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研究生(外文):Shih-Wen Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of economic globalization to the development of coffee industry in Vietnam
指導教授(外文):Jenn-Jaw Soong
外文關鍵詞:coffee industyEconomic globalizationVietnamsystem theory of the world
  • 被引用被引用:10
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Since the late 20th century, globalization has gradually become an irresistible trend, flowing into Vietnam to form a process compatible with chances and challenges and it indeed bears both the unpreditable risks and unextimated interests. Though after the reform, it has definately maked steady economic growth in Vietnam, but the huge gap between the rich and the poor, and the impoverish living of peasants still remain as urgent problems. The risks of globalization not merely come from external strikes, but also derive from the inside long-standing corruption. And how Vietnam would response to the challenge of globalization must be based on deepening internal reforms for getting a way out.
Coffee is the second largest future in the world, only less than petroleum. From 1994 to 2006, the quantity of cafes in U.S.A has grown 7 times more, while the production of coffee beans in Vietnam has vibrantly increased to nearly 1 million tons, but the price of it has curiously broken the lowest record over the past 30 years. These years, coffee has driven whole world crazy because mixer taking Espresso as bottom justice type with bad smell beans to blend coffee has become main stream in present market. Due to permission of mixing low-priced beans within normal ones, coffee growers around the globe has been thrilled to produce lower-class coffee beans like Robusta in large scale, which eventually makes Vietnam become the second largest coffee bean exporter in the world. This text will probe that under the influence of economic globalization, the vigorous growth of coffee industry in Vietnam has destroyed the equilibrium of global coffee market, making the price of global coffee bean fall drastically instead of rising, and under such pressure, peasants must to plant more coffee, inducing overproduction, then crushes the price to collapse, which molds the endless vicious circle.
Whether economic globalization is for promoting the free trade globally, or it is just a dirty tool to satisfy the greedy for benefits of developed countries for forming another colonized economy? This text will present the rising of Vietnam coffee industry, probing into the main factors of price dropping in recent years, based on globalization theory and the world system theory, to prove the interactive relationships among the developed countries, Vietnamese government, Vietnamese coffee industry and its production, marketing, market, policy, etc., in the economic globalization. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the Vietnamese coffee industry, to propose feasible suggestions, it will lead the Vietnamese coffee industry to stand firmly in the swift tide of globalization, and further turn crisis into chances, improving the living of peasants, finally, promoting the economy development of poor Vietnam.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 相關理論與文獻之探討 6
第一節 經濟全球化相關探討 6
第二節 世界體系理論與咖啡產業發展 12
第三節 國家職能的介紹 19
第四節 其他相關理論 23
第三章 研究方法與理論架構 27
第一節 研究架構 27
第二節 研究假設 37
第三節 研究方法 38
第四節 章節安排 39
第五節 資料來源 40
第六節 研究限制 41
第四章 咖啡的全球貿易市場關係 42
第一節 全球化下的原材料商品 42
第二節 全球化下咖啡市場的供需與生產 44
第三節 咖啡貿易流程與網路 48
第四節 咖啡價格下跌原因及解決之道 53
第五章 全球化下之越南咖啡產業 56
第一節 越南政治經濟發展現況 56
第二節 越南咖啡產業之崛起 60
第三節 越南咖啡產業結構 67
第四節 越南咖啡產業之發展 73
第六章 越南咖啡產業發展困境與策略 78
第一節 越南咖啡產業所面臨的挑戰 78
第二節 越南咖啡產業的政策方針 82
第七章 結論 94
第一節 研究結論 94
第二節 越南咖啡產業未來展望 96
第三節 後續研究與發展 97
參考文獻 98
附錄 106
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