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研究生(外文):Chien-hung Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Hand-Drawing and EEG Integrated System for Analysis of Alcoholic Effect
指導教授(外文):Kuo-sheng Cheng
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酒精對腦波與行為所產生的影響在過去研究文獻已被提出,不過一直缺乏一套方便且有效的參數量化方法,同時喝酒過後那一時段對腦波與行為最有影響也並不清楚,因此本研究目的是建構一套有效的腦波與手部繪圖量化整合系統,透過實驗進一步探討不同酒精濃度對腦波與手部繪圖的影響。本研究所提出整合腦波與手部繪圖的量測系統,係應用Tablet PC顯現三個同心圓圖形,讓受測者可以在Tablet PC上描繪,然後將所描繪軌跡加以儲存與分析;同時也記錄所對應腦波波形並加以分析。腦波擷取系統與市售腦波儀所量到的訊號相關度在81%,而Tablet PC上重複畫點的誤差量在0.2 mm以下。有20位自願者參與本研究,作喝酒前與後之腦波與手繪動作比較分析;腦波信號是應用功率頻譜加以分析,而統計方法中的Paired t-test也用來比較不同酒精濃度對腦波與手部繪圖上的影響。研究結果發現,本研究所提出的系統可以有效的達到將手部繪圖參數數位化,在實驗中酒醉最明顯的受測者,在喝酒過後約15分開始手部繪圖參數就可發現其統計差異意義(p < 0.05),特別是喝酒過約一小時左右更加明顯(p < 0.01)。從20位受測者實驗數據與統計分析發現,測試者喝酒過後約一小時左右手部繪圖參數與腦波資料有統計差異之意義(p < 0.05)。
In the past, the effect of brain waves and behavior affected by alcohol was pointed out in many studies. However, there is no convenient and effective method to quantify both the brain waves and behavior. Besides, which time interval of brain wave and behavior after alcohol intake reveal the great influence is not clear. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to develop a measuring system to quantify the outcome of hand-drawing and power spectrum of brain waves for the analysis of alcohol effect. The hand-drawing and brain wave change for the alcohol effect during different time stages are also analyzed. Tablet PC is used to display patterns of three circles, and then to record the traces drawn by subjects. Errors of hand-drawing are computed and analyzed. At the same time, the brain wave is also measured for analysis. In comparison with data measured by the commercial EEG system, the EEG measured in this study shows the correlation as high as 81%. The repeated measurement error of Tablet PC is below 0.2 mm in average. Twenty volunteers are recruited in this study. Experiment is based on the "pre-post" design. Power Spectrum of brain waves is analyzed. Paired t-test is applied to compare brain waves and hand-drawing data obtained for different stages. From the results, the parameters of hand-drawing obtained in this proposed system are demonstrated to be effective in characterizing the alcohol effect. According to the statistical results of one test subject who is very drunk, the alcohol effect after 15 min of intake exhibits the significance in hand-drawing parameters (p < 0.05) and more significance after one hour (p < 0.01). From the statistical analysis of results for twenty subjects, both the brain waves and hand-drawing are significantly influenced (p < 0.05) by alcohol after one hour of alcohol intake.
CHINESE ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………Ⅰ
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ……………………………………………………Ⅲ
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………Ⅵ
LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………………Ⅶ

Chapter 1 Introduction ………………………………………………… 1
1.1Alcohol effect of body………………………………………… 1
1.2Alcohol effect on EEG and behavior…………………………1
1.3EEG analysis …………………………………………………… 3
1.4Motivations and purposes …………………………………… 4
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods …………………………… 5
2.1 Research framework………………………………………… 5
2.2 Hardware design …………………………………………………6
2.2.1 EEG measuring device…………………………………………7
2.2.2 Hand-drawing measurement device………………………… 8
2.3 Software design ……………………………………………… 10
2.3.1 EEG measurement …………………………………………… 11
2.3.2 Hand-drawing recording…………………………… 11
2.3.3 Analysis methods…………………………………………… 15
2.4 Experimental design……………………………………… 16
2.4.1 Testing pattern …………………………………………16
2.4.2 Subject selection…………………………………………18
2.4.3 Experimental procedure ………………………………… 19
2.4.4 Tasks…………………………………………………………21
2.5 Parameter for EEG……………………………………… 22
2.6 Parameters for hand-drawin………………………………23
2.7 Data analysis………………………………………………23
2.7.1 Power spectrum analysis………………………24
2.7.2 Statistical analysis……………………………………25
Chapter 3 Experimental Results ……………………………29
3.1 System testing……………………………………………… 29
3.2 Human subjects experiment…………………………………37
Chapter 4 Discussion ……………………………………48
4.1 Discussion …………………………………………… 48
4.1.1 Integrated system……………………………………… 48
4.1.2 Hand-drawing measurements …………………………49
4.1.3 EEG measurements ………………………………………50
4.1.4 EEG and hand-drawing data comparison …………………51

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Prospects…………………………………52

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