.05 arc sec and ±250 arc sec.
The six-DOF measurement system comprises a pyramid-polygon- mirror, three laser diodes and three 2-axis PSDs. To validate the proposed methodology, a laboratory prototype system is built. System verification and stability tests are conducted to evaluate its performance. Stability test results show that measurement errors and maximum crosstalk are within ±1 μm in translation and ±1.5 arc sec in rotation.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
符號說明 xii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1光電式角度量測系統 4
2.2多自由度量測系統 11
2.3旋轉定位量測系統 14
2.4 光線追蹤法 17
2.5齊次座標轉換 20
2.6幾何光學基本原理 22
第三章、歪斜光線追蹤及其應用 33
3.1 旋轉曲面參數式[74-76] 33
3.1 幾何光學的折反射[74-76] 34
3.3平坦邊界歪斜光線追蹤[74-76] 38
3.4 歪斜光線追蹤應用於光電式多自由度量測系統數學模型建模 40
第四章 光電式水平儀 54
4.1水平儀之數學模式 56
4.2水平儀之線性數學式 61
4.3實驗結果與討論 63
4.4 光電式水平儀不確定度分析 67
第五章 高精度角度量測系統 78
5.1 高精度角度量測系統建模 78
5.2系統方程式線性化 83
5.3實驗結果與討論 85
5.4 高精度角度量測系統不確定度分析 88
第六章 六自由度量測系統 100
6.1六自由度量測系統之數學模式 100
6.2六自由度量測系統建模 105
6.3六自由度量測系統之線性數學式 112
6.4實驗結果與討論 114
6.5 六自由度量測系統不確定度分析 117
第七章 結論與未來展望 129
7.1 結論 129
7.2 未來展望 130
參考文獻 132
著作 138
自述 141
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