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研究生(外文):Shu-O Chiou
論文名稱(外文):Differences of Gastric Myoelectrical Activity and Parasympathetic Activity During Chemotherapy in Children with Cancer
指導教授(外文):Li-Hua Lo
外文關鍵詞:children with cancerheart rate variabilitygastric myoelectrical activityparasympathetic activity
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方法:本研究為重複施測之比較性研究。採方便取樣,四個月期間,共有九位平均年齡為12.7歲的癌症兒童參與研究。病童接受化療期間(Day1、Day4、Day7)於早餐前禁食六小時後,飲水150㏄前後,分別以胃肌電監測儀(Synectics Medical, USA)及心率變異測量儀(Biocom, USA),測量病童飲水前後各30分鐘之胃肌電波活動參數與心率變異參數。以Paired t-test或Wilcoxon test for paired observations檢測病童飲水前後之變化,Repeated measures ANOVA或Friedman two-way analysis of variance by rank檢測病童化療期間之胃肌電波活動參數與心率變異參數之差異。
結果:一、癌症兒童於飲水後之胃正常慢波百分比(%SW),於化療期間有顯著的差異(X2 = 6.276, p = .045)。二、化療前(Day1),癌症兒童飲水後之胃正常慢波百分比較飲水前高(z = -2.666, p = .008);而化療中(Day4)及化療後(Day7)飲水前後沒有統計學上顯著差異。而化療中(Day4),癌症兒童飲水後之胃波過快百分比較飲水前少(z = -1.992, p = .046)。三、癌症兒童於飲水後之心率變異參數--高頻,於化療期間有顯著的差異(X2 = 11.556, p = .003),即化療後(Day7)之高頻低於化療前(Day1) (z = -2.666, p = .008)。化療後(Day7),癌症兒童飲水後之高頻較飲水前低(z = -2.192, p = .028)。
Background: Symptoms of nausea and vomiting are suffered in cancer patient receiving chemotherapy. Parasympathetic activity could be measured by the parameters of heart rate variability (HRV). The relationships among nausea/vomiting, gastric myoelectrical activity, and HRV need to be identified.
Purposes: The purpose of this study was to compare the differences of parameters of electrogastrography (EGG) and HRV during chemotherapy in children with cancer.
Methods: A repeated measures comparative study was conducted. Conveniently nine children with cancer (mean age: 12.7 years old) were recruited in this study during four-month period. The differences of parameters of EGG and HRV were compared pre- and post-water intake after fasting at least six hours in the morning during the period of receiving chemotherapy, ie., Day1, Day4, and Day7. EGG was recorded using non-invasive Digitrapper Electrogastrography (Synectics Medical, USA). HRV was measured by Biocom Heart Rhythm Scanner 2.0 (Biocom, USA). EGG and HRV were recorded simultaneously for 30 min pre- and post-150ml water intake. The differences of parameters of EGG and HRV were examined by repeated measures ANOVA or Friedman two-way analysis of variance by rank during the period of receiving chemotherapy. The differences of parameters of EGG and HRV parameters pre- and post-water intake were examined by Paired t-test or Wilcoxon test for paired observations.
Results: There was a significant difference on the percentage of 2-4cpm slow waves after water intake during chemotherapy (X2 = 6.276, p = .045). After water intake, a significant higher the percentage of 2-4cpm slow waves on Day1 (z = -2.666, p = .008), not Day4 and Day7. On Day4, a significant lower percentage of tachygastria on pre- water intake than after (z = -1.992, p = .046). After water intake, there was a significant difference on parameter of High Frequency (HF) during chemotherapy (X2 = 11.556, p = .003). It means the HF of HRV on Day7 was significant lower than on Day1 (z = -2.666, p = .008). There was a significant lower HF after water intake than before on Day7 (z = -2.192, p = .028). Conclusion: There was significant change over chemotherapy on parameters of EGG and HRV in children with cancer. For evidence based practice, the parameters of EGG and HRV can be used as physiological indicators in clinical nursing research.
中文摘要………………………………………… i-ii
英文摘要……………………………………………iii- iv
誌謝………………………………………………… v-vii
圖目錄……………………………………………… xi-xii
表目錄………………………………………………… xiii

第一章 緒論……………………………………………1-2
第一節 研究動機與重要性……………………………1-2
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………2

第二章 文獻查證………………………………………3-15
第一節 生理�琠w與化療引致之噁心、嘔吐之關係…3-5
第二節 腸胃道的神經支配……………………………5-7
第三節 腸胃平滑肌之電位活動與胃電圖之原理及應
第四節 副交感神經活化與心率變異的關係…………10-11
第五節 胃蠕動的機制、胃肌電波活動與心率變異的關
第六節 影響自主神經系統對腸胃道調控之相關因
第七節 化療對副交感神經活化的影響………………13-14
第八節 化療藥物對胃肌電波的影響…………………14-15

第三章 概念架構與研究架構………………………16-22
第一節 概念架構……………………………………16-17
第二節 研究架構……………………………………17-19
第三節 名詞界定……………………………………19-21
第四節 研究問題與研究假設………………………21-22

第四章 研究方法……………………………………23-35
第一節 研究對象與場所……………………………23-24
第二節 研究工具……………………………………24-30
第三節 資料收集過程………………………………30-32
第四節 資料分析方法………………………………33-34
第五節 資料收集員訓練……………………………34
第六節 研究對象之倫理考量………………………34-35

第五章 研究結果……………………………………36-78
第一節 研究對象之樣本特性………………………36-48
第二節 飲水前,化療期間之胃肌電波活動與心率變異的
第三節 飲水後,化療期間之胃肌電波活動與心率變異的
第四節 化療期間之心率變異參數rHF比值的變化……59
第五節 化療期間之胃肌電波活動參數胃肌電功率比值的
第六節 胃肌電波活動與心率變異參數在飲水前後之差
第七節 化療後(Day7)有噁心癌症兒童之胃肌電波活動與
第八節 化療後(Day7)無噁心癌症兒童之胃肌電波活動與

第六章 討論…………………………………………79-84
第一節 化療期間胃肌電波活動參數之變化………79-80
第二節 化療期間心率變異參數之變化……………80-81
第三節 化療後有無噁心癌症兒童之胃肌電波活動參數之
第四節 化療後有無噁心癌症兒童之心率變異參數之變

第七章 結論…………………………………………85-89
附件一 個案基本資料表…………………………103-104
附件二 病童自填噁心嘔吐量表………………………105
附件三 人體試驗委員會同意臨床試驗證明書………106
附件四 臨床試驗說明及同意書(小孩)………107-108
附件五 臨床試驗說明及同意書(法定代理人)109-110

前後之差異………………………………… 74

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