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研究生(外文):Yi-Chan Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of nitric acid by thermodynamic model-a case study at supersites in southern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yee-Lin Wu
外文關鍵詞:ammonium sulfatehygroscopicsupersitedeliquescenceammonium nitratethermodynamic model
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在模式考慮硫酸鹽修正的驗證結果中顯示,模式所推估出之 Kp值與實測值之相關性,與未考慮硫酸鹽修正的結果差異不大,其值均在0.9上下;然而考慮硫酸鹽修正後的Kp值會呈現較大的偏移,推測其原因在於氣膠中可能同時存在(NH4)HSO4及(NH4)2SO4,故NH4+/SO42-的莫耳比值不會等於2,與模式考慮硫酸鹽修正的最初假設不符。
The purposes of this study were to establish a simplified thermodynamic model of NH4NO3 and evaluate whether the model was feasible to predict the real-time concentration of HNO3 in the southern supersites in Taiwan. The calculations were based on the studies by Stelson and Seinfeld (1982), used to compute the equilibrium constant of NH4NO3 (Kp). And HNO3 can be calculated by Kp and NH3 which was measured in the atmosphere. The parameters of this model include temperature (T), relative humidity (RH) and the impact of (NH4)2SO4 in the mixed sulfate/nitrate solution. Moreover, Annular Denuder Sampler (ADS) and Honeycomb Denuder system (HDS) were adopted to verify this model. The 4 times of sampling were in fall (September 2005), winter (December 2005), spring (March 2006) and summer (July 2006), respectively. The 4 sampling sites were Fooyin, Chiautou, Chenjen and Choujau all in the southern supersites. The sample numbers of ADS were 167 and which of HDS were 183.
The result used by ADS showed that 39.25% samples could be predicted by this model with 2 parameters, T and RH. The results in winter and spring had the better fits. 50% and 60% samples in winter and spring could be predicted by this model, respectively. The result used by HDS showed that 36.06% samples could be predicted by this model . The results in winter and spring had the better fits which were the same as ADS. 47.2% and 57.4% samples could be predicted in winter and spring, respectively. In addition, because higher T and lower RH in summer and fall compared with winter and spring resulted in fewer formation of NH4NO3, the model couldn’t be used to compute Kp (NH4NO3). In winter and spring, there might be some factors we didn’t consider, so some samples couldn’t be predicted by this model.
Furthermore, after (NH4)2SO4 was considered in the model with T and RH , the correlation coefficient between the predicted value and measured values used by ADS and HDS were almost the same as the result of model with just T and RH. The reason might be that (NH4)HSO4 and (NH4)2SO4 may exist in the atmospheric environment at the same time, so the mole ratio of NH4+ to SO42- won’t be equal to 2. As a result, the impact of (NH4)HSO4 couldn’t be ignored.
The better fits with the simplified model applied in the 4 southern supersites were in winter and spring. The value-scale of HNO3 was smaller than 10ppb, and it was higher in daytime and lower in nighttime. The finding was identical with previous studies.
摘要 II
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
符號表 XIV
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1大氣懸浮微粒特性 5
2.2大氣懸浮微粒組成 6
2.3氣膠含水量 12
2.3.1 氣膠含水量特性 12
2.3.2潮解點與溫度的關聯性 14
2.3.3潮解點與物種組成的關聯性 17
2.4 無機微粒氣膠熱力學 19
2.4.1氣膠無機物種 19
2.4.2平衡常數 19
2.4.3活性係數(Activity coefficient) 21
2.4.4 含水量 24
第三章 研究方法 26
3.1採樣規劃 26
3.1.1採樣地點 26
3.1.2採樣時段 26
3.2採樣原理及分析方法 30
3.2.1環狀氣固相分離器(ADS)採樣及分析方法 30
3.2.2 R&P3500 蜂巢式套管(Honeycomb Denuder System, HDS) 33
3.2.3懸浮微粒PM2.5採樣及分析方法 34
3.3超級測站連續監測儀器 37
3.3.1 R&P 8400N採樣原理 37
3.3.2 R&P 8400S採樣原理 38
3.4熱力學模式的建立 40
3.4.1僅含硝酸銨(NH4NO3)之水溶液系統的模式計算 40
3.4.2硫酸銨與硝酸銨共存之水溶液系統的模式計算 49
3.4.3 (NH4)2SO4-NH4NO3-H2O系統中潮解點的計算 54
第四章 結果與討論 56
4.1模式模擬結果 56
4.1.1僅含硝酸銨系統的模式模擬結果 56
4.1.2硫酸銨與硝酸銨共存之系統的模式模擬結果 66
4.1.3模式的適用性 71
4.2大氣採樣驗證模式結果(未考慮硫酸鹽) 77
4.2.1 採樣驗證結果 77
4.2.2 不同季節free nitrate的結果討論 87
4.2.3 不同潮解狀態的結果討論 89
4.2.4 日夜變化的結果討論 92
4.3考慮硫酸鹽的驗證模式結果 96
4.4以模式應用於超級測站的結果 99
第五章 結論與建議 127
5.1研究結論 127
5.2建議 131
參考文獻 132
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