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研究生(外文):Tzu-Hui Lin
論文名稱(外文):Effects of “Out of Smoke” Project in Changing Smoking Behavior among Middle School Students
指導教授(外文):Wen-Ling Wang
外文關鍵詞:smoking cessationsmoking behaviorjunior high students
  • 被引用被引用:14
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The study purpose was to identify whether smoking cessation course combined individual counseling had better effect on adolescent smoking behavior than smoking cessation course only. Totally 34 subjects were obtained from 3 junior high schools in Tainan county area. These students were randomly assigned to experimental group (n=16) and control group (n=18). Experimental group received 7-session smoking cessation course and 7 individual counseling sections, whereas control group received 7 smoking cessation course only. Frequency, percentage mean, standard deviation, χ² test, and t-test were used to analyze the data by using SPSS 10.0 for Windows. Results indicated that both program significantly increased subjects’ self-efficacy and motivation to quit. Although the degree of decreasing smoking behavior was no different between groups, subjects in combined course and counseling group had significantly reduced their smoking behavior. Overall, both intervention program helped 3 students remained abstaining from smoking more than 3 months and helped 5 students quit smoking, the past 30-day quit-rate was 16.12%. This study results provide an evidence for health and education professors in planning smoking cessation program for junior high students.
第一章 緒論................................................1
第一節 研究背景與重要性....................................1
第二節 研究目的............................................5
第三節 研究問題............................................5
第四節 研究假設............................................6
第五節 名詞界定............................................7
第二章 文獻查證............................................8
第一節 青少年吸菸行為之定義................................8
第二節 改變青少年吸菸行為的影響因素........................10
第三節 「走出菸霧」青少年戒菸課程之發展....................15
第三章 概念架構............................................25
第四章 研究方法............................................26
第一節 研究設計............................................26
第二節 研究對象............................................26
第三節 研究工具............................................27
第四節 資料收集(研究)過程................................30
第五節 資料處理與分析......................................32
第五章 研究結果............................................33
第一節 研究對象基本資料....................................33
第二節 介入措施對學生吸菸行為的影響........................34
第三節 介入措施對學生戒菸動機的影響........................34
第四節 介入措施對學生拒菸自我效能的影響....................35
第五節 介入措施對學生認同「吸菸壞處」的影響................35
第六節 介入措施對學生認同「吸菸好處」的影響................35
第六章 討論................................................37
第一節 介入之成效..........................................37
第二節 學生課程出席率、對課程和輔導之評價..................40
第七章 結論、限制與建議....................................41
第一節 結論................................................41
第二節 限制................................................41
第三節 建議................................................42
附錄一 學生手冊………………………………………………………53
附錄二 輔導指引………………………………………………………76
附錄三 拒菸自我效能量表使用同意書………………………………86
附錄四 決策權衡量表使用同意書……………………………………87
附錄五 課程內容評量表………………………………………………88
附錄六 個別輔導評量表………………………………………………89
附錄七 個案輔導教師評量……………………………………………90
附錄八 人體試驗委員會同意臨床試驗證明書………………………91
附錄九 研究對象知情同意書…………………………………………92
附錄十 家長/監護人知情同意書…………………………………… 94

表 目 錄
表2-1 國內青少年戒菸介入措施.............................97
表2-2 第一次預試課程表...................................103
表2-3 第二次預試課程表...................................104
表2-4 本研究菸害課程表與改變過程.........................105
表4-1 研究設計...........................................106
表4-2 拒菸自我效能、吸菸的壞處/好處量表之內在信度........106
表4-3 研究假設與統計方法.................................107
表5-1 研究對象基本資料分佈情形與兩組之差異...............108
表5-2 介入前後兩組在吸菸行為之差異.......................109
表5-3 介入前後兩組在呼氣一氧化碳值之差異.................109
表5-4 介入前後兩組在戒菸動機之差異.......................109
表5-5 介入前後兩組在拒菸自我效能之差異...................109
表5-6 介入前後兩組在吸菸壞處之差異.......................109
表5-7 介入前後兩組在吸菸好處之差異.......................110
表6-1 兩組學生課程評值分數情形...........................110

圖 目 錄
圖5-1 兩組介入前後平均呼氣一氧化碳改變圖.................112
圖5-2 兩組介入前後戒菸人數改變圖.........................112
顏效禹(2001)•應用跨理論模式在台北國中生的吸菸行為•未發表的碩士論文•台北: 國立陽明大學護理研究所。

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