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研究生(外文):Jenn-Ming Huang
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Hydroxyapatite Grain Size on Proliferation of Osteoblasts and Fibroblasts
指導教授(外文):Ching-Cheng WnagTzer-Min Lee
外文關鍵詞:grain sizeHydroxyapatiteosteoblastfibroblastcell proliferation
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The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of hydroxyapatite grain size on initial proliferation of human osteoblast-like cells (HOS) and human skin fibroblasts (HSF). In this study, HA powders were prepared using wet methods. Reactant addition rate, reaction temperatures, aging time and sintering time would be changed respectively throughout the reactant process and examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify the phase and estimate the grain size. Besides, the morphology of HA powders was displayed by Ultrahigh Resolution Analytical Electron Microscope (HR-AEM) and the surface roughness of HA bulks was evaluated by Surface Roughness Measurement Instrument. The results revealed the grain size of HA powders reacting at temperature 25 and 80℃ were 11 and 22 nm, respectively. The average grain size of HA bulks increased to 20, 32 and 47 nm when sintering at 400, 800 and 1200℃, respectively. Further, cell proliferation was measured by the Methylthiazoletetrazolium (MTT) test. The results of the study provided that HOS proliferation was significantly greater on the larger grain size of HA bulks than the smaller ones. On the other hand, HSF cells showed disparate cell proliferation on different grain size of HA bulks after culturing 1 and 3 days; moreover, HA seemed to have the function of restraining the proliferation of HSF cells. Therefore, it has been observed that HA grain size may affect the proliferation of HOS and HSF cells. Also, the cell types react distinctively according to various materials, and thus caused a variety of cell proliferation.
中文摘要.............................................. I
Abstract.............................................. II
第一章 緒論............................................1
第二章 文獻回顧與理論基礎..............................3
2.1 HA之組成與應用.....................................3
2.2 HA之製備方式.......................................4
2.3 影響HA晶粒大小之因素...............................5
2.4 骨母細胞與纖維母細胞...............................6
2.4.1 骨母細胞.........................................6
2.4.2 纖維母細胞.......................................7
2.5 細胞生長於HA的反應.................................8
第三章 實驗材料與方法..................................11
3.1 HA粉末之製備與相關鑑定.............................13
3.1.1 合成HA粉末.......................................13
3.1.2 改變合成參數.....................................14
3.1.3 HA粉末的相鑑定及晶粒大小量測.....................14
3.1.4 HA粉末的型態觀察.................................15
3.2 HA生胚之製備與燒結.................................15
3.2.1 HA生胚的壓製.....................................15
3.2.2 HA塊材之燒結.....................................17
3.2.4 HA塊材的表面粗糙度量測...........................18
3.2.5 燒結後HA塊材的相鑑定.............................19
3.2.6 HA塊材的滅菌處理.................................19
3.3 細胞培養...........................................19
3.3.1 HOS人類類骨細胞..................................20
3.3.2 HSF人類纖維母細胞................................20
3.4 細胞相容性評估.....................................20
3.4.1細胞增殖( Cell proliferation)實驗.................20
3.5 統計分析方法.......................................21
第四章 結果............................................22
4.1 材料性質鑑定.......................................22
4.1.1 合成粉末之相鑑定與晶粒大小測定...................22
4.1.2 合成粉末之型態觀測...............................26
4.1.3 HA塊材之體密度...................................28
4.1.4 HA塊材之表面粗糙度量測...........................30
4.1.5 燒結後HA塊材之相鑑定與晶粒大小測定...............32
4.1.6 HA塊材之孔隙度量測...............................34
4.2 細胞生長週期.......................................35
4.2.1 HOS細胞生長週期測試..............................35
4.2.2 HSF細胞生長週期測試..............................36
4.3 細胞相容性評估.....................................36
4.3.1 HOS細胞增殖實驗..................................36 一天後HOS細胞增殖情形..........................37 三天後HOS細胞增殖情形..........................39
4.3.2 HSF細胞增殖實驗..................................41 一天後HSF細胞增殖情形..........................41 三天後HSF細胞增殖情形..........................43
第五章 討論與結論......................................45
5.1 討論...............................................45
5.1.1 不同參數製備之粉末性質探討.......................45
5.1.2 HA塊材性質探.....................................46
5.1.3 不同晶粒大小之HA塊材對細胞增殖之影響.............48 HOS細胞增殖探討................................48 HSF細胞增殖探討................................49
5.2 結論...............................................51
自 述...............................................55
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