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研究生(外文):Chia-chiao Chung
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Fuzzy Controller for aRemote-Control Helicopter Using FPGA Chip With Accelerometers and Gyroscopes
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Tung Yang
外文關鍵詞:Fuzzy ControlANFISFPGAhelicopter
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This research is to develop an autopilot of remote-control helicopter which has an expert’s remote-control experience. Using accelerometer and digit gyroscope as the sensors of the attitude and angular speed of the remote-control helicopter, we down load the expert’s remote-control commands and the associated signals of the sensors to the ground computer by using RF module. We regard the errors of the attitude angle and the angular rate as the inputs of system, and treat the corresponding expert’s remote-control commands as the output of the system. The control system of this research is based on fuzzy logic control, and we apply adaptive network fuzzy inference system(ANFIS) to set up the fuzzy rules. A large number of input and output data are collected to make mathematical calculations and then to set up the fuzzy knowledge base according to the expert's remote-control experience. Using field programmable gate array(FPGA) chip, we implement the controller and the I/O interfaces, which include ADC control interface, digit filter interface, PWM signal generation interface and manual/auto switching interface, etc. We hope that the remote-control helicopter demonstrates good stability after installing the designed fuzzy control system.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究背景 2
1-3 設計概念 4
1-4 各章概述 6
第二章 直昇機姿態穩定控制設計 8
2-1 遙控直升機操縱機構簡介 8
2-2 模糊邏輯控制概述 9
2-2-1 模糊化策略 10
2-2-2 知識庫 11
2-2-3 決策邏輯策略 12
2-2-4 解模糊化策略 12
2-3 調適性網路模糊推論系統概述 13
2-3-1 ANFIS之架構 13
2-3-2 複合型演算法概述 16
2-3-3 誤差倒傳遞法概述 18
2-4 感測器之姿態感測設計 20
第三章 系統硬體架構 21
3-1 遙控直昇機與伺服系統 22
3-2 感測元件 22
3-2-1 三軸加速度計 23
3-2-2 數位陀螺儀 24
3-3 A/D轉換器 25
3-4 系統控制器FPGA晶片與VHDL簡介 26
3-5 數位濾波器設計 30
3-6 RF無線傳輸模組 31
3-7 周邊介面電路 32
第四章 FPGA晶片程式設計 35
4-1 ANFIS推論建立 35
4-2 模糊邏輯控制器實現 42
4-2-1 正規化介面 42
4-2-2 模糊化介面 43
4-2-3 規則庫與模糊輸出介面 45
4-2-4 整合模糊邏輯控制器電路 45
4-3 PWM 訊號產生與計數介面 46
4-3-1 PWM訊號產生介面 46
4-3-2 PWM計數介面 47
4-4 ADC0804控制介面 48
4-5 RF無線傳輸電路實現 50
4-5-1資料收/傳介面(地面端) 50
4-5-2無線傳輸VHDL程式(FPGA端) 51
4-6 數位濾波器介面 55
4-7 手自動切換電路 57
第五章 系統整合與測試 58
5-1 震動安全測試 58
5-2 地面整合測試 59
5-2-1 俯仰軸測試 60
5-2-2 滾轉軸測試 62
5-2-3 加入震動之整合測試 63
5-3 飛行測試及資料下傳 66
第六章 結論 69
6-1 結果討論 69
6-2 未來展望 70
參考文獻 73
附錄一 76
附錄二 83
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