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研究生(外文):Chung-You Ke
論文名稱(外文):Consistency among photochemical indicators in southern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yee - Lin Wu
外文關鍵詞:ozone sensitivityconsistencyphotochemical indicatorsModel-3/CMAQ
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不同指標對於臭氧峰值形成與前後時段界定比值的表現整體來說皆顯現無顯著差異。利用一致性分析對觀測所得光化指標之界定比值進行檢驗,顯示界定比值範圍會因為不同時空背景之周界臭氧前驅物濃度,及其排放特徵改變而有些微偏移現象。對模擬所得進行一致性分析發現不同指標間之判斷能力,以相同原理依據之指標可發現O3/NOz v.s.O3/HNO3以及H2O2/NOz v.s. H2O2/HNO3為一致性佳之指標;以不同原理依據之兩指標在一致性判斷下,O3/NOy v.s.H2O2/NOy、O3/NOy v.s NOy、O3/NOy v.s.HCHO/NOy以及Ox/NOy、Ox/(NOy-NO)對應其他指標一致性最佳,O3/HNO3 v.s.H2O2/HNO3則次之。利用t-test進行分析發現對空間變化具優良一致性之指標以O3/NOz、H2O2/NOy、H2O2/(NOy-NO)、HCHO/NOy之指標對不同空品區及不同特性所顯示之差異最不顯著。不同時間一致性最高的指標則為O3/NOz、H2O2/NOz、H2O2/(NOy-NO)、NOy,在下風處各光化指標對時間的變異性有較顯著之差異存在。
綜合觀測及模式模擬所得之結果可以發現指標間一致性優良並且其界定比值範圍對時空變異具一致性,為O3/NOy、O3/NOz、H2O2/(NOy-NO),若再以H2O2/NOy、HCHO/NOy與 H2O2/HNO3、O3/HNO3等指標作為輔助判斷,即可以明顯凸顯其判斷能力,因此這些指標對南台灣在應用判斷臭氧敏感性物種為適用性優良之指標。
Because the air pollution of ozone in southern Taiwan is more serious, how to control the ozone precursors efficiently to lower the concentration of ozone is more important. This study combines measured data and simulated results of Model-3/CMAQ to investigate whether the assessment of ozone sensitivity of one photochemical indicator is different from another, and whether the indicators are consistently associated with tempora1 and spatial variation.
There is no significant difference between ozone peak time and before or after the ozone peak time for the transition value of different kinds of indicators. By the consistent analysis of measured results, it shows the threshold value would change slightly with ambient concentration of ozone precursors and emission characteristics. The consistent analysis of simulated results presents the assessment ability of different indicators. O3/NOz v.s.O3/HNO3 and H2O2/NOz v.s. H2O2/HNO3 shows the best consistency of assessment ability based on the same theory. Based on different theories, O3/NOy v.s. H2O2/NOy、O3/NOy v.s. NOy、O3/NOy v.s. HCHO/NOy and Ox/NOy, Ox/(NOy-NO) coinciding with other indicators shows better assessment ability respectively. The consistency of assessment of O3/HNO3 v.s. H2O2/HNO3 presents second rate ability.
O3/NOz, H2O2/NOy, H2O2/(NOy-NO), and HCHO/NOy show the good consistency with spatial variation by t-test. There are no significant difference with different air quality features. The best indicators of consistently associated with temporal variation are O3/NOz, H2O2/NOz, H2O2/(NOy-NO), and NOy. However there is significant difference for almost all indicator species at the downwind sites.
The combinations of measured and simulated results present that there are good consistency between different indicators and are consistently associated with temporal and spatial variation of O3/NOy, O3/NOz, and H2O2/(NOy-NO). So, to assess the ozone sensitivity well , we can use the above indicators and adopt the other indicators such as H2O2/NOy, HCHO/NOy, H2O2/HNO3, and O3/HNO3 to improve the ability of assessment of ozone sensitivity. Consequently, these indicators are used to assess the ozone precursors well in southern Taiwan.
第一章 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 4
2.1臭氧的形成 4
2.2 光化指標 5
2.2.1 臭氧敏感性物種 5
2.2.2光化指標之原理 6
2.2.3量化界定比值 8
2.2.4光化指標種類 10
2.3 Models-3/CMAQ空氣品質模式 12
2.4 台灣排放量資料庫 16
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1採樣與觀測方法 18
3.1.1自動分析儀器 18
3.1.2 HNO3之量測 19
3.1.3 H2O2之量測 21
3.1.4 QA/QC 24
3.2實地觀測之時程 26
3.3實地觀測所得之統計方法 26
3.4 Models-3/CMAQ研究方法 27
3.4.1 氣象資料 27
3.4.2 排放量處理 28
3.4.3 CMAQ模擬機制 29
3.4.4 所使用的初始值與邊界值 29
3.5模式之量化界定比值定義 32
3.6模擬所得之界定比值時空變異性分析 35
第四章 結果與討論 41
4.1 觀測與模擬結果討論 41
4.1.1 實地觀察法結果 41
4.1.2 Models-3/CMAQ模式模擬結果 42 模式設定 43 基礎案例性能評估 43 界定比值範圍及表現結果 45
4.2 觀測與模擬所得不同指標一致性討論 77
4.2.1 實地觀察法之一致性討論 77
4.2.2 Models-3/CMAQ模擬光化指標之一致性討論 78
4.3 光化指標的時空變化討論 86
4.3.1 臭氧峰值與前後時段差異討論 86
4.3.2 空間變異討論 100 實地觀察法之空間變異討論 100 Models-3/CMAQ模擬界定比值對空間變異之分析 101
4.3.3時間變異討論 110 實地觀察法之時間變異討論 110 Models-3/CMAQ模擬界定比值對時間變異之分析 112
4.3.4台灣中部以南之各光化指標界定比值範圍 116
4.4 模式模擬與實地觀測法所得結果比較 118
第五章 結論與建議 120
5.1 結論 120
5.2 建議 121
參考文獻 122
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