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研究生(外文):Chi-Yu Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Development of Electrostatic Sampling Systems for Monitoring Viable Bioaerosols
指導教授(外文):Huey-Jen Su
外文關鍵詞:bioaerosolelectrostatic precipitationmonitoring
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生物氣膠長久以來為威脅人類健康之要角,晚近以來更因人類活動高密度化與全球化而更具憂慮。傳統針對生物氣膠微粒之採樣分析方法均有限制,難以兼顧均等、快速、標準化、長期監測等需求。本研究針對此挑戰研製一以靜電集塵為原理之生物氣膠收集系統Electrostatic Sampling System,利用其微粒充電以及反相電位原理進行捕集。此一收集系統於暴露艙環境中利用Bacillus subtilis作為施放微粒進行捕集測試,以採樣流速2LPM,捕集電壓3000V,微粒充電10V之設定,可達物理捕集效率約70%,生物回收效率約為55%。以Staphylococcus aureaus測試之生物回收效率約為44%,而以Escherichia coli測試之結果為35%,Pseudomonas fluorescene測試結果約為23%。此結果顯示本採樣系統對於生物微粒於採樣過程中,所造成之活性傷害較小。本研究同時亦於實驗室內完成針對B.subtilis菌株之PCR檢測所須之各種引子及設定。於現場環境進行初步實測,以此一收集系統捕集空氣中之生物氣膠微粒確實可行,且能運作長達12 小時。
Exposure to bioaerosols has been implicated in the occurrence of many diseases. The increasing population density and globalization of human migration has enhanced the threat of contacting to infectious agents. From the standpoint of public health, an environmental monitoring system that can adequately and efficiently indicate the potential hazards imposed by airborne microorganism is therefore most desired. Conventional monitoring and analytical approaches at the moment can’t fulfill the need for rapid detection, standardized and long-term sampling. A new bioaerosol sampler was designed based on the theory of electrostatic precipitation, named as Electrostatic Sampling system (ESS). The ESS is capable of charging the particle with copper charging array plate and collecting charged particle by positive electrical field onto two square agar plates positioned in the follow axis. When studying with Bacillus subtilis bacterial vegetative cell, the ESS bioaerosol captured the particles with physical collection efficiency close to 70% and the relative recovery efficiency close to 55% at flow rate 2LPM, precipitating voltage of 3,000V and chare voltage of 10V. The recovery efficiency was 44%, 35% and 23% when testing with Staphylococcus aureaus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas fluorescene, respectively. The rapid PCR detection also has been designed and studied with liquefied suspension of studied bacteria. Preliminary field was performed to evaluate the feasibility of applying this ESS equipment to collect bioaerosols in other environmental sampling setting.
Abstract IV
摘 要 V
Content VIII
List of Tables X
List of Figures XI
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Bioaerosols 1
1.2. Assessment of Bioaerosols Exposures 1
1.2.1. Impactor 3
1.2.2. Impinger 5
1.2.3. Filtration 6
1.3. Electrostatic precipitation 7
1.3.1. Electric charge on microorganism 7
1.3.2. Electrostatic precipitator 8
2. Objective 14
3. Material and Methods 15
3.1. The Sampling system of monitoring viable bioaerosols 15
3.2. Experimental setup 16
3.3. Test particles 17
3.4. Experimental Procedures 19
3.4.1. Sampling setting 19
3.4.2. Selection of collection medium 20
3.4.3. Sampling operation and quality assurance 21
3.4.4. Collection efficiency evaluation 22
3.4.5. Polymerase chain reaction 24
4. Result and Discussion 27
4.1. ESS precipitator 27
4.1.1. Inlet profile designing 27 Computer-based flow field simulation of inlet section 29
4.1.2. The fabrication of ESS precipitator 31
4.1.3. The Particle image Velocimetry test of precipitation section 33
4.2. Chamber stability 34
4.3. Physical collection efficiency 37
4.4. Biological relative recovery 45
4.5. PCR analysis 49
4.6. Initially field testing. 50
5. Conclusion 51
6. Reference 52
Appendix.1 Commercially and frequently used bioaerosols air sampling device 60
Appendix.2 Biological Exposure Chamber 64
Appendix.3 The size of bioaerosols 66
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