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研究生(外文):Liang-yao Wang
論文名稱(外文):Simulation Studies of Surface Plasmon in Parallel-Plate Waveguides Structure
指導教授(外文):Yung-chiang Lan
外文關鍵詞:simulationdispersion curvesurface plasmons
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本論文中運用不同的結構來激發表面電漿子的效果,分別為無窮金屬所組成的半平面、有限厚度金屬與介質所組成的結構以及金屬-絕緣體-金屬結構三種架構,對於任何結構之色散曲線的了解,輸入的光源無法激發表面電漿子,須藉助額外提供波向量,本論文所使用的為邊耦合方式來提供額外的波向量。有限厚度與金屬-絕緣體-金屬之結構,金屬與空氣層之介面都會產生一組ω ±共振模態的效果,也可以發現在於有限厚度金屬板之厚度增加時與金屬-絕緣體-金屬之絕緣體厚度增加時,其結果都會趨近於無窮厚度金屬板之表面電漿模態,這樣的結果是可以預期的,並且利用對稱與反對稱共振的模態可激發不同效果的表面電漿波。
The thesis uses different structure to excite surface plasmons,There are three kinds of structure,It is a metal with infinite thickness、a metal with finite thickness and Metal-Insulator-Metal,Any structure isn't to excite surface plasmons by dispersion curve,It is added the wave vector,The thesis uses end-fire coupling to increase the wave vector。There are two kinds of ω ± mode in structure of a metal with finite thickness and Metal-Insulator-Metal,When the metal thickness of a metal with finite thickness increases and the Insulator thickness of Metal -Insulator-Metal,It is equal to a metal with infinite thickness,Such a result expecting,Use the resonance modes of the symmetry and antiesymmetry to excite difference result of surface plasmons。
中文摘要················································ Ⅰ
英文摘要················································ Ⅱ
致謝···················································· Ⅲ
第一章 簡介············································· 1
第二章 表面電漿子理論···················3
2-1 色散曲線之數學推倒······························· 3
2-2 表面電漿發方式·································· 15
第三章 FDTD 模擬方法··································· 19
3-1 馬克斯威爾方程式簡介···························· 19
3-2 FDTD 基本理論·····················21
3-3 FDTD 穩定性之探討······························· 23
3-4 FDTD 完美匹配層之邊界條件······················· 25
3-5 ISE TACD 商業軟體簡介··························· 28
第四章 模擬結果········································ 32
4-1 無窮半平面波源測試······························ 32
4-1-1 無窮半平面模擬結構與結果······················ 34
4-2 有限厚度金屬板表面電漿激發情形·················· 51
4-2-1 有限厚度金屬板模擬結構與結果················ 53
4-3 金屬絕緣體金屬結構簡介·························· 91
4-3-1 金屬絕緣體金屬模擬結構與結果················ 92
第五章 結論························110
參考文獻··············································· 112
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