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研究生(外文):Chiang-Yu Lin
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Piezoelectric Sensor System in Occlusive Force Measurement
指導教授(外文):Chih-Han ChangChe-Hsin Lin
外文關鍵詞:Charge amplifierBite forceMicro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)Finite Element Method (FEM)Piezoelectric ceramics (PZT)
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One of the important functions of tooth is to provide force for food chewing. Therefore how to distribute the force on the crown in order to smoothly and effectively transmit the bite force from the tooth to the food would be an important issue. Currently, in the research of dental biomechanics, only the resultant occlusive force was measured quantitatively. The distribution of bite force on the tooth crown during biting or chewing is still unclear. The purpose of this study was to create a micro-piezoelectric force sensor system for the measuring of the distributed bite force on the tooth crown. The electrode and micro-cable system made from 150μm-thick copper foil with micro-electro-mechanical system were used to connect and transmission of piezoelectric signal from the sensor and overcome the possible brittle fracture of the piezoelectric ceramic material (PZT-5A) during loading. The piezoelectric charge generated from PZT-5A was measured with a charge amplifier (type 5015A, KISTLER) and calibrated using a material testing system (MTS type AG-I series, SHIMADZU). The finite element method was also used to analysis the piezoelectric effect of PZT-5A. The results showed that, both in experiment and simulation, the charge generated from the piezoelectric material was only related to the magnitude of applied force and would not be affected by the loading area on the piezoelectric material. What this indicated is that a sensor array with small sensor size might be needed for accurate measuring the distributed force. Fracture of piezoelectric material was observed at 400N loading from MTS which would decrease the sensitivity of piezoelectric sensor. During experiment, it was observed that providing an addition pre-load on the PZT-5A and electrode would minimize the problem of drift phenomenon.
Moreover, by applying the dynamical calibration on the drift effect would also improved the measured charge signals. To conclude, a basic system for single piezoelectric ceramic force sensor measurement was established. The inter-group sensitivity variation was 1% to 3 % and with the calibrated curve the primary test demonstrated a 2% error.
中文摘要.......................................... i
英文摘要.......................................... ii
致謝.......................................... iv
目錄.......................................... v
表目錄.......................................... viii
圖目錄.......................................... ix
符號說明.......................................... xii
第一章 緒 論.......................................... 1
1.1 研究背景.......................................... 1
1.1.1 咬合力.......................................... 1
1.1.2 壓電效應.......................................... 2
1.2 文獻回顧.......................................... 3
1.2.1 咬合力.......................................... 3
1.2.2 壓電效應.......................................... 6
1.3 研究動機與目的.......................................... 9
第二章 材料與方法.......................................... 10
2.1 儀器及設備.......................................... 11
2.1.1 壓電陶瓷試片 PZT-5A.......................................... 11
2.1.2 電荷放大器 KISTLER 5015A.......................................... 12
2.1.3 快速原型機(RP) Z-Printer 310.......................................... 14
2.1.4 資料擷取器 instruNet.......................................... 17
2.1.5 材料試驗機 SHIMADZU AG-I系列(桌上型).......................................... 18
2.2 研究方法與步驟.......................................... 19
2.2.1 壓電感測試片之材料參數量測 Nano-Indentor.......................................... 19
2.2.2 微機電製程 MEMS.......................................... 20
2.2.3 同步量測力量訊號.......................................... 25
2.2.4 微壓電式力量感測器系統之校正.......................................... 26
2.2.5 有線元素法分析.......................................... 27
第三章 結果與討論.......................................... 29
3.1 微壓電式力量感測器系統實驗結果.......................................... 29
3.1.1 負荷大小與壓電感測訊號之線性探討.......................................... 29
3.1.2 不同承受面積之相同負荷對壓電感測訊號之影響.................................. 38
3.1.3 微壓電式力量感測器系統之動態量測.......................................... 41
3.2 有限元素法分析模擬結果.................................. 43
3.2.1 不同承受面積之相同負荷對壓電感測訊號之影響.................................. 43
3.2.2 不同幾何外型之壓電陶瓷感測試片之模擬探討.......................................... 53
3.2.3 壓電陶瓷試片之不同埋入深度對訊號之模擬探討.................................. 55
3.2.4 四顆壓電感測元件對力量分佈之模擬探討.......................................... 57
3.3 微壓電式力量感測器系統實驗結果之討論.......................................... 58
3.4 有限元素法模擬分析結果之討論.......................................... 67
第四章 結論與未來展望.......................................... 68
4.1 結論.......................................... 68
4.2 未來展望.......................................... 70
第五章 建 議.......................................... 71
參考文獻.......................................... 73
附錄 A、PZT-5A #1 探討材料特性之實驗數據.......................................... 75
附錄 B、供應研究上所需材料之相關廠商.......................................... 93
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