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研究生(外文):Ying-hui Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Corruption on Economic Growth: The Case of Emerging Market Economies
指導教授(外文):Wen-jen Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Fixed Effect ModelPanel DataCorruptionEconomic GrowthEmerging Market Economies
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本研究主要探討在新興市場經濟(emerging market economies, EMEs)中貪污對於國家經濟成長所扮演的角色。當世界觀點一致強調貪污將為國家經濟發展帶來嚴酷的成本與後果之同時,新興市場經濟卻以高速成長且貪污程度普遍猖獗之雙重面向展現於世人。因此本文擬透過實證分析,以國際透明組織的貪污印象指數(corruption perceptions index, CPI)作為貪污變數,並加入其他可能影響經濟成長的因素,包括實質國內固定資本形成毛額成長率、就業人數成長率、教育水準和政治不穩定程度等經濟政治變數,探究在23個新興國家中,貪污對經濟成長之影響程度。
在研究方法上,由於各國時間序列資料有限,故採用追蹤資料(panel data);並於Hausman Test檢驗下,以固定效果模型(fixed effect model)對1996至2004年的年資料進行實證迴歸分析。除了針對整體23個新興市場經濟進行分析外,基於各國之崛起背景和持續成長結構不盡相同,本文再將各國以區域特質分為三組,分別為亞洲國家、拉丁美洲國家和歐洲國家,探究在不同區域的新興國家當中,貪污與經濟成長的關係是否存有異質性。
This paper intends to investigate the role of corruption in economic growth in 23 emerging market economies (EMEs). While the world’s viewpoint on corruption points out that it brings cruel cost and consequence to economic development of a country, EMEs also demonstrate the combination of rapid growth and serious corruption. Hence, this study examines the impact of corruption on economic growth in EMEs. The corruption perceptions index (CPI) of the Transparency International and other economic and political variables, which include the growth rate of gross fixed capital formation, the growth rate of employment, the enrollment ratio of tertiary education, and the index of political instability, are employed to determine the economic growth.
Subject to the time series of data available, this paper adopts the panel data of 23 countries from 1996 to 2004 to a fixed effect model. Furthermore, due to the differences in the emerging background and the structures of growth among countries, three regional models (Asia, Latin America, and Europe) are established in addition to the model of the whole 23 EMEs. This thesis tries to probe into the fact of whether there are diverse relationships to economic growth and corruption in different regions.
The empirical results suggest that corruption is positively associated with economic growth in EMEs. However, there are differences among regions. Among them, the influence of corruption on growth is positive but insignificant in the Asian model. However, corruption brings forth significantly positive effect on the growth of Latin American over all where the economic level is comparatively lower. On the contrary, the impact of corruption on EMEs in Europe, where the growth rates of countries are more stable and faster, is negative and significant.
The results imply that corruption may grease the political and economic system and infuse some motive power into the economic activities of EMEs during the processes of growth; nevertheless, the infusion will not be sustained. Moreover, corruption may turn to become an obstacle to the continuing growth of economy to these countries.
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機 2
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 貪污之定義與衡量 7
第二節 貪污之相關理論 12
第三節 實證文獻回顧 18
第三章 新興市場經濟之簡述 29
第一節 新興市場經濟之界定 29
第二節 新興市場經濟之現況 31
第四章 模型架構與變數說明 45
第一節 理論模型之介紹 45
第二節 理論模型之修正與變數說明 47
第三節 統計方法 52
第五章 實證分析 59
第一節 敘述統計 59
第二節 統計檢定 63
第三節 迴歸結果分析 65
第六章 結論 74
第一節 研究限制 74
第二節 結論 75
參考文獻 77
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