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研究生(外文):Li-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Correlations of Clinical and Experimental Measurement of Static Standing Balance in Children
指導教授(外文):Rong-Ju Cherng
外文關鍵詞:AssessmentEvaluation formStatic standing balanceForce platform
  • 被引用被引用:24
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背景:治療師常需要評估個案的平衡能力。臨床上治療師多採用便於施測、不費時、不占空間和低花費的評估工具來評估兒童的平衡能力。但是,臨床評估工具相較於實驗室的科學儀器,卻不如其來的客觀及精準。因此,了解兩者之間的相關性,可有助益於臨床評估的解讀。目的:探討兒童平衡能力以臨床評估工具與實驗室儀器評估結果之相關性。方法:本研究共徵收79位4-10歲兒童並依其年齡分為四組,分別接受不同的臨床平衡活動測試,同時收集其接受測試時的臨床評估分數及實驗室評估數據,亦即讓受試兒童站在測力板上接受臨床常用評估量表(布魯茵克斯-歐西瑞斯基動作精練度評量工具和兒童動作ABC評量表)中的靜態平衡測試項目,並以皮爾森相關性分析及皮爾曼相關性分析來檢視測力板資料及臨床評估工具分數之相關性。結果:整體兒童在接受「單腳站平衡」測試項目時,壓力中心(COP)平均速度與秒數和臨床評估工具給分有低度相關,施測「張眼平衡木平衡」測試活動時,壓力中心平均速度與臨床評估工具給分有中度至良好相關;9-10歲兒童,在接受「單板平衡」和「張眼平衡木平衡」二個測試項目時,其壓力中心平均速度與可維持平衡時間有良好負相關(r = -0.727, -0.738)。結論與臨床應用:臨床靜態平衡評估工具,在部分測試活動和實驗室測量工具有良好相關,在臨床上評估4-10歲兒童的靜態站立平衡,建議使用下列二個測試活動:一、「單腳站平衡」測試項目,二、「張眼平衡木平衡」;在針對評估9-10歲兒童靜態站立平衡,則建議使用「單板平衡」和「張眼平衡木平衡」,其評估結果較能代表兒童之靜態站立平衡能力。
Background and Purpose: Computerized force plates provide objective and accurate measurement of center of pressure (COP) and have been considered a gold standard of measurement of balance. However, it is not feasible for clinical purpose. Most of the time, the clinical measurements are taken by therapists with assessment forms. Therefore, it is need to understand the correlation of the clinical measurements by therapists with assessment forms and the measurement with force plate to validate the clinical measurements. The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation of the clinical and experimental measurement of static standing balance in children. Methods: Seventy nine children, aged four to ten years old, participated in the study. They were divided into three age groups: 4-6, 7-8, and 9-10 years. Based on their ages, children received different clinical measurements of static standing balance and simultaneously received measurement of standing stability with a Kistler force plate. The tests of clinical measurements used were Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) and Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC). The Pearson’s correlation and Spearman’s correlation were used to determine the relationship between the data measured with the force plate and the score of clinical measurements. Result: Overall, there were moderate to good correlation of the scores of “one leg balance” and “one leg stand on balance beam with eyes open” with the data of average velocity of COP. For the group of age 9 - 10 years, the correlations of scores of “one board balance” and “one leg stand on balance beam with eyes open” with the average velocity of COP were good to excellent (r = -0.794, -0.738). Conclusion: It is suggested that, (1) “one leg balance” (2) “one leg stand on balance beam with eyes open” are valid to evaluate the static standing balance in children at the age of 4 - 10 years old. The “one board balance” and “one leg stand on balance beam with eyes open” are appropriate for evaluating the static standing balance in children, aged from 9 - 10 years.
第一章 前言                    1
第二章 文獻回顧                  4
 第一節 臨床常用的兒童平衡評估工具        4
 第二節 實驗室常用之平衡測量方法         9
 第三節 臨床平衡評估和實驗室平衡測量相關性研究  11
第三章 研究方法                  13
 第一節 受試者                  13
 第二節 研究儀器及設備              14
  第一項 實驗儀器                14
  第二項 臨床評估工具              15
 第三節 實驗步驟                 17
 第四節 資料收集與處理              19
 第五節 統計分析                 19
第四章 結果                    20
 第一節 受試兒童基本資料             20
 第二節 測力板資料及臨床評估原始分數       21
 第三節 相關性                  25
 第四節 分佈情形                 37
第五章 討論                    40
 第一節 相關性                  40
 第二節 分佈情形                 43
 第三節 實驗限制                  44
第六章 結論與臨床運用               45
第七章 參考文獻                  46
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