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研究生(外文):Jun-li Huang
論文名稱(外文):Intelligent Pose Control of Robot Manipulators Using a Pan-Tilt Camera
指導教授(外文):Qing-yuan Cai
外文關鍵詞:extended Kohonen networkuncalibratedIntelligent Pose Control
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In recent years, robot technology has widely been utilized in our domestic life. Service robots are gradually involving in medical care, entertainment and building maintenance. The objective of this thesis is to propose a vision-guided control strategy for a service robot to drive its manipulator in the application of grasping tasks. The proposed control strategy is based on the extended Kohonen network and is applied to achieve the mapping between image features and the pose of the robot manipulator. With the characteristic of self-learning, the calibration of the adopted camera is not necessary. A robot manipulator integrated with a pan-tilt camera has been employed to verify the theoretical results of the proposed method. After the training stage, the robot manipulator is able to position its gripper accurately.
中文摘要            I
英文摘要            II
誌謝              III
目錄              IV
圖目錄             VI
表目錄             VIII

第一章 緒論                1
1.1 研究動機與目的             1
1.2 文獻回顧                1
1.3 貢獻                  4
1.4 本文架構                4

第二章 研究背景              5
2.1  機器手臂               5
2.2  視覺系統               6
2.2.1 攝影機                7
2.2.2 影像擷取卡              9

第三章 影像處理              18
3.1  影像前處理              18
3.2  計算影像面積與重心          19
3.3  估測影像主軸             19
3.4  四邊形角落判定            20
3.4.1 邊緣偵測               20
3.4.2 最小平方法求直線方程式        20
3.4.3 四邊形角落判定            22

第四章 類神經網路應用於手眼關係之學習   26
4.1  類神經輸入的選取           26
4.2  柯漢寧網路模型的架構         28
4.3  柯漢寧延伸網路            30
4.3.1 柯漢寧延伸模型的應用         31 柯漢寧延伸模型之建立        32 神經元之參數調整          34
4.3.2 柯漢寧延伸模型的學習步驟       35

第五章 實驗                41
5.1  實驗設置               41
5.2  學習階段               42
5.2.1 參數設定               42
5.2.2 實驗步驟               43
5.3  柯漢寧網路學習的結果         45
5.4  機器人的定位表現           47

第六章 結論                61
6.1  總結                 61
6.2  未來展望               61
參考文獻                  63
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